爱软吧苹果网 > 苹果软件 > 金融理财 > 历代兵法大全[10本简繁]14.5


大小:16.6M语言:中文 类别:金融理财系统:ios





版本 14.5 中的新功能

Fix some bugs.


Safe Gmail

Safe Gmail


This is the best solution for your Gmail privacy, the easiest, full-featured email app with Touch ID protection that you will love and use everyday.USER REVIEWS:Some reviews from our users for the Full version:***** "Has ALWAYS worked great for me!!! Love the app!" (from a US user)***** "I think that this program is far superior than any of it's competitors. It make using Gmail fun!" (from a US user)***** "I was very excited to find Safe Gmail! I have a Gmail acct and two Google Apps mail accounts which could be difficult to manage, but this app has made my e-mail life a dream!" (from a US user)***** "An excellent app that provides just what I am looking for. User friendly and with a logically laid out interface; plus gives a layer of password protection to my emails to ensure privacy should I let others play with my iPod touch." (from a UK user)IF YOUR ANSWERS OF ANY QUESTIONS BELOW IS YES, THEN THIS APP IS THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOU:- Multiple users (your friends, colleges, wife, husband, kids, parents, etc.) are using or can access your iPhone/iPod/iPad ?- You have 1 or several Gmail accounts?- You have 1 or several Google Apps accounts?- You want to view your Gmail quickly at anytime?- You want to switch between your email accounts quickly?- You want nobody could see your email even they access/use your iPhone/iPod/iPad ?- You want to quickly and securely read email with Touch ID fingerprint?- You don't want to enter your Gmail username/password each time you want to check Gmail web, but still want your email safe?- You understand that if you config default Mail, anyone that access or use your phone can easily see your email. Then because of safety, you must use the web mail.If your anwser is YES, we believe you will LOVE this app and USE it daily.FEATURES:====================● [NEW] Fully optimized for iOS 9● Support Touch ID● Support login with Google 2-steps verification● Support bigger screens of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus● Support attachment when sending email● Universal app, support iPhone/iPod and iPad● Manage up to 5 Gmail or Google Apps accounts securely and easily● Support auto login with any of your configured accounts● Support one-click switching between configured accounts● You don't have to enter password every time you need to check your email (just need to enter 4 digit passcode or use Touch ID)● Support Passcode to protect your accounts and the usage of this appNOTE:====================● This app is formerly known as "Safe Gmail"● This app is developed by MMobileDev and our app is not affiliated with, or endorsed by Google in any way.● For more information about us, please visit www.MMobileDev.com版本 6.0 中的新功能- Support iOS 9- Fix bug to support login with 2-steps verification- Fix bug some users cannot login- Fix some minor bugs

Level-2 股市宝典

Level-2 股市宝典


选好个股抓住赚钱机会,股市宝典将给您最强的技术分析。Level2股市宝典 ,重要功能是股票数据分析和选股。拥有好的股票软件才会抓住更多的盈利机会。本软件只需要购买一次,不需要每月续费,ipad,iphone都同时可以用。Level2股市宝典 ,支持查询股票交易龙虎榜,基金机构交易数据,个股买卖指示(B表示买入,S表示卖出),个股DDX大单动向,个股DDY涨跌动因,个股DDZ大单差分,个股VZL(主力资金持仓分析),个股SVSH(散户线模型),个股SVFL(持仓分类统计),个股SVZJ(资金流向决策分析)等。 同时拥有如下重要综合数据查询功能:板块资金1日流入; 板块资金1日流出; 板块资金1日流入占比; 板块资金1日流出占比; 个股资金1日流入排名; 个股资金1日流出排名; 个股资金1日流入占比; 个股资金1日流出占比; 个股超户1日增仓排名; 个股超户1日减仓排名; 个股超户5日增仓排名; 个股超户5日减仓排名; 个股大户1日增仓排名; 个股大户1日减仓排名; 个股大户5日增仓排名; 个股大户5日减仓排名; 个股散户1日增仓排名; 个股散户1日减仓排名; 个股散户5日增仓排名; 个股散户5日减仓排名; 沪市1日DDX增序; 沪市60日DDX增序; 沪市10日DDX飘红天数; 沪市DDX连续飘红天数; 沪市当日特大单买入排名; 沪市当日大单买入排名; 沪市SUPL主力资金增序; 深市1日DDX增序; 深市10日DDX飘红天数; 深市DDX连续飘红天数; 深市当日特大单买入排名; 深市SUPL主力资金增序; 帮您分析股票,快速找出股市黑马!建议股民可以从以下几个方面进行选股: (1)买入量较小,卖出量特大,股价不下跌的股票。(2)买入量、卖出量均小,股价轻微上涨的股票。(3)放量突破趋势线(均线)的股票。 (4)头天放巨量上涨,次日仍然放量强势上涨的股票。 (5)大盘横盘时微涨,以及大盘下跌或回调时加强涨势的股票。 (6)遇个股利空,放量不下跌的股票。 (7)有规律且长时间小幅上涨的股票。 (8)无量大幅急跌股票(指在技术调整范围内)。(9)送红股除权后又涨的股票。 推荐技术选股方法:1.选股:通过综合数据中选股,综合数据提供了每日收盘后股市中最重要的一些数据,如通过DDX选股(DDX值越大越好),个股资金流入选股,个股分类持仓选股,沪深个股最大买单选股等等,再具体分析个股。2.分析个股:分析个股的主要指标有:个股DDX大单动向,个股DDY涨跌动因,个股DDZ大单差分,个股VZL(主力资金持仓分析),个股SVSH(散户线模型),个股SVFL(持仓分类统计),个股SVZJ(资金流向决策分析)等。---------------------------------------我们的联系邮箱是:huaweniphone@gmail.com如有问题和建议请与我们联系。**** 重要:评价中有很多竞争对手的恶意攻击,还请大家仔细鉴别考虑。版本 9.3 中的新功能完善小细节




汇率通 (ExchangeIt) 是 iPod Touch / iPhone / iPad 上一个非常实用的货币转换程序。它提供超过 150 种不同货币的实时汇率和汇兑计算功能。同时提供超过 140 种度量衡单位转换,让你在世界各国轻松旅游购物,并且内建计算器和小费计算器,当你购物和消费需临时计算时不用再切换到系统提供的计算器使购物和消费的计算操作更方便快捷!汇率通 (ExchangeIt) 非常适合出国,出差,旅游或海外购物时使用。注意:更新汇率需要 Internet 的连接。汇率通 (ExchangeIt) 需要 iPhone OS 2.2/3.0 系统汇率通 (ExchangeIt) 提供以下语言:English,简体中文,繁体中文。************************************************匯率通(ExchangeIt) 是iPod Touch / iPhone / iPad 上一個非常實用的貨幣轉換程序。它提供超過150 種不同貨幣的實時匯率和匯兌計算功能。同時提供超過140 種度量衡單位轉換,讓你在世界各國輕鬆旅遊購物,並且內建計算器和小費計算器,當你購物和消費需臨時計算時不用再切換到系統提供的計算器使購物和消費的計算操作更方便快捷!匯率通(ExchangeIt) 非常適合出國,出差,旅遊或海外購物時使用。注意:更新匯率需要 Internet 的連接。匯率通(ExchangeIt) 需要iPhone OS 2.2/3.0 系統匯率通 (ExchangeIt) 提供以下語言:English,簡體中文,繁體中文。Zhang Kunpeng 网站汇率通 支持版本 2.1.2 中的新功能修复数字输入键盘在 iOS8.3 以后系统布局错误。
