爱软吧苹果网 > 苹果游戏 > 骰子游戏 > 黄金西洋双陆棋高级版4.1.5


大小:99M语言:中文 类别:骰子游戏系统:ios




【概括介绍】黄金西洋双陆棋 - 适合初学和专业玩家。您可以通过电脑或者联机同他人对弈,也包括聊天!流行的“BGBlitz"软件和100%公平地掷骰子。*** 全新 ***以Elo为基础安排比赛 | 黑名单 | 随机的对手可以拒绝黄金西洋双陆棋 - 拥有许多令人兴奋和可扩展的特性,例如锦标赛、帮助功能、难度分级和游戏变化,将带您走进全世界最为古老和广为人知的棋盘游戏世界。 在线和朋友们边比赛边聊天。由于运用random.org绝对随机地掷骰子,保证没有被操纵的骰子(要求在线连接)。通过你的社交网络账户登录(Facebook, Twitter)或者使用我们mobivention游戏服务。创造一个好友列表然后发送并收到游戏邀请。- 1和2位玩家+在线- 1和2个对手 + 联机- Elo- 联机搜索和你的技术相似的对手(以elo为基础的安排比赛)- 单次游戏 & 锦标赛- 通过BGBlitz教程来学习“最佳移步"- BGBlitz的西洋双陆棋程序荣获国际奖励- 通过BGBlitz教程来学习“最佳移步"- BGBlitz的西洋双陆棋程序荣获国际奖励- BGBlitz - 国际获奖的西洋双陆棋软件是来自BGBlitz的创建者(难度水平 IIII)- 3种难度水平- 自动移步引导快速比赛- 使加倍无效- 保存游戏- 确定移步功能- 重做功能现在就为您的智能手机或iPad获取黄金西洋双陆棋,并告诉您的对手们如何操作!我们的游戏说:*****”富有挑战力的KI融入完美设计中“*****”最好的西洋双陆棋!“*****“广为人知并带来欢乐的游戏。”***** “我非常高兴能经常和女友一起玩这个游戏,真是太好了!”如果您喜欢我们的西洋双陆棋,我们期待您在应用商店对它评分。咨询或更多访问,请访问我们在Facebook上的主页:www.facebook.com/mobivention我们想让您没有任何阻碍地享受您的比赛,无论是联机或是离线状态。所以我们努力工作并且做出了以下改进。联机游戏* 在和您的朋友们对抗时关闭了时间限制* 可以和朋友们在比赛外聊天 * 为即将上市的联机游戏增加了一个小工具* 您可以关闭游戏中的聊天* 更轻松地邀请您的朋友们离线游戏* 检测导师和专业电脑对手 你喜欢我们的新功能吗? 让我们知道:support@mobivention.comfacebook.com/mobiventiontwitter.com/mobivention【更新日志】Again it is possible to register a new account without having problemsLet us know what you think! Send your feedback to:support@mobivention.comwww.facebook.com/mobiventionwww.twitter.com/mobivention


国际飞行棋 ++

国际飞行棋 ++


飞行棋老少皆宜, 是打发时间不可或缺的一项游戏!*新版本完美支持iPhone 5以及iPod Touch(5th generation)屏幕*飞行棋是一项传统的棋类游戏, 风靡于许多国家。玩法简单又有趣, 除了碰运气之外, 也需要作战略思考。现在你可以在iPhone/iPod Touch上随时随地玩啦!游戏规则:飞行棋,或称西洋飞行棋,英文多称为ludo, parchis,pachisi或parcheesi,玩法如下。 两至四人,轮流掷骰子。掷到 6 时才可以将你的棋子“起飞”。当你的棋子叠上别人的棋子时, 便可以“吃掉”它将它返回它的机场, 等待重新起飞。最快令所有棋子到达目的地的的玩家便是第一名, 如此类推。 游戏特色:1. 可保存游戏进度。游戏中退出或接听电话将会自动保存。2. 除了与机器对战之外也可以和朋友在同一台设备上下棋,可同时和3位机器人对战,或同时2-4位玩家进行对战。3. 优质的用户界面和给力的音效。 如此休闲有趣的飞行棋,怎能错过? *********************************************** 亲爱的玩家,要知道,您的评价对我们来说非常宝贵,这将鞭策我们不断提高游戏质量,以给您带来更好的用户体验。Fatbird还给给您带来了多款棋类游戏: 国际象棋,非洲棋,井字棋,英式跳棋,五子棋,点格棋,黑白棋,四子棋,双陆棋【更新日志】Bug fixes and iOS9 compatible.

Bouncing Bubbles

Bouncing Bubbles


【基本介绍】Rethink the bubble shooter genre and blast your way to victory with Bouncing Bubbles! Download this endlessly entertaining arcade shooter, start shooting away at rows of bubbles, and discover exactly how addicting bouncing bubbles level in and level out can be!Read what other players said:- "Wow it's like drug! Addicted..."- "Addictive - I play way too long because I must win!"- "Addictive - Totally addictive and lots of fun. Relaxing."- "Great bubble shooter game - This is the best app of bubble shooter I have played"- "Great game!!! - Very fine work in color combination in this game."Over 1000 5-star ratings !!!??? Inside TOP20 in the US!!! ???APP FEATURES? Addictive and easy gameplay? Super realistic bubble motion simulation? Different game modes including level based mode with an ever growing number of new levels? Compare your scores online through GameCenter? Premier looking graphics including Super-Retina support? Support for multiple skins? Brag about your scores on WhatsApp / Twitter / FacebookBouncing Bubbles challenges you to decimate a block of bubbles by shooting bubbles at it. Just like other games such as bejeweled, bubbles disappear by creating same colored bubble lines that have three or more bubbles attached to one another. The goal is to use as little shots as possible as quickly as possible in order to get the highest score possible.This game different modes of play and dynamically changing backgrounds. Bouncing Bubbles also includes realistic bubble motion simulation, a powerful physics engine to ensure that gameplay stays kinetic and flows naturally, and offers users a number of added features to keep them motivated and interested in playing time and time again. The game is integrated with WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter, so you always have a place to share scores and compete for ultimate bragging rights. Meanwhile, GameCenter support ensures that competitive gamers always have a place where they can compete for highscores against a global gaming community as well. Don’t bounce around the App Store trying to find the perfect mobile game, get Bouncing Bubbles and you’re home free!App video review by Daily App Show: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=9xr9kC2fMnY&feature=youtu.beBouncing Bubbles LITE is developed by JRSOFTWORX【更新日志】We added some improvements to the user interface.Enjoy the game.
