
大小:250.6M语言:英文 类别:文字游戏系统:ios




【基本介绍】Join over 70 million players and try Ruzzle - the fastest word game on the planet!- Top 10 word game in 145 countries- Over 70 million players - So addictive, it has been played for a total of 100,000 years- Now with Team Play!Ruzzle is a fast-paced and addictively fun word game. Challenge your friends or random players to find as many words as possible in two minutes. Swipe over the scrambled letters to form the words and use bonus tiles to collect more points than your opponent. The game is played in three rounds, each played whenever suits you. Have two minutes to spare Challenge yourself and your friends in Ruzzle! Ruzzle can be played in 14 languages.--Ruzzle has been lovingly created by MAG Interactive, where we take fun seriously.Join a global audience of more than 100 million players and check out some of our other chart-topping hit games like WordBrain, Wordalot, or Ruzzle Adventure!We really value your feedback, go to RuzzleGame on Facebook and say what's on your mind!More about MAG Interactive at our homepage.Good Times!【更新日志】The North Pole has gone crazy...Ruzzle Crazy!Defeat Santa and his magical creatures in our Ruzzle Christmas Event from Dec 2nd to Jan 6th. If you succeed, you'll save Christmas and walk away with unique rewards!Happy Holidays from Ruzzle!





重要说明:有少数玩家反馈不知道怎么输入中文,游戏设计是只需要输入正确答案中文拼音首字母即可全球数千个五星好评,获得玩家高度的赞誉玩腻了僵尸打腻了小鸟切腻了西瓜割腻了绳子开腻了飞车来玩玩这一款小清新寓教于乐的填字游戏吧!新手礼包&新年礼包等您来拿喜欢填字的朋友不要错过机会哦祝大家新年快乐《爱填字》让您感受完美的中文填字Style《爱填字》在寒冷的冬季给您输送知识的正能量 《爱填字》开启中文填字游戏体验的新纪元 《爱填字》界面精致优雅,游戏体验丰富 《爱填字》为您奉上一份填字游戏的饕餮盛宴 《爱填字》爱就马上填字 《爱填字》让您爱上填字无论您是在候机,等车,等人;亦或是闲暇的时候,都可以在消磨时间的同时不断增长自己的知识! 您也可以和您的女朋友(男朋友)或者您的孩子坐在车里,躺在床上一起合作不断过关! 从今天起,尘封在您大脑底部的知识将不断被挖掘,新的知识将不断被补充! 如果您完成一关所有词条的60%,将会获得一枚铜牌,并且自动解锁下一关; 完成80%将会获得一枚银牌,并获得金币奖励; 如果完成100%通关,您将获得一次抽奖机会! 上百个全新原创的填字关卡等你来挑战! 还有新手礼包和2013跨年礼包等您来拿!心动不如行动,赶快下载吧!如果您觉得游戏好玩,请不要独享哦!记得告诉身边的好朋友,让他们一起来填字吧! 《爱填字》将会不断扩充新的题库,并陆续加入多种游戏模式,敬请关注和支持!谢谢! 【更新日志】1.新增25个全新原创关卡,总数达到125关2.修正少数文字错误祝大家游戏愉快!




《李小白》是中华书局有限公司专为华人设计的一款中文游戏。 游戏里都是中文?对!通篇都是中文!让你轻松玩转! 家长和老师不让玩?no,no,no!这款游戏不仅能让他们心服口服地让你玩,你还能挑战他们,他们也不一定赢你哦! 游戏以中国地图为大背景,掷骰子行走。以中国最经典、最脍炙人口的诗词佳句、经典典故为主要内容,玩家以答题形式不断闯关,不用输入文字,点点ABCD即可得分。为避免枯燥,我们还加入了蹴鞠、投壶和华容道三个小游戏。 游戏开始,大家可以给主人翁起任何名字,通关后,这个名字连同积分会被记录下来,根据连胜的数量给予相应的称号,根据总积分给予相应的勋章。如果你的总积分足够高,冲入所有玩家的前50名,你的大名就会出现在联网的排行榜上! 游戏中遇到难题,大家可以向白胡子笔仙求助,求助机会有限,得省着用,不过,你可以通过自己的努力获得奖励求助的机会,怎么获得?暂时保密,需要你在游戏中仔细观察喽! 想知道自己能获得什么称号吗?想知道自己有多大的成就吗?想脱颖而出吗?那就快伸出你的手指体验吧!【更新日志】新添功能:1. 当前玩家通关后,显示前后各一名的数据。2. 游戏在进行中,随时可以返回主菜单。3. 向游戏主创反馈意见和建议。修复:1. 修改游戏中个别文字错误。2. 修复积分排行功能并解决部分数据显示不全的问题。




运动达人运动达人游戏为玩家提供了一个方法,用以测试大家对不同运动的熟悉程度.每个人都喜欢运动!但你熟悉多少运动类型呢?挑战一下吧!近200个运动本游戏收集了近200个运动图标/场所/器械,供您辨认。向导我们强烈建议你去先使用向导功能。我们准备了详细的指南,告诉你如何使用这个游戏中的所有道具和功能. 游戏方法使用键盘输入字符,然后用quot;Checkquot;检查你的答案。您只需要输入字母和空格(标点符号不用输入),字母不需要区分大小写。可以切换中文键盘哦, 您可以用中文, 英文或者拼音输入答案每个运动类型可能有一个以上的正确答案。 例如“艺术体操”或“韵律体操”等。根据你的答案的长度,得分会做出相应调整。星星和分数在得到正确答案之后, 将会得到星星和分数.所用的时间,提示,错误的答案次数和炸弹使用个数将影响星星和分数的数量。一个运动类型的得分,从1000到10000不等。一个运动类型的可以得到的星星数是1至5。提示和炸弹一个运动类型最多可以使用3个提示。每个提示都将给出这个运动的一些有用的信息。炸弹可以用来消除不需要使用的按键。你可以持续使用炸弹,你可以显示正确答案的字母序列。键盘上的按键会依次闪烁来显示你需要的答案。试着记住它!每一次你点击炸弹,键盘闪烁的间隔时间会更长,更容易记住答案。你可以把提示换成炸弹。或在游戏里购买更多的提示。向朋友寻求帮助你可以通过Twitter的,Facebook,新浪微博,或其他SNS服务来向朋友寻求帮助。他们会帮你找出正确的答案!关卡游戏中有不同的关卡,其中包含不同的运动类型。在每一关完成12个运动类型之后,将解锁一个新的关卡。成就和记分牌我们为您准备了多达100个成就。争取得到所有的成就!并找到隐藏的成就!我们提供了星星和分数的两个记分牌!获取更多的比分!并向你的朋友炫耀吧!!【更新日志】支持最新的 iOS 系统和设备

Hooked on Words

Hooked on Words


Featuring all new gameplay Hooked on Words has finally gone multiplayer!! Now you can challenge friends and family in this addicting word game as you see who can form the longest words, earn the most bonus tiles and score the most points. Easy to play but hard to master you’ll have endless hours of fun in any of the game’s 5 modes that offer a little something for everyone whether you want to compete with friends or have a relaxing time by yourself. Download today and get hooked on word games once more!Key Features "All new multiplayer mode with Facebook support "4 Unique single player modes "Universal App "Single player iCloud saving to play on all your devices "Track single player stats across games "Game Center leaderboards and achievementsNew Multiplayer Mode: Players will get 2 minutes to find as many words as possible and also earn bonus tiles that will increase their scores. Put your money where your mouth is with the all new Token system. Earning tokens is fun and easy, just win against your friends to earn more! Also, check out the all new Word Shop for different ways to get more tokens!Standard Mode: Play at your own pace as you strategize to create bigger words and earn bonus tiles.Timed Mode: Players get 2 minutes and an endless supply of letter tiles to form as many words as possible.Collapse Mode: Try and clear the board of letters before new ones fall into place. Form bigger words that will give you bonuses to clear more letters.Scramble Mode: A static 6 x 7 board where letters don’t change and players have 2 minutes to find as many words as possible.Please note: New multiplayer mode will not run on iPad 1st Generation【更新日志】- Fixes for Facebook multiplayer integration
