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Golf Score Management12.3.1

大小:151.5M语言:中文 类别:体育软件系统:ios

Golf Score Management应用截图和下载



【基本介绍】“ALL-IN-ONE” APP FOR GOLFERS - GOLF NETWORK PLUS (GN+) is here!!!STILL KEEPING YOUR GOLF SCORE ON PAPERDROP YOUR PENCIL AND DOWNLOAD THE #1 APP FOR GOLF NOW!GOLF NETWORK PLUS (GN+) IS THE #1 APP FOR GOLF.NOT ONLY DOES GN+ PROVIDE (1) EASY-TO-SEE SCORECARD, (2) DETAILED STATS, (3) FREE STORAGE ON CLOUD, (4) ACCESS FROM MULTIPLE DEVICES, (5) GOLF-RELATED INFORMATION WORLDWIDE, BUT ALSO GN+ OFFERS LIVE STREAMING AND VIDEO-ON-DEMAND (VOD) SERVICE OF THE ONLY GOLF-DEDICATED TV CHANNEL IN JAPAN, “GOLF NETWORK”.NOTE:Various campaigns in this application are done independently by JUPITER GOLFNETWORK CO.,LTD. Apple Inc. is not related at all.---GN+ satisfies all golfers with 3 key features.1. Keep your score on 38,000+ courses worldwide!- Arranging your own golf event with live leaderboard- Uploading your data AUTOMATICALLY on GN+ cloud server- Choosing handicap option- Selecting yard or meter- Supporting stableford point system- Viewing overall courses- Navigating golf clubs (not course navigator)2. Watch “GOLF NETWORK” via live streaming and Video-On-Demand- Approximately 900 programs per month via live streaming (only for subscription users)- Approximately new 400 videos per month via Video-On-Demand (some are only for subscription users)3. Provide golf-related information from many publications- Publications include GOLF DIGEST ONLINE, ALBA PARTNERS and THE HOCHI SHINBUN. (all are Japan-based.)Enjoy golf much much more with GN+ PREMIUM (subscription plan):1. GN+ SCORE subscription planIt provide you more features:- Score input service (200 times per month, Supports Worldwide 38,000+ Courses)- Analyzing system capable of performing detailed analysis.ex. Stats by Course2. GN+ TV subscription planIt provide you a live streaming services:- Approximately 900 programs via live streaming of the only golf-dedicated TV Channel, “Golf Network”- Approximately 400 videos per month on Video-On-DemandSubscription options:1. GN+ SCORE subscription plan monthly for $4.492. GN+ TV subscription plan monthly for $8.992. GN+ TV subscription plan annual for $89.99Price may vary by location. Subscriptions will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account.Your subscription will automatically renew unless cancelled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.You will not be able to cancel the subscription once activated. Manage your subscriptions in Account Settings after purchase.Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable.Terms of usehttps://score.golfnetwork.co.jp/termPrivacy Policyhttps://www.golfnetwork.plus/privacy.htmlEnjoy Your Golf!【更新日志】Thanks for using GOLF NETWORK PLUS! We update the app around every month so it continues to work great for you. We're also working on fun new features, and we're excited for you to try them out soon.NOTE: Various campaigns in this application are done independently by JUPITER GOLFNETWORK CO.,LTD. Apple Inc. is not related at all.





If you are a Nitrox certified diver*, you will love this app: It contains all you need to know about Oxygen partial pressure, oxygen toxicity percents, Equivalent Air Depth, and even the best gas mix for a given dive depth, in one super efficient display! Using metric or imperial (meters or feet), you can enter your expected or just executed dive depth, the percent O2 in your mix, your O2 partial pressure maximum, and your bottom time to find: -Your maximum safe depth, and contingency depths,-Your Equivalent Air Depth,-Your O2 partial pressure at max depth,-Your O2 toxicity percentage from a logged dive, and-Your best EANx mix (oxygen percentage) for a given depth and O2pp max!If you are diving Nitrox on tables, this app will save you time, allow you to use the "standard" air tables, and give you far more accuracy than using conversion tables.If you are using a Nitrox compatible DIVE COMPUTER, this app will make a great companion. In conjunction with your computer, you can:-Determine the best air mix for a projected depth and max O2pp (up to 2.0),-Allow you to determine your exact max depth for a fractional O2 mix (for example if you have a 32.4% mix, you would normally have to set your dive computer to 33%, which reduces your max depth),-Determine O2pp maximums up to 2.0 (many dive computers are set to 1.4 max).Everything in this app has been carefully tested against hand done calculations, and against DSAT tables to ensure the most accuracy in the results. In addition, the interface is highly streamlined so that you can see all the information you need at a single glance, and get on with the fun of diving!*SCUBA diving is a sport with many inherent risks. Diving with enhanced O2 air tanks increases some of those risks. This app is ONLY FOR THOSE TRAINED AND CERTIFIED TO USE EANx NITROX. No one without proper certification should use this app: without proper training in the use of Nitrox gas mixes, YOU COULD DIE!! In addition, while every effort here has been made to be accurate in calculations and results, treat what you see as guidelines: differing circumstances, and differing physical conditioning can lead to radically different reactions to diving. Please dive responsibly, and if possible always use at least two methods (this app, plus dive tables or a dive computer) to counter check your results.**The makers of this product assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of this product.**




【基本介绍】【Keep 荣获 App Store 2015年度精选】【App Store 官方推荐的移动健身工具】「Keep」— 你的移动健身教练,随时随地练就完美身材。健身中经常遇到的问题:- 工作太忙没有时间去健身房,家里又没有器械- 健身房没有私教指导,不知道如何安全正确地开始健身- 网上攻略太多,不知道哪个靠谱,练了之后没有效果「Keep」解决的方式:- 根据用户场景、健身目的、有无器械编排各种训练计划,2分钟也可以完成一次健身训练- 所有动作均配有视频,标准的动作演示和精确的语言描述带你快速入门- 权威健身专家把控内容,为每个人制定科学的健身计划「Keep」核心特点:- 量体裁衣,多种健身训练供你选择训练计划针对不同人群、各种器械和阶段健身目标组合编排,适用最广泛的健身场景。- 真人同步训练,记录训练记录全程语音督导,自动同步进度,真正良好的体验是你永远不需要背动作、记组数。- 精准跑步记录,让你的跑步更加系统精准跑步路线记录,跑前热身与跑后拉伸,Keep提供更加完善和专业的跑步指导。- 分享健身成果,一起进步 拍照记录每一天的变化,分享好友相互勉励,在Keep,健身不再是孤独的坚持。热门课程:- 邹市明拳击燃脂- 五维腹肌训练计划- 腹肌撕裂者- 人鱼线雕刻- 瘦腿训练- Tabata 4分钟燃脂- 瑜伽 · 柔韧- 办公室肩颈放松- 俯卧撑入门- 泡沫轴全身按摩Keep 会员连续包月说明- 订阅周期:1 个月- 订阅价格:每月 19 元- 付款:用户确认购买并付款后记入 iTunes 账户- 取消续订:如需取消续订,请在当前订阅到期 24 小时以前,手动在iTunes/Apple ID 设置管理中关闭自动续订功能- 续订:苹果 iTunes 账户会在到期前 24 小时内扣款,扣款成功后订阅周期顺延 1 个月- 隐私政策:http://keep.com/privacy- 用户协议:http://keep.com/tos注意事项- 由于跑步功能具有后台语音提醒,切换至后台播报时仍会保持 GPS 连接。语音播报可以帮助用户在切换至后台时会播报速度等相关参数,但是 GPS 在后台持续运行会影响电池续航时间。- 持续使用跑步 GPS 在后台可能会衰减您的电池寿命。- Keep 已接入 HealthKit,可同步训练数据到「健康」。#哪有什么天生如此,只是我们天天坚持#如需要帮助或获取更多信息,请关注和联系:微博 @Keep微信公众号「gotokeep」邮箱 hi@keep.comKeep — 自律给我自由!【更新日志】1. 智能训练计划会员可以支持请假;2. 会员可以在智能训练计划设置页里调整目标了;3. 智能训练计划拥有独立频道了;4. 身体数据新增心率记录;5. 优化了社区的关注页,可以看到更丰富的内容;6. 可以关注感兴趣的话题了;7. Apple Watch 支持游泳了。




【基本介绍】百度金熊奖、腾讯腾飞奖、36氪最佳跑步计步健走应用!有『现金红包』鼓励,过亿用户在悦动圈养成了运动习惯!挑战赛、印花赛、狂欢日...众多独创玩法,让你在悦动圈运动更有趣!悦·动首页清新上线,运动模式轻盈切换;动·一动100%现金红包,每天8个等你领;圈·子火到爆,美女秀图,做运动大V;超·酷健身计划,一起7天马甲线;牛·人快来,线上线下挑战赛,大奖不断!【2014百度金熊掌奖产品】【2014腾讯应用宝最佳新产品奖】【2015腾讯腾飞奖十大新锐应用】【36krNext2015年度跑步计步健走应用】数千万人通过悦动圈来保持运动习惯,悦动圈-让运动更容易,更有趣,用『红包』鼓励运动,用『游戏化的运动玩法』让你爱上运动。----悦动圈的独创玩法-----团队印花赛:分享汗水,分享成果,获胜需团队每人每周3日运动达标,一个人的坚持不如一群人的并肩。-PK抢红包:与好友PK运动步数,获胜即可赢得红包,你会爱上在角逐中的运动快感。-悦动狂欢日:每周一完成悦动运动任务挑战,用汗水换取礼包,100%有奖。-百校大战、千企大战:全国2000余所高校,全国1000余企业队伍,溪流汇聚的力量足以汹涌大海。-百万跑团:加入跑团,不受时间和空间的限制,各类精品活动随心参加,更可赢取现金礼包和勋章。----悦动圈的核心功能-----多种记录模式,数据精准支持健走(计步)、跑步、骑行、健身三种记录模式,海量的健身视频,手把手教你健身;计步高达95.8%准确率,远胜市场上同类app。-红包挑战赛,双重激励每日2公里,赢取现金红包;个人PK赛、团队印花赛,赢取健身礼包。游戏制的玩法让你对运动欲罢不能。-悦动健身圈,运动不再是枯燥的坚持活动圈、跑步圈、减肥瘦身圈,分享运动心得,自由组团约跑,互相勉励,figure与parter兼得。-科学助跑攻略,方法让坚持更有效跑步心经、装备测评,全面掌握最新运动资讯。智能健身房,从线上到线下,私教一对一,极速减脂。-量体裁衣,针对性高效训练精准匹配个人数据,定制独一无二的健身计划,自动生成每周健康周报。---关于悦动圈---悦动圈,集健走(计步)、跑步、健身、骑行等运动模式记录工具及互动社区于一身的手机应用。来自腾讯、迅雷、百度等的明星创业人倾情打造,国内最火爆的运动记录工具,最活跃的手机运动社区,跟国家体育总局、共青团中央、国际田联等中央团体机关保持长期深度合作关系。#何苦再逼自己,运动本不必纠结#----注意事项----支持Apple watch-GPS跑步功能可能会消耗一些电量-Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.-一直使用定位是为了记录用户足迹,展示在动态中,用户可以选择是否展示给其他用户看-悦动圈支持HealthKit,授权后可以从健康中获取运动数据并且同步运动数据到健康应用。如需要帮助或获取更多信息,请关注和联系:微博@悦动圈app 微信公众号『yuedongtianxia1』邮箱『bd@51yund.com』#悦动,因热爱而坚持#【更新日志】本次更新? 运动勋章升级,实物奖杯领回家,一起为运动喝彩!? 智能跑鞋上线,悦动圈潜心研发,更懂你的跑鞋!近期更新? 我们为你的运动成就设计了精美的实物奖杯,记录属于你的运动巅峰时刻? 首页全新改版,更多精彩更加好看? 新增圈子热点,发现最新动态? 跑步的摇一摇语音播报优化? 适配iOS 12和iPhone XR、iPhone Xs Max




All the news, videos and scores about the NHL from all the top online sources in a single app.We cover all main NHL sources, and Youtube channels and bring you a clean & effective summary to follow the news you want !Features include:* A news summary covering stories from all NHL sources ! Clean feed with no duplications. For each story - see all sources that covered it with a simple long tap !* Scoreboard featuring all games and latest NHL scores !* Push notifications for NHL breaking news stories !* Videos curated from Youtube channels.* Customized news feed - if you want to follow specific team (e.g. Chicago Blackhawks) or specific topics, like 'Finals' - no problem. Just select the topics you want to follow and hit 'My News'* Social summary around the stories - see what your friends from Facebook and the people you follow on Twitter had to say on the stories you read !* Comment on any news story from within the app! Say what you have to say and discuss it with other NHL fans!What else you require, really ?If you liked it - please share it with your friends and rate us high !Use of the Riversip Application is governed by the Riversip Terms of Use (http://www.riversip.com/terms).【更新日志】Major improvements to the user interface based on your feedback, including:1. Cleaner interface 2. Tags! Express your opinion on each article!3. More accessible and intuitive topic management - you can now follow topics right from the article! 4. Tabs for easier navigation5. New iPad layout - including the option to block sources!6. Block a commenting user - don't like a certain user? Tap the 'report' button in their comment and decide whether to report the comment or block the user.You think this update is great? If so, please don't forget to rate us highly on the store (even if you already rated us for previous versions). It will make us really happy :-)Yours, The Newsfusion team
