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标签: 财务














[i理财]是一个非常易于理解和使用,但又功能强大的财务管理软件。程序界面友好、直观、清爽,只需极少量的数据录入,就能实现收入、支出、账户、预算等全面的财务管理功能。***本软件在全球多个地区被选入财务类New & Noteworthy推荐榜***曾获:台湾区总榜第二台湾区财务类第一香港区财务类第一中国区财务类第二澳大利亚区财务类第二美国区财务类前十加拿大区财务类前十......功能和特点:收入和支出跟踪* 程序可以快速,方便的添加和跟踪你的收入和支出,能自动按日,周,月,年统计收入和支出的合计值,并计算收支平衡值。* 可以从时间/分类/账户等多种角度浏览和搜索历史记录。* 能自动记录最近添加或修改的10条记录。* 支持周期性收支和转账记录的自动创建。* 支持模板功能,最快只需两次点击就能记一笔账。多账户管理* 可以创建多个账户并设定账户的初始余额。* 账户之间可以自由的转账。* 可自由调整帐户显示顺序。* 可查看帐户的收入、支出和转账明细。自定义分类* 程序预置了多种常见的收支分类。* 可以添加你自己的分类。* 能自由的调整分类的显示顺序。* 可以为分类添加图标,程序内置了超过460个精美的图标。针对分类的月度预算* 可以按收入或支出的分类制定月度预算,跟踪预算的完成进度。* 能根据预算类型(收入/支出)和完成情况(未完成/已完成或超出),用不同的颜色显示预算执行进度。* 能查看预算相关的收支明细。动态可视化的报表* 能自动生成收支对比饼图、资产组成饼图、债务分类饼图、收入分类饼图、支出分类饼图、收入变化趋势、支出变化趋势等多种可视化报表。* 曲线图和饼图都具有动态交互能力,触摸图形能自动在表格中定位相应的记录,反之亦然。更多* 密码保护,数据备份让你的财务数据更安全。* 支持导出数据到Excel* 支持iTunes,Wifi,email等多种方式的数据备份和恢复。* 提供了每日记账提醒功能。* 充分考虑手机操作的特点,所有按键都隔开适当的距离,防止误操作。* 界面清爽、直观,程序稳定可靠。如有任何意见、建议或疑问,请联系:邮件:hcyanli@gmail.com版本 2.5 中的新功能在iOS7上支持类似计算器的数字输入键盘




 一创智富通软件(原名一创财富通)是A股上市券商第一创业证券专为股民打造的一款炒股票/投资理财/金融财经手机软件,一创智富通手机软件集智能选股、股票开户、股市行情、股票交易、在线理财为一体,一创智富通交易软件是深受股民喜爱的智能化炒股理财平台。软件亮点  全面行情:沪深、基金、港股、期货等各种行情紧跟大盘脚步。  多样交易:支持港股、基金、信用等多种交易简单可靠。  一手资讯:要闻、自选、新股等各种资讯一览无余。  新股日历:行情市场中增加新股日历,新股申购一键直达。  闪电交易:个股页面增加闪电交易,实时下单更快捷。  个性界面:软件界面调整,更有多种皮肤适应不同喜好。功能介绍  1、股票行情清晰,投资交易便捷  一创智富通提供清晰股票行情及自选股功能,包含普通、两融、基金理财等,同时智富通还提供一键打新股、国债逆回购、港股通股票交易等功能,随时随地变身股票操盘手。  2、极速股票开户,专业开户服务  一创智富通集成了手机掌上股票开户功能,第一创业证券还为投资者配备了专业的股票开户客服人员,提供贴心的7*24小时股票开户帮助。  3、智能投顾资讯,在线股票跟投  一创智富通汇集了丰富的金融财经新闻资讯,投资者可订阅热门投资主题资讯,资深投资顾问通过在线直播提供解盘、答疑及投资咨询,用户可一键股票跟投。  4、股票相似K线,数据模型选股票  一创智富通融合了智能金融科技,通过财经大数据建模股票雷达,为投资者智能选股票,让股民更容易淘金股。  5、优质理财产品,一站式投资理财  一创智富通理财专区集成基金、银行理财、债券、黄金等热销优质投资理财产品,帮助投资者实现一站式投资理财!

Level-2 股市宝典

Level-2 股市宝典


选好个股抓住赚钱机会,股市宝典将给您最强的技术分析。Level2股市宝典 ,重要功能是股票数据分析和选股。拥有好的股票软件才会抓住更多的盈利机会。本软件只需要购买一次,不需要每月续费,ipad,iphone都同时可以用。Level2股市宝典 ,支持查询股票交易龙虎榜,基金机构交易数据,个股买卖指示(B表示买入,S表示卖出),个股DDX大单动向,个股DDY涨跌动因,个股DDZ大单差分,个股VZL(主力资金持仓分析),个股SVSH(散户线模型),个股SVFL(持仓分类统计),个股SVZJ(资金流向决策分析)等。 同时拥有如下重要综合数据查询功能:板块资金1日流入; 板块资金1日流出; 板块资金1日流入占比; 板块资金1日流出占比; 个股资金1日流入排名; 个股资金1日流出排名; 个股资金1日流入占比; 个股资金1日流出占比; 个股超户1日增仓排名; 个股超户1日减仓排名; 个股超户5日增仓排名; 个股超户5日减仓排名; 个股大户1日增仓排名; 个股大户1日减仓排名; 个股大户5日增仓排名; 个股大户5日减仓排名; 个股散户1日增仓排名; 个股散户1日减仓排名; 个股散户5日增仓排名; 个股散户5日减仓排名; 沪市1日DDX增序; 沪市60日DDX增序; 沪市10日DDX飘红天数; 沪市DDX连续飘红天数; 沪市当日特大单买入排名; 沪市当日大单买入排名; 沪市SUPL主力资金增序; 深市1日DDX增序; 深市10日DDX飘红天数; 深市DDX连续飘红天数; 深市当日特大单买入排名; 深市SUPL主力资金增序; 帮您分析股票,快速找出股市黑马!建议股民可以从以下几个方面进行选股: (1)买入量较小,卖出量特大,股价不下跌的股票。(2)买入量、卖出量均小,股价轻微上涨的股票。(3)放量突破趋势线(均线)的股票。 (4)头天放巨量上涨,次日仍然放量强势上涨的股票。 (5)大盘横盘时微涨,以及大盘下跌或回调时加强涨势的股票。 (6)遇个股利空,放量不下跌的股票。 (7)有规律且长时间小幅上涨的股票。 (8)无量大幅急跌股票(指在技术调整范围内)。(9)送红股除权后又涨的股票。 推荐技术选股方法:1.选股:通过综合数据中选股,综合数据提供了每日收盘后股市中最重要的一些数据,如通过DDX选股(DDX值越大越好),个股资金流入选股,个股分类持仓选股,沪深个股最大买单选股等等,再具体分析个股。2.分析个股:分析个股的主要指标有:个股DDX大单动向,个股DDY涨跌动因,个股DDZ大单差分,个股VZL(主力资金持仓分析),个股SVSH(散户线模型),个股SVFL(持仓分类统计),个股SVZJ(资金流向决策分析)等。---------------------------------------我们的联系邮箱是:huaweniphone@gmail.com如有问题和建议请与我们联系。**** 重要:评价中有很多竞争对手的恶意攻击,还请大家仔细鉴别考虑。版本 9.3 中的新功能完善小细节

Easy Books

Easy Books


Easy Books is professional business bookkeeping, invoicing and time-tracking for iPad, iPhone and Mac.It includes comprehensive in-app help and space for 60 transactions so you can see if you like it. You can update to unlimited transactions by taking out a subscription to one of our pricing plans.Easy Books is ideal for small businesses and 'one man bands'. Keep track of all your bank accounts, customers, suppliers, sales and purchase invoices, expenses, earnings and assets (including depreciation). For bank and credit card accounts, you can reconcile your statements in the app.Entering information is easy and the app features a built-in calculator, pre-filled forms and common linked accounts based on previous entries to help save you time. You can also save time when entering similar transactions by duplicating an existing transaction and setting the date.Set recurring transactions to match your standing orders (such as monthly insurance payments). Easy Books automatically creates these transactions as they become due according to your schedule. Lock the Easy Books app using a four-digit pass-code and Touch ID / Face ID. This is useful if you want to lend your phone to someone, but you don't want them to use Easy Books. Financial ReportingA full double-entry accounting package that not only maintains the accounts, but also performs financial reports such as:* Profit and Loss (accrual or cash basis)* Balance Sheet* Cash Flow* Trial Balance* VAT return (cash, standard or flat rate)* Customers' and Suppliers' Aged Debt* Monthly breakdown and budget analysis* AuditAll reports can be exported from the app in either HTML, CSV or ZIP format. Reports can then be imported into other applications such as Excel or Numbers.Customer InvoicingInvoices and delivery notes are generated in PDF format. Send these by email direct to your customer, print them or send them to other apps such as Dropbox. Set the company logo, addresses, payment terms and so on to customise the invoice for your business. Once purchased, the DRAFT watermark is removed for every invoice you send. You can also prepare your customer statements in PDF format as well.Transactions can split over many lines if you require, so for example, if you raise a sales invoice for a customer, you can add a separate line for each item on the invoice.Value Added TaxAdd any number of sales and purchase VAT accounts, each with a specific rate. Easy Books automatically calculates the amounts for you.Foreign CurrenciesEnter amounts in a foreign currency and Easy Books will keep track of any realised and unrealised gains due to exchange rate variations over time.AttachmentsKeep everything in one place! Store images, PDFs and other files alongside transactions, estimates and statements. Use the built-in document scanner to photograph receipts.Backup and RestoreBacking up is easy, simply tap the backup option and send the data file to yourself in an email or transfer it to another app such as iCloud Drive or Dropbox. To restore it just tap the attachment to open in Easy Books.Online SyncingAll pricing plans come with access to our Online Syncing service for continuous online backup and to synchronise all changes you make with every device whether Mac or iOS.SharingYou can share access to your books with your accountant. This allows them to check your accounts for accuracy, fix mistakes, complete your tax calculation and handle your year end.版本 11.4 中的新功能? Set an end date for repeating transactions.? Added an "All Transactions" list for the Customer and Supplier screens.? Other small UI fixes compatibility with iPhone X and iOS 11.




工业资源APP将荣格工业资源网延伸至移动设备,涵盖18个行业的专业资讯,详尽展示产品、供应商信息,满足您的采购需求。√更人性化的使用者需求-使用者可以依产业新闻,杂志,研讨会活动,展示厅页面选择所需的产业信息√更便利-一个显示所有活动的日历: 会议、展会、创新奖、网络研讨会。用户可以留存活动讯息在个人的日程记录。√更适合用户的搜寻选项-用户可以透过供应商、产品和视频,搜寻各种供应商讯息√实时的最新信息-每天显示最新的内容。The industry sourcing App is the extension of the industry sourcing web platform. It meets all your needs by covering 18 industries news with product and supplier information.Industrysourcing App More personalized to user needs√More personalized to the user needs-Selection of industries for News, Magazines, Events and Showroom pages. The User can SELECT his industries and get the information he needs.√More convenient - ONE calendar with ALL the events: Conference, Tradeshow, Innovation Award and Webinar. The events can be saved by the user on his personal agenda. √Search options adapted to the user -User can search ALL KINDs OF INFORMATION about the Suppliers: by Supplier, Product or Video.√Latest News in real time - Display updated and fresh content every day榮格工業資源包含22本行业领先的工业贸易杂志,全面报道在中国、亚洲和中东地区蓬勃发展的18个工业行业最新的产品技术和制造工艺。每本杂志内容分别从本地和国际市场的角度为行业从业者提供技术,行业及市场上独特的见解。每期杂志都包含机械、工具、材料及设备供应商信息,为来自中国、亚洲和中东甚至是全球的买家与卖家搭建买卖渠道。Industry Sourcing is a library of 22 leading industry trade magazines, available in print and digital e-magazine, that report on the latest product technology and manufacturing processes across 20(18) fast growing industries in the booming China, Asia and Middle East markets. Each issue contains suppliers of machinery, tools, materials and equipment and offers services that link buyers and sellers from China, Asia, Middle East and the rest of the world. Up to 4 years of back issues are included for select titles thus providing extensive research and technical information for users. 行业覆盖: 金属加工、塑料与橡胶、食品与饮料、金属表面处理、包装、工业设备、医疗设备、个人及家居护理、涂料与油墨、工业激光、餐饮、可再生能源、汽车、传感器、非织造、医药、鞋业、航空制造与设计、电子原件、泵阀和水处理。Industries covered include: Metalworking, Plastics and Rubber, Food and Beverage, Packaging, Metal Finishing, Industrial Equipment, Medical Equipment, Personal/Household Care, Coatings & Ink, Industrial Laser, Restaurateur, Renewable Energy, Automotive, Sensors, Nonwovens, Pharmaceuticals, Footwear, Aerospace, Electronics Components, Pumps, Filtration and Water Treatment.现起在荣格图书馆中即可轻松阅读所有荣格刊物In the Industry Sourcing library you can find the following industry magazines, serving China, Asia and the Middle East中國市場:国际塑料商情Int'l Plastics News for China 国际塑料物料商情 Int'l Plastics Materials News for China增强塑料—中国版 Reinforced Plastics China国际橡胶商情 Rubber World for China国际食品加工及包装商情 China Food Manufacturing Journal国际食品饮料配料商情 Int'l Food & Beverage Ingredients News for China中国啤酒酿造工业特刊 Brewing in China餐营者 Restaurateur国际包装商情 Int'l Packaging News for China可再生能源聚焦 Renewable Energy Focus China国际汽车设计及制造 Automotive Engineering Int'l China Edition 国际汽车工程—中文版 Automotive Manufacturing & Design for China航空制造与设计 Aerospace Manufacturing & Design China工业设备商情 China Industrial Reporter 过滤与分离—中国版 Filtration + Separation China传感器 Sensors China 世界泵业—中国版 World Pumps China国际医药商情 Int'l Pharmaceutical News for China医疗设备商情 Medical Manufacturing and Design for China国际金属加工商情 Int'l Metalworking News for China国际模具制造商情 Int'l Mold & Die Making News for China工业激光解决方案—中国版 Industrial Laser Solutions China金属表面精饰—中文版 Metal Finishing China涂料与油墨—中国版 Coatings and Ink China国际个人护理品生产商情 Happi China世界鞋业 Int'l Footwear News国际非织造工业商情 Nonwovens Industry China東南亞市場:International Metalworking News for Asia Int'l Plastics News for AsiaFoodPacific Manufacturing JournalHappi AsiaMedical Products Asia中東非洲市場:Food Manufacturing Journal - Middle EastInt'l Plastics News - Middle EastInt'l Metalworking News - Middle East版本 2.3.0 中的新功能对杂志功能进行了优化.
