
大小:133M语言:中文 类别:苹果软件系统:ios




标签: 贷款

赢卡贷是“美国纽交所上市公司”、“NBA中国官方合作伙伴”小赢科技旗下,为帮助广大借款用户维护信用而生的借贷服务平台,年化利率低至9.98%、还款周期灵活等产品特点,能有效平衡还款压力。小赢卡贷帮助借款用户解决了借款难的问题,具有较大的社会效益。 下载小赢卡贷app,满足你一切所需!

产品一 【易贷现金借款】 
产品二 【信用卡借款】 
产品三 【分期商城】 





 融e通app是东北证券旗下的互联网金融平台。融e通app为用户提供证券行情交易、产品购买、互动社区、业务办理等全方位一站式理财服务,同时融e通app支持掌上开户,分分钟帮用户搞定开户问题。  东北证券已经开展全面证券及与证券相关的业务,包括证券经纪、证券承销与保荐、证券自营、证券资产管理、证券研究咨询、IB、直接投资、融资融券、中小企业私募债、约定购回式证券交易、股票质押式回购交易、代销金融产品等业务,形成了较为完整的业务体系。同时公司坚持多元化发展,积极开展对外投资业务,已设立东证融通直投子公司、东证融达另类投资子公司,控股渤海期货、东方基金,参股银华基金,建立起集证券、基金、期货、直接投资、另类投资为一体的开展综合金融服务的控股集团雏形。软件特色  【行情交易】  沪深、港股、板块市场实时行情,分时界面快买快卖,极速下单;  【个股F10】  提供重大事项提示、机构评级、盈利预测等个股信息;  【理财商城】  1元钱起投,轻松踏上投资理财之路;  【互动社区】  互动、跟投、炒股不再难;  【业务办理】  就是这么简单...无需出门、无需排队、一键操作;  【股价预警】  系统实时监测,实时捕捉赚钱机遇;

Easy Books

Easy Books


Easy Books is professional business bookkeeping, invoicing and time-tracking for iPad, iPhone and Mac.It includes comprehensive in-app help and space for 60 transactions so you can see if you like it. You can update to unlimited transactions by taking out a subscription to one of our pricing plans.Easy Books is ideal for small businesses and 'one man bands'. Keep track of all your bank accounts, customers, suppliers, sales and purchase invoices, expenses, earnings and assets (including depreciation). For bank and credit card accounts, you can reconcile your statements in the app.Entering information is easy and the app features a built-in calculator, pre-filled forms and common linked accounts based on previous entries to help save you time. You can also save time when entering similar transactions by duplicating an existing transaction and setting the date.Set recurring transactions to match your standing orders (such as monthly insurance payments). Easy Books automatically creates these transactions as they become due according to your schedule. Lock the Easy Books app using a four-digit pass-code and Touch ID / Face ID. This is useful if you want to lend your phone to someone, but you don't want them to use Easy Books. Financial ReportingA full double-entry accounting package that not only maintains the accounts, but also performs financial reports such as:* Profit and Loss (accrual or cash basis)* Balance Sheet* Cash Flow* Trial Balance* VAT return (cash, standard or flat rate)* Customers' and Suppliers' Aged Debt* Monthly breakdown and budget analysis* AuditAll reports can be exported from the app in either HTML, CSV or ZIP format. Reports can then be imported into other applications such as Excel or Numbers.Customer InvoicingInvoices and delivery notes are generated in PDF format. Send these by email direct to your customer, print them or send them to other apps such as Dropbox. Set the company logo, addresses, payment terms and so on to customise the invoice for your business. Once purchased, the DRAFT watermark is removed for every invoice you send. You can also prepare your customer statements in PDF format as well.Transactions can split over many lines if you require, so for example, if you raise a sales invoice for a customer, you can add a separate line for each item on the invoice.Value Added TaxAdd any number of sales and purchase VAT accounts, each with a specific rate. Easy Books automatically calculates the amounts for you.Foreign CurrenciesEnter amounts in a foreign currency and Easy Books will keep track of any realised and unrealised gains due to exchange rate variations over time.AttachmentsKeep everything in one place! Store images, PDFs and other files alongside transactions, estimates and statements. Use the built-in document scanner to photograph receipts.Backup and RestoreBacking up is easy, simply tap the backup option and send the data file to yourself in an email or transfer it to another app such as iCloud Drive or Dropbox. To restore it just tap the attachment to open in Easy Books.Online SyncingAll pricing plans come with access to our Online Syncing service for continuous online backup and to synchronise all changes you make with every device whether Mac or iOS.SharingYou can share access to your books with your accountant. This allows them to check your accounts for accuracy, fix mistakes, complete your tax calculation and handle your year end.版本 11.4 中的新功能? Set an end date for repeating transactions.? Added an "All Transactions" list for the Customer and Supplier screens.? Other small UI fixes compatibility with iPhone X and iOS 11.




熊猫投资app是上海高巽网络科技有限公司开发的投资软件。熊猫投资app专门针对中小投资者制定相应的投资计划,让每一位来到我们平台投资的朋友都尽量获取最大化的利益,我们争取为大家提供最好的投资服务。  熊猫投资app致力于提供既专业又好用的交易、行情、资讯、策略等服务,让中小投资者轻点屏幕即可开启财富之旅。不要在等待了,有需要的朋友赶快下载体验吧! 熊猫投资app的服务专业贴心,还有资深专家每天18小时视频直播,更有专业编辑每天14小时精选资讯!还在等什么呢,赶快行动起来吧!  熊猫投资app交易所公平公正合法 资金安全有保障。国务院部际联席会议批文,政府监督管理,还有微信第三方支付+银联安全结算,绝对的安全保障,让您放心!(1)品种多,机会多  联合交易所推出澳红酒、法白酒、日清茶等“类外汇”商品,加上热门的白银、原油,给你更多赚钱机会。  (2)8元起,轻松投  注册还送10元现金红包,无压力体验投资乐趣。   (3)规则优,赚的快  资金放大50-150倍,一天翻倍机会,涨跌两头赚,T+0不被套,支持持仓过夜。  (4)消息准,下单稳  资深分析师全天指导交易、答疑解惑,勤奋小编搜罗精选最有价值资讯,助你底气十足的下单。  (5)监管严,资金安  微信支付宝第三方支付、银联安全结算,交易所指定金牌服务商。
