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标签: 运动






【基本介绍】【Keep 荣获 App Store 2015年度精选】【App Store 官方推荐的移动健身工具】「Keep」— 你的移动健身教练,随时随地练就完美身材。健身中经常遇到的问题:- 工作太忙没有时间去健身房,家里又没有器械- 健身房没有私教指导,不知道如何安全正确地开始健身- 网上攻略太多,不知道哪个靠谱,练了之后没有效果「Keep」解决的方式:- 根据用户场景、健身目的、有无器械编排各种训练计划,2分钟也可以完成一次健身训练- 所有动作均配有视频,标准的动作演示和精确的语言描述带你快速入门- 权威健身专家把控内容,为每个人制定科学的健身计划「Keep」核心特点:- 量体裁衣,多种健身训练供你选择训练计划针对不同人群、各种器械和阶段健身目标组合编排,适用最广泛的健身场景。- 真人同步训练,记录训练记录全程语音督导,自动同步进度,真正良好的体验是你永远不需要背动作、记组数。- 精准跑步记录,让你的跑步更加系统精准跑步路线记录,跑前热身与跑后拉伸,Keep提供更加完善和专业的跑步指导。- 分享健身成果,一起进步 拍照记录每一天的变化,分享好友相互勉励,在Keep,健身不再是孤独的坚持。热门课程:- 邹市明拳击燃脂- 五维腹肌训练计划- 腹肌撕裂者- 人鱼线雕刻- 瘦腿训练- Tabata 4分钟燃脂- 瑜伽 · 柔韧- 办公室肩颈放松- 俯卧撑入门- 泡沫轴全身按摩Keep 会员连续包月说明- 订阅周期:1 个月- 订阅价格:每月 19 元- 付款:用户确认购买并付款后记入 iTunes 账户- 取消续订:如需取消续订,请在当前订阅到期 24 小时以前,手动在iTunes/Apple ID 设置管理中关闭自动续订功能- 续订:苹果 iTunes 账户会在到期前 24 小时内扣款,扣款成功后订阅周期顺延 1 个月- 隐私政策:http://keep.com/privacy- 用户协议:http://keep.com/tos注意事项- 由于跑步功能具有后台语音提醒,切换至后台播报时仍会保持 GPS 连接。语音播报可以帮助用户在切换至后台时会播报速度等相关参数,但是 GPS 在后台持续运行会影响电池续航时间。- 持续使用跑步 GPS 在后台可能会衰减您的电池寿命。- Keep 已接入 HealthKit,可同步训练数据到「健康」。#哪有什么天生如此,只是我们天天坚持#如需要帮助或获取更多信息,请关注和联系:微博 @Keep微信公众号「gotokeep」邮箱 hi@keep.comKeep — 自律给我自由!【更新日志】1. 智能训练计划会员可以支持请假;2. 会员可以在智能训练计划设置页里调整目标了;3. 智能训练计划拥有独立频道了;4. 身体数据新增心率记录;5. 优化了社区的关注页,可以看到更丰富的内容;6. 可以关注感兴趣的话题了;7. Apple Watch 支持游泳了。

ESPN SportsCenter

ESPN SportsCenter


【基本介绍】Stream live games, check the latest scores or watch the best highlights with the best brand in sports: ESPN. Pick your favorite teams and leagues to get started.Home:Highlights and scores from what you care about. Your feed will dynamically change based on what you need to know. From news about your favorite sports or favorite team playing right now, the home tab has you covered.Scores:Fast access to scores for your favorite teams and leagues. We curate the top games of the day so you can keep up on the NBA playoffs or the MLB's latest rivalries. Want more scores from a particular team or league Just add it as a favorite!Watch:Stream events on ESPN networks, including MLB, NFL, College Football, NBA, College Basketball games and more. Watch on-demand shows like Get Up! or First Take. Subscribe to ESPN+ for access to thousands of events; Binge on great documentaries such as O.J. Made in America plus get access to exclusive shows like Details, featuring Kobe Bryant's inside perspective on the NBA.Listen:Subscribe to your favorite ESPN Podcasts like the Lowe Post, or listen live to ESPN Radio. Live Streaming with ESPN+:Subscribe to ESPN+ for thousands of live events. Get games from around the sports world, both live and on-demand, along with access to ESPN's best films and new exclusive shows. Watch anywhere, on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV.Live Streaming with your TV provider:ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN3, ESPNU, SEC Network, SEC Network Plus, ESPNews ESPN Deportes, and Longhorn Network are all available to stream live in the ESPN App. Access to live video is determined by your TV provider and package and, in some instances, your Internet service provider.*Due to contractual limitations with certain content, especially play-by-play broadcasts, there are times when the schedule that's on-air won't match the schedule that's online. If you have specific schedule questions, please contact the station directly by visiting their website.ESPN+ Subscription Terms-Access ESPN+ for $4.99 monthly, or $49.99 annually. You will automatically be billed for the full amount of your subscription every 30 days if you purchase a monthly subscription, or every 365 days if you purchase an annual subscription.-Payment will be charged to your iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase, unless you are offered and are eligible for a free trial. If you receive a free trial, you will be charged when your free trial period ends. Your account will be automatically charged for renewal, at the above purchase price, within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period. If you cancel prior to such 24 hour period, you will not be charged for the following applicable subscription period.-Your subscription may be managed, and you can turn off auto-renewal, by going to your iTunes account settings after purchase.-No refunds for the current subscription period are granted. Cancellations of the current subscription take effect at the conclusion of the current subscription period.Terms of Use - https://disneytermsofuse.com/Privacy Policy - http://www.disneyprivacycenter.comESPN+ Subscriber Agreement - https://es.pn/plus-termsBefore you download this app, please consider that it includes advertising, some of which may be targeted to your interests. You may choose to control targeted advertising within mobile applications by using your mobile device settings (for example, by re-setting your device's advertising identifier and/or opting out of interest based ads).Please note: This app features Nielsen's proprietary measurement software which will allow you to contribute to market research, like Nielsen's TV Ratings. Please see www.nielsen.com/digitalprivacy for more information. You may also visit Settings in the app to opt out of Nielsen measurement.【更新日志】[+] Alerts just got better! Force touch on video alerts to play clips on your lock screen. Hit the volume buttons on your device for sound.[+] Want quicker access to ESPN+ Now you can set your default tab so it's the first thing you see when you open the app.[+] Support for Siri Shortcuts. Visit Settings -> Siri & Search to set your own custom phrases.[+] Can’t get enough of the NBA New support for G League scores, news, standings, and live streams.[+] Optimized for iPhone XR and XS Max.




【基本介绍】全面开启多运动项目支持!提供从足球、篮球、冰球,到乒乓球、羽毛球等更多大众体育项目的运营、管理和推广服务,让举办赛事,推广赛事,变得更简单。斑马邦APP核心功能和服务包括:[球队与俱乐部管理运营]1.同城约对手,短信推送,匹配合适时间和场地。2.转会市场招募球员,找出草根球员的明星,一起组队征服球场。3.一键快速创建比赛和活动。友谊赛,正式比赛,队内训练,分组对抗,聚餐,喝酒,唱K,桑拿...4.比赛和活动信息都可以免费短信,微信,QQ,微博分享通知俱乐部队友5.队友可以选择报名,请假或待定。帮助队长管理每周到场出勤人数6.赛前1小时踢球提醒,还有天气预报为你保驾护航7.赛后录入比分,进球,换人,助攻和出勤数据8.球队高清相册,比赛瞬间永远留存9.球队账本,踢球缴费,队长的随身账目。俱乐部工具支持足球、篮球、橄榄球、排球、冰球、羽毛球、跑团、徒步等多种团队运动项目。更多球队工具即将推出~~[赛事管理运营]1.支持业余联赛,杯赛,排位赛,三角赛,单/双/多循环 各种赛制2.自助化设置赛事详细规则,轻松上线3.开启赛事报名信息统计功能,在线自定义收集参赛球员个人资料(身高,体重,身份证,手机等等)4.招募球队,在线报名参与5.自助化赛程编排功能,支持自动生成6.赛事赛程同步到球队,方便球队比赛日程查看7.录入比赛结果,支持详细技战术数据(进球,助攻,抢断,乌龙,点球,换人,红黄牌… …)8.自动化计算球队赛事排名,自动化统计赛事榜单,包括射手榜,排行榜,红黄牌榜9.开启赛事停赛通知,设定红黄牌停赛规则,系统自动通知10.赛事公告发布系统,支持短信和系统消息通知球队和队员赛事管理运营工具支持足球、篮球、冰球、羽毛球、乒乓球等多种团队运动项目。我们的目标:天下没有难办的赛事~更多赛事功能陆续开放~~[大众运动专业服务]1、运动视频直播服务,记录赛事精彩片段,在斑马邦平台同步直播。2、赛事与品牌宣传服务,展现提供更多推广位,线上线下同步进行,提高品牌认知度。3、运动意外保障,专门定制的斑马邦球类运动意外保障产品,做大众运动的安全卫士。4、赛事策划定制。完整赛事服务,赛前预热赛后总结传播,整套赛事推广流程,线上线下推广设计,由斑马邦一手为你呈现。[大众体育机构推荐]1,热门赛事推荐,让你不会错过身边发生的精彩赛事,提前报名预定参赛席位2,运动场馆推荐,规范的场地把你的运动天赋发挥到淋漓尽致3,培训机构推荐,让你获得更佳专业的指导,激发你的潜能[专业装备商城]1.定制化组队服团购,设计,印制,物流一条龙服务2.运动装备齐全,足球,队服,外套,训练库,球袜,护具。专业的装备,为你运动保驾护航3.知名运动品牌,NIKE(耐克),adidas(阿迪达斯),puma(彪马),Newbalance(新百伦),under armour,Kelme(卡尔美),李宁,安踏…4.定期促销团购活动,让你的选择永远最实惠超多品牌正在入驻中~~我们的宗旨:为大众体育,做专业服务![联系我们]官方网站:http://banmabang.cn/官方微博:http://weibo.com/u/5577252414微 信:banmabangsports [特别感谢]一直支持我们的球迷、球队、赛事联盟和体育服务机构。【更新日志】1、新增篮球数据统计服务2、篮球,足球赛事页完整数据展示3、比赛详情页加入数据展示4、提供截图下载完整比赛、赛事数据战报5、修复已知问题

Red Devils News

Red Devils News


【基本介绍】Are you a true fan of Manchester United FC If so - this app was made for you !The app provides full coverage of Manchester United FC including highlights, transfer news, rumors and live scores & results.We cover all of the primary football sources, blogs and Youtube channels to bring you a clean & effective summary to follow Man Utd !Features include:* A news summary covering stories from top web sources - all about Manchester United!* Push notifications for prominent stories and/or your chosen topics (optional) * Scoreboard with the latest Manchester United FC & League results!* YouTube Video Channels - all about Man-Utd!* Customized news feed - Choose your favorite players/topics or completely block topics from your feed! Read only the news that interest you!* A community of Man United fans! Post stories or polls, comment on stories, tag articles and earn reputation points and badges!* Built in and free read later inside the app! Save interesting stories for later reading!* Block source - filter out unwanted sourcesiPhone Only Features - * Collapsed mode - an effective reading mode! Skim through the news and decide what you want to read, save or share!Everything a Red Devils fan needs - in a single app.Enjoying the app Not satisfied Whatever it is - we’re waiting to hear from you. Please write us what’s on your mind to support@newsfusion.comHit the 'Related' tab to find other great news apps that we've made.Use of the Sportfusion Application is governed by the Sportfusion Terms of Use (http://www.sportfusion.com/terms).【更新日志】Another devilish update! In this one we've improved support for iPhone X and for iOS 11. We also polished a few things and fixed some bugs. Please enjoy the app and if you have any feedback, write us at support@newsfusion.com!
