
大小:102.32M语言:英文 类别:体育运动系统:android




• 智能监测运动数据 结合智能肌氧检测设备,实时监控人体各项生理指标及运动数据,自动生成个性化运动指导方案。 • 精准安全的健身指导 支持多种运动实时监测,根据肌氧变化情况及时调整运动强度,精准匹配和更新用户数据,为运动效果和运动安全提供保障,让运动更加健康有效。 • 定制化运动课程 结合品牌健身课程和医生专家指导意见,将监测数据与课程内容实时匹配,对原有训练课程进行个性化专业升级,大大提高你的运动效率,可达到运动9分钟燃烧2小时的效果。


Stickman Downhill

Stickman Downhill


Experience ultra realistic and fast paced action packed downhill biking in stunning environments. Choose from more than 15 different bikes, including full suspension bikes, retro bikes or even electro bikes. Bike in various different locations, ranging from tracks in deep forest to mountain tracks high up in the air. All bikes are unique designed with stunning realistic physics.Additionally, Compete with your friends at special ranked event tracks, share your gameplay videos and watch others people best ride.• From the makers of various top free Stickman Games like Stick Stunt Biker, Stickman Cliff Diving, Stickman Base Jumper, Rope'n'Fly and more...• More than 3 million Stickman Downhill PlayersFEATURES• Unique and beautiful graphic style• More than 90 beautiful designed tracks, set in stunning atmospheres like Woods, Ocean, Night, etc.• Downhill tracks, Trial tracks, Free ride tracks, etc.• More than 17 unique designed ultra realistic bikes, including E-bikes, retro bikes, future bikes, rocket bikes, and many more• Fully physic enabled bike and physic enabled player for spectacular crashes• Different unique amazing atmospheric locations, from forest to mountains, day and night, etc.• Get achievements for special stunts• Directly compare to your friends and all other players with the builtin leaderboard and tournament tracks• Tilt or button control, whichever you prefer• Stickman Downhill is now MOGA Enhanced! Available at major retailers, carrier stores and online at http://www.MOGAanywhere.comNo in-app purchase is required, you can play and complete the entire game without having to purchase anything, everything can be unlocked by progressing through the game.Take a look at the Stickman Downhill Trailer : free to post your ideas, we will try to implement them as soon as possibleThank you very much for all your support and interest in our games! We would love to hear your suggestions!




「即刻运动」带给你卓越的原创健身、瑜伽视频训练计划,让你把家变成健身房,足不出户享受明星教练的课程,在家轻松减肥、瘦身、增肌、塑形。相信我,你离你想要的马甲线、人鱼线、翘臀、腹肌、瘦腿,只差一个「即刻运动」。如果你想要健身、减肥、塑形,却符合下面的特征:- 懒癌重症晚期- 要出差要加班要约会,时间总是不够用- 私教太贵自己摸索,越练越迷茫- 办了健身卡却总感觉一个人在战斗- 进入停滞期,渴望获得更专业的健身、减肥、塑形指导让「即刻运动」带你变成男神、女神:- 随时随地打开App跟着视频,几分钟get一次高效燃脂训练- 明星健身教练、运动健康达人亲身示范,让你感受到几乎接近私教的运动体验- 根据你的身体状况,为你推荐专业的健身训练计划,你需要做的,只是每天跟着视频运动、打卡,然后见证身材的蜕变- 量身定制的高阶训练课程,让你的努力具有针对性,让你比别人不止瘦一点- “健身先健脑”,通过浏览专业的健身、运动、饮食资讯,了解科学的减脂、增肌原理,让好身材不反弹- 有趣的运动社区,教练在线解答疑惑,和健身小伙伴互动交流零距离- 运动打卡、饮食记录、专业的健身计时器、个人运动数据中心,「即刻运动」 见证你的成长「即刻运动」为什么受到用户的五星好评?「健身视频」- 所有健身视频均由明星教练真人录制,带你全程完成训练- 教练与你一起流汗,而不是呆板地重复动作演示- 改变体型不是动作的模仿,我们的教练随时指出动作要点、发力点,帮助你找到正确的发力感受,有效避免训练伤害,优化你的训练效果「训练计划」- 读取健康数据(HealthKit API), 根据你的身体特点与需求,推荐专业的训练计划- 包含各种类型的训练计划,减肥、燃脂、瑜伽、普拉提、增肌等等训练课程应有尽有- 训练安排循序渐进,从易到难,逐步进阶「健身资讯」- 丰富的健康营养知识,不仅教你怎么练,更教你怎么吃,消灭饮食误区、控制热量和卡路里- 明星教练对训练过程中的疑惑和难点,现在进行专业解答- 真实的励志故事与成功经验分享,看看小伙伴们如何告别臃肿,获得人鱼线和马甲线「运动社区」- 有趣、有料的运动知识,丰富多彩的社区活动- 与教练和小伙伴的实时互动交流,教练亲自解答问题- Po图、打卡、留言、点赞,找到志同道合的健友伙伴,分享成功经验,相互鼓励共同成长热门训练课程推荐:- 马甲线养成计划- 人鱼线雕刻健身训练- 瑜伽课堂- 办公室塑型运动计划- 白领健身计划- 能量妈咪瘦身塑型- 男士增肌训练- 普拉提训练进阶计划- 四分钟家庭健身- 健身房器械指南另外,「即刻运动」还同步推出智能电视(TV)应用,你可以在各大应用商店、盒子、智能电视终端找到这款产品。跟着电视健身,用手机晒图、打卡,给你媲美健身房的运动健身体验。如需帮助或获取更多信息,请关注联系:微博 @即刻运动Official微信公众号「即刻运动Official」优酷视频频道 @即刻运动Official (官网还有 即刻运动 TV 版,在智能电视/电视盒子里等你哟~
