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Touch Bible Free3.5.8

大小:76.1M语言:中文 类别:学习办公系统:ios

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Touch Bible gives you the Bible without using your Data ◆ Study Material + Multitasking Audio Bible that works with Apple Watch ◆ It's free because the Bible should be freely available to all! It includes Modern english Bibles and the KJV!?Audio Bible - now on Touch Bible Free! The audio bible doesn't use your data! There are settings for multiple accents and read speeds. You'll be using the Bible a lot more.?Bible without using Data - This means the app will not access the internet when you read or search the bible. You get to use the Bible, even in areas where there is no internet access.?Touch Bible includes 10,000+ inline study notes in the New English Translation for free. Internet connected devices can find more study materials under the Extra button. ?Your Apple Watch can control the Bible Reader feature from your wrist. You can select any book and chapter, pause and play, or just read right off your watch.?Post a Bible verse on Facebook. Just press a verse number to share some light! Email your study notes to friends, or post them to Facebook.?Accessing the Bible without a keyboard. "Dial-a-Verse" makes finding passages easy. Pick the exact version / book / chapter / verse combo right on the screen. Switch versions but keep your place. Shake Touch Bible with Dial-a-Verse open and watch it pick a random passage for you.** Overview Features ** Touch Bible is not a limited app. All of the following app features are fully functional: ◆ Yearly Reading Plan in the Extras button◆ Voice Over - Touch Bible has features for Voice Over to read the Bible to the visually impaired.◆ Fast & intelligent keyword search with verse preview and OT and NT restrictions ◆ Highlight verses - Use 4 Colors!◆ Readability - spread out words, adjustable font sizes ◆ Bookmarks - Click the verse number and that verse is bookmarked for quick access later. ◆ Set font sizes. ◆ Switch to "Night Mode" for reading in low light situations. ◆ Keep study notes, even while you read! - Supports "margin notes" on verses. ◆ "Extras" is Online Study Tools and News - this needs the internet. Press "Extras" to access online content for study. Tip: you can disable any app's data access from your Settings App is iOS 8.Touch Bible has many fantastic english translations built in, including the incredible New English Translation and the trusted King James! Featuring:? NET - New English Translation (modern english) with 10,000 study notes ? KJV - King James Version ? WEB - World English Bible? ASV - American Standard Version? PLUS MORETake a powerful collection of bibles and study tools anywhere you go! Perfect free app for missions to remote areas!** ACCESSIBLE **From its early days, Touch Bible has included features to make it easier for anyone with a visual impairment to access the most blessed book, the Bible. Set large font sizes, or audio features; Use typing to speaking for a search or verse lookup. Voice Over is accessed.**More Study Content Touch Bible**The Bible is already great. Touch Bible Free makes reading it so fun and easy. You'll love showing it to your friends and using it to witness. The added time you'll spend reading the Bible will be a true blessing. But here, free means free. There are no 3rd party ads or in app purchases.If you want more study, get Touch Bible Loaded. Visit TouchBible.com/GetLoaded for more details about more notes, a concordance, and more!On a personal note, I have found myself reading scripture more often in Touch Bible than any other media. I hope Touch Bible is a blessing to you.

版本 3.5.8 中的新功能

Fits iPhone XBug fixes for exporting notes and sharing verses





汉典古籍-千年之经典,传世之作!公诸同好,并献天下,以承古风!漢典古籍為免費古籍文庫,集而公諸同好,並獻天下,以承古風。至今得文三萬八千五百二十九。电子古籍,古籍收集,古籍善本,古典文学,古典小说,提供经、史、子、集的分类浏览-... 目录:经部易类书类诗类礼类周礼之属仪礼之属仪礼之属三礼总仪之属通礼之属杂礼书之属春秋类孝经类五经总义类四书类乐类小学类型训诂之学字书之属韵书之属史部正史类编年类纪事本末类别史类杂史类诏令奏议类诏令之属奏议之属传记类圣贤之属名人之属总录之属杂录之属史钞类载记类时令类目录类经籍之属金石之属史评类地理类宫殿簿之属总志之属都会郡县之属河渠之属边防之属山水之属古迹之属杂记之属游记之属外记之属职官类官制之属官箴之属政书类通制之属仪制之属邦计之属军政之属法令之属考工之属子部儒家类兵家类法家类农家类医家类天文算法类推步之属算书之属术数类数学之属占候之属相宅相墓之属占卜之属命书相书之属阴阳五行之属释家类道家类艺术类书画之属琴谱之属篆刻之属杂技之属谱录类器物之属饮馔之属草木禽鱼之属杂家类杂学之属杂考之属杂说之属杂品之属杂篡之属杂编之属类书类小说家类杂事之属异闻之属琐记之属集部楚辞类别集类汉至五代北宋建隆至靖康南宋建炎至德佑金至元明洪武至崇祯清代总集类诗文评类词曲类词集之属词选之属词话之属词谱词韵之属南北曲之属
