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Warship: Flight Deck Jam HD1.3

大小:36M语言:中文 类别:桌面游戏系统:ios

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Only app in the appstore to have multiplayer feature in a rush hour style of game with the best graphics. War has started and you are on a critical mission to guard your warship that is carrying all major aircrafts, tanks, missiles and rocket launchers etc. Flight Deck is blocked and now you cant take off, so clear the deck to unleash your fighter jet to destroy the enemy base and save the ship from coming missiles. Features: * Only app in appstore to have multiplayer mode in block game * 2 players can play on single iPad (* 2 mode: Relax and challenge (. * Multiplayer : Bluetooth and WIFI * 6000 unique levels (, Extreme Fun. * 3 Difficulty Levels: Easy, medium and hard levels * Undo / Redo steps * Record time and moves for each level of both mode (. * Highly addictive (. * Wonderful theme of Navy warship (. * All levels are unlocked play any level you wish. * Resume from game from the last played level. 【更新日志】Fixed minor bugs





中国跳棋,简称跳棋(香港称为波子棋),是一种可以有二至六人同时进行的棋,棋盘为六星型,棋子分为六种颜色,每种颜色10或15枚棋子,每一位玩家占一个角,拥有一种颜色的棋子,有时人数少的时候,也可以用每人两种颜色的棋子一起玩。中国跳棋的前身是正方跳棋,大约出现在维多利亚时代,最初的棋盘是正方形的,共有256格,开始时棋子分布在四个角落,以最快跳到对角为目标,规则和现在的中国跳棋类同。不久就有人改成星形棋盘, 称为Stern-Halma。三十年代起在美国开始流行,并改了Chinese Checkers的名字。当这种棋子传到中国时,因为改以玻璃弹珠作棋子,因此亦被称为波子棋(玻璃弹珠粤语称为“波子”),实质上中国跳棋并不是起源于中国。玩法先将一种颜色的棋子全部放在一个角上,各人循顺时针或逆时针方向轮流走子,每次动一枚棋子,全部棋子先到达对角那一边的为赢家。棋子有两种走法: 1) 一枚棋子移动到相邻六格其中一格。 2) “搭桥”:自己的棋子(A)同一直线上有另一枚棋子(B),不限属于哪一方,大家之间没有任何棋子阻隔。如果B的另一方也没有棋子阻隔,A就可以跳到B的相反方向,而且和两枚棋子原来的距离一样。跳跃可以连续进行,直至跳无可跳为止。如果出现循环的话,可选其中一处停下。【更新日志】小修小改

Cross Fingers

Cross Fingers


Mobigame, the team behind the multiple award winning EDGE, Perfect Cell and Zombie Tsunami returns in full force with Cross Fingers, a unique game which challenges you to combine solid pieces in a gigantic tangram puzzle. See the gameplay video at :www.mobigame.net You will need to exercise your brain, imagination and - unique for a puzzle game - your reflexes and dexterity to complete all 840 levels! For unlimited replay value, unlock the Arcade Mode, which puts you in the middle of a frenetic machine where the challenge is to survive and beat the top score.--------------------------------------Reviews--------------------------------------TheAPPera.com - "CROSS Fingers is another masterpiece from the TWISTED minds who brought us EDGE by Mobigame."AppSmile.com - "Cross Fingers, a beautiful new tangram-style game from Mobigame."TouchArcade.com - "The game really feels like you are playing with a physical object and comes in a very nicely packaged application."AppAdvice.com - "This is one of the best puzzle games you can have on your idevice."--------------------------------------Note: Turn Off the Multitasking gesture, Zoom and VoiceOver option in your device settings to use more than 2 fingers in your Apps.--------------------------------------Try our other games: Zombie Tsunami, EDGE, Perfect Cell, Truckers Delight.Follow us on twitter.com/mobigameVisit us on http://www.mobigame.net【更新日志】We fixed a major bug with in-app purchases. Thanks for playing Cross Fingers




