Make-Up Girls5.3

大小:41.5M语言:中文 类别:教育游戏系统:ios

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【基本介绍】Child-Friendly? No Ads? Parental Controls? The most popular Makeup game on the App Store.? Over 8 Million players worldwide.ABOUT PAZUPazu is a mobile games company that creates and publish beautiful digital games especially designed for kids.MAKEUP GIRLS您是一名超级化妆迷吗?如果是,您肯定会喜欢Pazu的新化妆游戏的!这款游戏不只是一款换装应用,还能够将我们带入时尚世界,以一种全新的方式化装。通过这款极其易于使用的游戏选择您自己的化妆品、发型,以及更多。《化妆女孩》(Makeup Girls)是一款真正有趣且具有娱乐性的游戏!您还在等什么呢?马上下载这款免费游戏,成为您自己的时尚大师!Features :* Supports all devices.* 6 Beautiful characters.* Unique & Colorful and artwork * Experiment with dozens of different lipsticks, earrings, eye-shadow, hair color and much more.* Easy and fluid interface that is designed especially for kids.* Child-Friendly - Ad Free & Parental ControlPAZU and the PAZU logo are trademarks of Pazu Games LTD ? 2018 All rights reserved.【更新日志】New Icon.