Plumber Crack1.74

大小:149.2M语言:英文 类别:体育格斗系统:ios

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【基本介绍】All In App Purchases now 70% OFF the regular price!Throw stuff at the traditional Plumber Crack under the kitchen sink. Or, go for the second most popular crack sighting: the IT Technician under your office desk. Plus we're adding new scenes all the time for you to hone your "crack" throwing skills.? Pick your plumber: Norm or Betty? Toss things in their butts in the kitchen, the office? Choose from more than 15 items to throw in their butts? Collect coins and earn Bucks to buy costumes, tattoos and throw items? Complete collections over and over again to earn buckets stuffed with Bucks? Arcade, Sharpshooter and Time Challenge modes? Leaderboards and 55+ achievements - impress your friends and family with your crack throwing skillsEverybody's been there: you try to look away, but you can't stop staring! And now, more than ever, you just want to drop something in there and see what happens...whether it's an Ice Cube, Peanut, Quarter or Bouncy Ball (to name a few).Take it further, and dress up your Plumber or IT Tech. Toss Norm into a French maid outfit, or put Betty in her snorkeling gear. Are you an Elvis, superhero or sports fan There’s something for everyone!Add the finishing touch and ink your Plumber or IT Tech with Tattoos. From “Daddy's Girl” to “Born To Ride” - Red Roses to Bullseyes: pick the tattoo you think will look best, and slap it on your favorite backside!You've dreamed of dressing up, abusing and inking your local Plumber or IT Tech, and now you can!Hours of plain, silly fun from the folks that brought you Office Jerk. Play Plumber Crack today and throw stuff in their butts: in the kitchen, in the office and on the beach!More than 18 million people in 145 countries enjoy throwing stuff in the Plumber's butt!“The first time I played my ribs hurt from laughing so hard. What a fun game! Thanks for a good laugh and a good time.”“This game is everything I’ve ever wanted.”“Once u start playing u just can’t stop ... U just stayed glued to the game:D”Play Plumber Crack today!“Like” Plumber Crack on Facebook - Crack is brought to you by Fluik Entertainment, makers of wicked-fun mobile games such as Office Jerk, Grumpy Bears and Streaker Run. Search the App Store for “Fluik” to browse all our games.Follow @FluikGames on Twitter for awesome game announcements and other updates.NOTE:To help keep Plumber Crack awesome, please send any bug reports or complaints directly to us, instead of posting them in your app reviews. We can't respond directly to app reviews, so it's hard for us to help you with your problem or issue. You can post all your bugs or suggestions on the Facebook fan page,, or email them to us at【更新日志】Re-sized confirmation dialog for narrow aspect ratiosSound settings now persist between sessions





铁血战骑是一款经典的3D格斗手游,游戏给玩家打造一个绚丽的武侠世界,游戏三种职业供玩家随意选择,怎么样才能打造最强技能呢。感兴趣的玩家速来下载试玩吧!铁血战骑游戏介绍:《铁血战骑》是一款3D格斗手游,游戏以Unity3D引擎打造,结合细微粒子特效 ,真人动作捕捉技术,为你打造一个极具震撼绚丽的武侠世界。绝世神兽助你征战天下,自由组合技能让你PK无限连!全球第一款3D骑战大作,荣获各大游戏媒体大奖,2016年最受期待动作手游《铁血战骑》正式上线,极致3D上帝视角,360度处处是风景,三大职业,百种技能自由组合,谁将创造最强组合技?铁血战骑游戏特色:***骑战格斗我为王***《铁血战骑》是一款以坐骑为主手游,玩家不仅可以在主城骑着坐骑逛街,还能战斗中召唤坐骑协助战斗,各种拉风坐骑任你收集!***自由搭配技能***告别传统固定技能,自主搭配属于你的最强组合技!***热血PK操作为王***拒绝战力属性的碾压,在赤焰战场上玩家初始属性都是一样的,想要战胜对手,需要更多微操作,指尖暴走,一触即发!***后宫美人养成***游戏中有各个地域不同风情美人,收集培养这些美人不仅可以增加战力更能助你征战天下!***海量福利送不停***7天登录送海量福利,更有5星神骑—九尾天狐赠送,让你不充值也玩的很爽!




游戏介绍:全新版本《格斗宗师》带来全新第七大职业--隐弩!一个继承墨家机关术的弟子,擅长运用各类机关器械去击杀海贼统战海域,让你体验不一样的江湖世界!而新版本里,更增加煮酒论剑、六和塔等交互玩法,让大侠们能与基友一同享受游戏的乐趣。还有海岛争夺、佣兵竞技场、占地为王、野外BOSS等等一些列刺激爽快的格斗体验,让大侠真正处于一个百变的江湖世界!游戏特色:1)机械师降临征战海域,全新职业隐弩闪亮登场!《格斗宗师》全新第七大职业隐弩强势来袭!全新职业隐弩乃墨家机关术传承者,擅长运用各种机关暗器弓弩枪械,并且拥有超乎于常人的灵活身法,是一个十分强悍的远程输出角色。而在航海线路上,击杀海贼不计其数,因此无形中与海贼们成了生死大敌。隐弩能否继续在海上称霸,全由你来掌握!2)全新武器外形挑逗视觉神经全新武器幻化玩法,完全推翻了玩家平时对武器外形的认识!棒棒糖、鸡腿、狼牙棒等等都有可能成为玩家的新武器,如此新潮的武器穿越到江湖世界里,你能HOLD得住吗?全新武器幻化玩法让玩家的武器不再呆板无趣,让玩家的武器在人群中更耀眼!3)江湖新征程 化身航海王全新航海之路正式开启,江湖侠士化身海上新霸主!《格斗江湖》全新世界远征-东征玩法震撼上线!远征玩法让大侠亲自探索未知岛屿、在神秘黑市领略商人的奸诈以及捕捉佣兵一同抢夺新资源!全新挑战现已吹响号角,快来开启属于你的航海之路吧!4)多元职业江湖激斗枪、扇、刺、笔、剑、刀、弩七大职业随心切换,江湖之路自由掌控!全新新职业【霸刀】强势登场,打破传统格斗手游职业体系,告别乏味的操作,想真正较量PK实力,来格斗江湖战个痛快5)枭雄争霸,跨服尊位挑战赛江湖世界里,岂能缺少热血沸腾的PK赛事?全新版本《格斗宗师》重磅推出热血、刺激、紧张的跨服PK战役--跨服尊位挑战活动!挑战BOSS、争夺尊位、称霸天下,是英雄还是狗熊?一战便能分胜负
