Whats The Movie2.5

大小:51M语言:中文 类别:文字游戏系统:ios

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MADE FREE TODAY ONLY through APPSGONEFREE and APPADVICE.COM, your source for great daily app deals. Download the Appsgonefree app for more daily deals.We are having a sale on JPSquare Apps.SALE:Hollow Films ---> Whats the Show? ---> *Whats the Movie? ---> Blokheads ---> $0.99Brain Chain --> Hollow Words --> Think you know movies? How well do you think you can guess a movie if we only show you 4 objects that have something to do with the movie? It's not as easy as you think!"Whats the Movie?" is a devilishly simple game to play that will have you guessing the title of a movie from four simple images. You earn coins for every movie guessed right. Those coins can be used for hints on tough levels, or to unlock new levels. Choose categories from the 1980's, the 1990's, the 2000's (and 2010's), as well from the movie genres of: Classics, Comedies, Horror, Sci-Fi, Musicals, and Comic Books!Ready?.... And... ACTION!"What's the Movie" was developed by JPSquare, which is basically just two dudes who have been buddies since high school, and are somewhere in the middle of their 9-to-5 careers wishing they had gone into computer science instead. We love games and building fun apps. We also like good ideas! Have an idea for a movie that's not in this game? Send it to us! You might see it in our next update!【更新日志】Free download of our newest puzzle game FIXUM! Free today in the appstore. Updates to the icon, some small updates to various puzzles





《李小白》是中华书局有限公司专为华人设计的一款中文游戏。 游戏里都是中文?对!通篇都是中文!让你轻松玩转! 家长和老师不让玩?no,no,no!这款游戏不仅能让他们心服口服地让你玩,你还能挑战他们,他们也不一定赢你哦! 游戏以中国地图为大背景,掷骰子行走。以中国最经典、最脍炙人口的诗词佳句、经典典故为主要内容,玩家以答题形式不断闯关,不用输入文字,点点ABCD即可得分。为避免枯燥,我们还加入了蹴鞠、投壶和华容道三个小游戏。 游戏开始,大家可以给主人翁起任何名字,通关后,这个名字连同积分会被记录下来,根据连胜的数量给予相应的称号,根据总积分给予相应的勋章。如果你的总积分足够高,冲入所有玩家的前50名,你的大名就会出现在联网的排行榜上! 游戏中遇到难题,大家可以向白胡子笔仙求助,求助机会有限,得省着用,不过,你可以通过自己的努力获得奖励求助的机会,怎么获得?暂时保密,需要你在游戏中仔细观察喽! 想知道自己能获得什么称号吗?想知道自己有多大的成就吗?想脱颖而出吗?那就快伸出你的手指体验吧!【更新日志】新添功能:1. 当前玩家通关后,显示前后各一名的数据。2. 游戏在进行中,随时可以返回主菜单。3. 向游戏主创反馈意见和建议。修复:1. 修改游戏中个别文字错误。2. 修复积分排行功能并解决部分数据显示不全的问题。

bohoFriends HD

bohoFriends HD


Have you ever tried Scrabble? Crosswords? Or maybe Sudoku? If yes, you’ll easily get familiar with bohoFriends. If no, let me give you a little explanation: the objective is to create as many words as possible from the letters on the board. You can connect them in any direction (up, down, left yes, “backwards”- right and askew). The longer word you create the more points you get. The same stuff goes with combos which you may get for speed word creating. There are also many achievements you may share, together with your high scores, with your friends using Game Center. Last but not least you need to remember the time which is running out faster with every difficulty level.Is it addicting? Yes, it’s highly addicting. Totally free way of creating new words makes a big difference, compared to other word games. I’ve been playing for many hours and it’s pretty amazing how involving bohoFriends may be. Playing it requires really flexible thinking. You need to change your mind and that seems to be really stimulating for your brain. The progress is visible, I started from “easy” level but after less than 3 hours I was able to do quite well on the “hard” level and it was still challenging!It’s good for casual gaming an average play in medium level took me around 2 minutes, so I was able to play it in between bus stops on my way to work. Gameplay is very dynamic, good job ;)One thing I observed is its potential for multiplayer gaming. While playing on iPad it’s great fun to play with someone else and “steal” letters one from each other. The developer claim to be working on it, they say it is planned to implement multiplayer option in few weeks. After all, the final question: is it worth buying? Yes! The game is available for free. I found it great brain exercise. Like every logic game, it requires fast abstractive thinking skills, very useful in today’s world. I will use it for my daily brain training.【更新日志】- minor bugfixes
