AAP Red Book2.2.3

大小:6.2M语言:英文 类别:医疗软件系统:ios

AAP Red Book应用截图和下载



【基本介绍】** PLEASE NOTE: Application requires Red Book Online access via existing subscription, access for AAP members, or relationship to a subscribing institution or practice.**Silver Award Winner -- 2015 Digital Health Awards!The enhanced Red Book app is here!Update now for the new AAP Red Book app, featuring upgraded search and browse for quick answers, and an updated design to align with the newly enhanced Red Book Online site. The new app also includes more access to online features when your device is connected to the Internet and better capabilities to keep you on top of Red Book updates.Quickly access critical, current information for diagnosis, treatment, and management of more than 200 infectious diseases, including drug dosing, immunization information and updates. Digital exclusive: Red Book Visual Library images to aid in diagnosis, epidemiology, vectors, and carriers!CONTAINS:● Complete content of the fully revised 30th edition (2015) of Red Book● Fully searchable text● Hundreds of images curated from the Red Book Visual Library for diagnosis and managementMOBILE VERSION FEATURES:● In-context pop-up images● Updates on news and errata● Bookmark favorite and frequently used pagesACCESS KEY RESOURCES:● Immunization Schedules● Vaccine Status Table● Influenza Resource Page【更新日志】Minor bug fixes.





【基本介绍】用药助手 ,为医药专业人士打造的权威参考工具。 用药助手 App 由国内最大的医学专业网站——丁香园团队研发,是一款主流的药品查询工具,致力于帮助医生做出更安全、更准确临床决策。 应用特点: 1. 数据权威、全面,更新迅速; 2.?一线临床医生参与研发,为医生量身打造; 3. 数百万医生的临床经验支持,最具参考价值。 主要功能: 药品信息:超过 45000 种药品生产企业提供的说明书; 用药指南:超过 5000 份专业学会和权威杂志用药指南; 疾病信息:收录近万种临床疾病的介绍、治疗方案信息; 用药经验:实时推送实用用药经验; 循证医学:权威循证数据辅助临床决策; 感染用药:提供直接、准确的感染用药相关决策; 相互作用:药品相互作用数据和参考文献; 医学计算:汇集临床常用医学计算工具; 医学检验:收录临床各类检验项目相关信息; 微信公众账号:@用药助手 (DrugsApp) 注: 大众用户请选择使用「丁香医生」,在应用商店搜索即可下载。【自动续费服务声明】1. 服务名称:连续包月 12元/月、连续包季 40元/季、连续包年 98元/年2. 付款:用户确认购买并付费后记入 iTunes 账户;3. 取消续订:如需取消续订,请在当前订阅周期到期前 24 小时以前,手动在 iTunes/Apple ID 设置管理中关闭自动续费功能,到期前 24 小时内取消,将会收取订阅费用;4. 续费:苹果 iTunes 账户会在到期前 24 小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期。5. 服务协议: http://drugs.dxy.cn/html/用药助手专业版会员自动续费服务协议.htm【更新日志】解决了一些已知问题,提高了应用稳定性。




【基本介绍】Medscape provides fast and accurate clinical answers at the point-of-care and is the leading medical resource for physicians, medical students, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. Using Medscape Consult, physicians can access a community of more than 250K physicians worldwide to share cases, ask questions, and benefit from their knowledge and diverse experiences. Discuss clinical challenges and crowdsource the answers in a 24/7 moderated environment.Feedback from our users on iTunes: ? “A must have for all medical professionals!”? “This app is my life, period.” ? “Best medical resource out there. A+” NEW! Find the lowest drug prices and share discount cards with patients. With the Medscape app you can: ? Quickly look up medications and dosages with our Drug Reference Tool ? Avoid adverse drug combinations with our Drug Interaction Checker ? Find vital information for patient care with evidence-based Disease & Condition reference ? Stay current with the latest medical news and earn CME -- all in one place ? Other useful resources within the app: Step-by-Step Procedural Articles, Medical Calculators, Pill ID Tool, Image Collections, Formulary Information, and more! The Medscape app is free. Log-in is required the first time you use the Medscape app. If you are new to Medscape, you can register for a free account in the app. For more information, visit medscape.com/medscapeappIf you have any suggestions to improve our app or are having usage issues, please contact us through our online help center at help.medscape.com.【更新日志】What's NewClinical Practice Guidelines are now available on-the-go! Access all of the latest US and international guidelines released by major medical organizations. Review specific areas of patient care, such as workup, diagnosis, and treatment.This update also includes performance enhancements and minor bug fixes to optimize your experience.As always, thank you for your feedback.Medscape Team




【基本介绍】有来医生是国内领先的健康科普教育平台,是优质医疗IP生产商和供应商。创立至今,一直秉承“认同、诚信、价值”理念,以“服务高端医生、生产权威医疗IP、净化医疗信息环境”为定位,致力于用互联网技术推动医生共享、知识共享、服务共享、经济共享。 有来医生通过“互联网+医疗专家+健康科普”的方式帮助医生生产和沉淀优质医疗知识。截至目前,已经与130多家医院、6000多位医生建立了深度合作,其中三甲医院占75%、副高以上专家占70%;已经生产优质医疗短视频3万多集、医患语音知识问答6万多个、健康科普文章30万余篇。 为最大化医生价值,有来医生除了在自有平台发布内容,还通过主流搜索引擎、视频网站、自媒体平台、电视终端、IPTV等多种渠道同步分发,实现线上线下深度融合,强势引流。 大力开展健康科普,有助于提升患者健康素养水平,也有助于增进医患沟通,缓解医患矛盾,同时还能打造医生品牌形象,增强患者粘性,实现患者粉丝经济! 有来医生APP是医生专属工作站,是医生与患者沟通、提供服务的有效渠道,也是医生获得专属支持、阳光收入的有力平台。 一、医生可以在有来医生APP提供如下服务 1. 语音答疑医生可以用语音回答患者热搜的疾病问题,所有回答将免费推广到各大搜索引擎。 2. 门诊问答医生可以将门诊患者常问的问题及本人的回答以语音形式发布,形成医生专属的门诊患教内容集。当门诊患者问及时,可以让患者直接在线查看,可有效提高门诊效率、提升患者满意度。 3. 文章发布医生可以在有来医生的平台发布文章,所有文章将免费推广到各大搜索引擎。 4. 视频拍摄我们为医生提供免费拍摄及推广医疗科普视频的服务,医生随时可以预约有来医生专业拍摄团队进行拍摄。 二、有来医生APP为医生提供专属支持 1. 专属医助有来医生提供专业的医生助理,免费协助医生完成各类专业需求。 2. 收益查询医生在有来医生发布的语音回答、门诊问答、视频、文章均可获取相应的现金收益,医生可在线实时查询。【更新日志】1、医生权益全新上线。2、优化了部分使用体验。
