
大小:2M语言:中文 类别:商品指南系统:ios




Thousands of HD(640x960 Retina) Wallpapers for iPhone & iPod touch.Features: * Windows Phone 7 style UI * More than 25 categories * Save/email wallpapers * Add wallpapers to your favoritesCategories: * 3D & abstract * Fantasy * Christmas * Food * Love * Black & white * Animal * Cat * Dog * Horse * Bird * Insect * Water creature * Plant & flower * Space * Sky * Landscape * Mountain * Forest * Lake & river * Beach * Waterfall * Sunset * Autumn * Winter * Cityscape * Architecture * Road * Farm * Military * Aircraft * Ship * Other【更新日志】- minor bug fix


Bridgestone Lebanon

Bridgestone Lebanon


【基本介绍】The Bridgestone Lebanon mobile app is the first of its kind in Lebanon and features all the following:+ Speeding Tickets: Fast and easy way to check if you have speeding tickets, the quantity and the details of the tickets (information retrieved from the ISF)+ Consultancy: Do you have a question for Bridgestone Send it to us and we’ll get back to you ASAP! + Tire Selector: Input your tire size and we will show you all the available patterns for that size. + Weather: Always be updated with the current local weather and forecast in major different regions in Lebanon (Beirut, Mount Lebanon, South, North, Bekaa, etc..). Whether it’ll be rainy or sunny, you will know about it. + Blog: Stay tuned with the most recent news about what you like most in life: cars!+ Mecanique Reminder: Never be in the dark anymore, avoid penalties by missing your next mechanique checkup. Know today how much you need to pay and add to your calendar the due date to complete your cars’ mecaniques (information retrieved from the ISF). + Products: Browse through the latest Bridgestone’s products and details (Potenza, Turanza, Sporty Style, B250, Dueler, etc..)+ Change Tire and Rotating Tire Reminder: Set up reminders to rotate your tires and a date to change them for best efficiency, highest performance and most importantly for safe driving. You may set up multiple reminders for different cars.+ Dealers: Check dealer’s locations closest to you and all over Lebanon, their details and phone numbers. Use the map to show your position and the Bridgestone dealers nearby.Enjoy the app and let us know your feedback!*****Bridgestone Lebanon: Your Journey, Our Passion.【更新日志】- Bug fix




高吉起名是基于中国古代传统周易理论、命理学及姓名学原理, 综合生辰八字、三才五格数理、生肖喜忌、五音音律、字形、字意等因素开发而成的专业起名辅助软件。高吉起名在八字、汉字音形意等方面的研究遥遥领先, 并根据每个人的特点如生辰、性别、属相等进行了起名推荐的专门优化。本软件即可作为起名软件,也适合八字命理学研究爱好者以及姓名学理论研究爱好者作为研究工具使用。* 按照命理学原则, 本软件年的分界点以农历立春时刻点为依据, 而不是以春节为分隔点, 比如2012年立春时间为公历2月4日18点22分,则这个时刻点后的生肖为龙,之前的为兔, 八字中的年柱也以立春时点为依据, 比如2012年2月4日18点22分之前为辛卯年之后为壬辰年, 月柱以农历月的节气具体时刻点为划分点,比如2012年惊蛰的时点为3月5日12点21分,则该时点前的月柱为壬寅月之后为癸卯月。在进行八字测算时, 会根据出生地和出生时间等因素进行修正得到出生的真太阳时,以生辰的真太阳时为八字测算的基准而非出生的钟表时间。特此说明。* 提供自助起名和系统智能推荐两种起名模式,可以轻松取出即适合命理、又音形意俱佳的高分吉祥好名字!* 专业生辰八字、汉字音律、意义、字形等方面的研究, 判别结果精确无误* 单姓、复姓,单名、双名等起名, 全面支持大陆简体及台湾、香港、澳门等地区的繁体语言* 采用经过地理位置及时差因素计算出的真太阳时作为推算八字基础,准确判断八字格局,除正格外、能判断所有特殊格局如曲直格、炎上格、稼穑格、从儿格等等,在正确判断命局的基础上选择喜用神* 汉字笔画及五行属性以《康熙字典》为标准,音律五行则参照五音姓名学相关规则制定(如商音属金、羽音属水等)* 针对不同性别进行了专门优化, 如女性起名过程中软件会自动排除含有女性不宜使用的数理汉字, 男性起名也排除了仅适合女性用的汉字* 自选模式下, 提供完全的筛选功能, 可指定汉字五行属性来匹配喜用神, 也可指定用字, 比如满足家族族谱指定用字的需要, 也可排除你不喜欢的一些汉字, 同时提供生肖喜忌的用字选择* 推荐模式下,一键轻松生成超多高分吉名!所有结果均可到各大测名网站进行验证* 提供全面的测名功能,包括三才五格剖象详细说明、生辰八字解读、字意音形剖析、生肖喜忌说明等内容* 提供好名收藏功能, 起名过程发现好的名字需要后续比较, 简单一键加入收藏夹, 可供随时查阅【更新日志】- bug fixes for iOS 11
