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【基本介绍】「丁香医考」汇集多种医学考试历年真题和权威解析,随时随地,手机刷题,复习冲刺,事半功倍。由国内医学专业网站丁香园团队研发,针对执考、考研等医学考试,旨在为诸位考生提供随身携带的复习工具,帮助考生高效提升考试分数。功能介绍:1.海量真题,尽收囊中: 囊括海量真题,模拟综合笔试,让你随时随地感受考试氛围,积累实战经验。2.巩固考点,量身定制:根据教材与指导用书,巩固考点精编解析,帮你知知其所以然。 新题挑战,错题复习,全都安排妥妥的。3.按需答题,各个击破:「模拟考试」,模拟真实笔试,即时计算分数;「分类练习」,针对各个学科集中练习,短时间各个击破。4.答题统计,成就奖励: 能力分析助你知己知彼,有的放矢;获得勋章,解锁宝箱,更多惊喜等你来拿。关于丁香园:丁香园生物医药科技网(DXY.CN)成立于2000年7月23日,自创办以来一直致力于为广大医药生命科学专业人士提供专业交流平台。凭借着专业精神和深厚积累,专业交流不断深入和发展,丁香园已从最初每天只有数人查看的留言板逐步发展壮大成为国内规模最大、最受专业人士喜爱的医药行业网络传媒平台。联系我们:Email: app@dxy.cn微博:@丁香园【更新日志】1、全新首页,首页即可快速刷题2、无需购买会员也可解锁全部题目了~3、执考题目质量全面更新,独家解析4、页面样式全面升级,优化已知bug~

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties


【基本介绍】By downloading this “frame” app you will be given the opportunity to PURCHASE the latest version of Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties. The current version is Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties, Tenth Edition. This Oxford University Press app-book is developed by MedHand Mobile Libraries. Improve your performance with relevant, valid material which is accessed quickly and with minimal effort in the palm of your hand using MedHand’s patented technology. THIS APP-BOOK for Oxford Handbook of Handbook of Clinical Specialties, Tenth Edition, includes unique functions such as: ?A powerful search ?Bookmarks ?Complete set of medical calculators; Body Mass Index, Peak Expiratory Flows, Dehydration Correction Calculator and more ?Highlighting ?History?Notes and picture notesAbout this titleCovering the core clinical specialties, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties contains a comprehensive chapter on each of the clinical areas you will encounter through your medical school and Foundation Programme rotations. Now updated with the latest guidelines, and developed by a new and trusted author team who have contemporary experience of life on the wards, this unique resource presents the content in a concise and logical way, giving clear advice on clinical management and offering insight into holistic care.Packed full of high-quality illustrations, boxes, tables, and classifications, this handbook is ideal for use at direct point of care, whether on the ward or in the community, and for study and revision. Each chapter is easy to read and filled with digestible information, with features including ribbons to mark your most-used pages and mnemonics to help you memorize and retain key facts, while quotes from patients help the reader understand each problem better, enhancing the doctor/patient relationship. With reassuring and friendly advice throughout, this is the ultimate guide for every medical student and junior doctor for each clinical placement, and as a revision tool. This tenth edition of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties remains the perfect companion to the Oxford Handbook of ClinicalMedicine, together encompassing the entire spectrum of clinical medicine and helping you to become the doctor you want to be.Authors: Andrew Baldwin, Nina Hjelde, Charlotte Goumalatsou and Gil Myers________________________________________ MedHand Mobile Libraries offers a SUBSCRIPTION FREE application without edition upgrade. MedHand is the exclusive partner of Oxford University Press, publishing the latest editions of their Medical Handbooks in digital format.MedHand offers the most trusted and well recognized medical guidelines provided by excellent publishers. MedHand delivers what you need, trusted knowledge at the point of care!【更新日志】General content updates.




