
大小:9M语言:中文 类别:天气软件系统:ios




检查湿度,一目了然!模拟感性感受到设计的每一天。“湿度计”应用程序在您当前的位置告诉你外面的湿度。- 简洁的设计- 提供湿度数据 (Wunderground.com)- Universal app (iPhone/iPad)- 优化的 iOS9- 优化的 iPhone6s/6s+ - 支持 watchOS 2- 支持 iPad Proif you need help please contact us at goodte@me.com and give us a chance to help you.
If you enjoy the app, don’t forget to give us a review on the App store.
 【更新日志】- 增加了一个选项,选择一个区域- 本地化加(中国,德语,法语,意大利语)- watchOS 优化解析





【基本介绍】「我的天文台」是一个广受欢迎的天气应用程式,提供一系列的个人化天气服务。应用程式会显示最接近用户、指定位置或所选气象站所提供的实况天气,如温度、相对湿度、雨量、风向、风速及天气照片等。天气照片及雨量数据分别每五分钟及每十五分钟更新一次,其他数据每十分钟更新一次,更新时间显示在首页底部。注意事项:1. 天气警告、特别天气提示及定点降雨预报等通知服务是经 Apple Push Notification service (APNs) 提供,香港天文台不能确保用户能收到以上通知。 用户不应以手机程式的通知服务作唯一方法接收重要的天气信息。同时,于天文台发出通知至被应用程式接收,视乎网络当时的使用量及用户手机连线质素等等因素,可能需时五至二十分钟,或更长时间。2. 使用定点降雨预报通知服务会稍为增加耗电量及数据下载量。用户若希望节省程式用电量,可在雨天或于进行户外活动前开启通知服务功能,并于晴天及完成户外活动后关上该功能。此外,使用定点降雨预报通知服务时若于进阶选项内选用较疏更新频率及较低位置准确度亦可节省用电量。3. 「我的天文台」是一个免费程式,但用户需向流动网络服务供应商缴付使用数据的费用。如使用漫游服务时,有关费用或会十分高昂。请确保你流动装置上的「资料漫游」选项已经关上。4. 用户可于「设定我的位置」内,选择手机提供的自动定位服务,或自行于地图上去设定「我的位置」。该位置会于首页及「我的天气报告」功能内显示。若未能成功更新位置时,「我的位置」会显示为上一次成功取得的位置或「香港天文台」。「我的位置」或阁下加入位置显示的气象数据会由附近的气象站提供,但并不表示气象站必然位于同一地区。若附近的气象站没有数据提供时,会使用天文台总部、京士柏及天星码头气象站的数据代替,而更新时间的左旁亦会出现图标 ▲ 。5. 「我的天气报告」功能内显示的位置资料由第三方供应商提供。6. 由于气象站及用户的位置在地形及高度上的差异,而流动装置估算的位置亦与实际有偏差,所以用户在使用「我的天文台」时请注意应用程式显示的天气资料可能与你所在地的实际情况有分别。7. 本应用程式首页的时钟显示香港时间共并会与天文台的网上时间伺服器自动校对,时钟显示的时间可能会与智能手机上的时间不同。8. 本应用程式提供连结让用户浏览天文台Facebook专页,用户可选择是否登录个人Facebook帐户。登录后可使用Facebook更多功能,使用时请留意Facebook专页的注意事项,及Facebook平台的私隐政策等。【更新日志】- 加强雷暴警告分区资讯内容; - 优化应用程式及修复问题。




【基本介绍】精准天气,始于权威!1. app store天气、天气预报分类持续三年TOP10!超过6,000,000+天气用户的信赖!2. 天气预报产品中最权威、最准确的天气类APP!3. 连续多次荣获各大网站和市场最佳免费天气、天气预报应用,装机必备!【产品简介】包含国内外3000多个城市天气信息,采用国内外多家气象机构数据,天气预报信息准确全面,24小时预报、未来十五天天气预报等。气压、湿度、能见度是您户外钓鱼的好帮手!空气质量、污染指数、温度趋势、pm2.5,空气质量指数等更加丰富、精准天气信息!提供穿衣、洗车、紫外线、感冒、运动、旅游等生活指数,是您日常生活、出行旅游的必备天气预报APP!【产品特点】特点一:消耗流量少!使用电量少!占用内存少!特点二:天气信息丰富!准确!权威!特点三:超炫天气动画,下雨、打雷、闪电动画唯美逼真!特点四:未来24小时天气预报、一周天气、十天天气预报、降水概率、空气质量、pm2.5、污染指数、风力指数等应有尽有!特点五:包括国内2600多个城市,国外主要城市天气预报信息!特点六:空气污染指数,pm2.5,全国空气污染指数排名!确保您实时了解空气质量状态,合理安排出行计划!【更新日志】+ 新增Siri捷径功能,获取天气快人一步,赶快来试试吧!+ 适配全新iPad Pro;~ 修复已知bug,优化性能!

Oz Quake

Oz Quake






【基本介绍】*** AeroWeather: for pilots, aviation enthusiasts, and everyone who is serious about the weather!*** Current and precise weather conditions (METAR) and forecasts (TAF).AeroWeather Lite provides quick and intuitive access to METAR and TAF for airports worldwide. Data can be shown in its original (raw) format or as fully decoded and easy understandable texts. AeroWeather Lite is helpful for weather preflight-briefings, but also to just get very precise weather. All weather data is cached for offline access. There are many settings for units and format of METAR/TAF available.The app features a built-in airport database, which includes basic airport data like sunrise/sunset, twilight times, timezones etc. AeroWeather Lite offers built-in groups for nearby stations, today widget*, and earthquakes. Depending on your needs, groups can be shown or hidden in the main list view.METAR alert notifications** is an helpful feature to stay up-to-date. Define multiple alerts for each station with the following criteria: flight rule (US NOAA), wind speed, temperature, pressure, present weather, visibility, and ceiling (BKN and OVC). Notifications will be sent to your device if the criteria is met (e.g., when wind is greater/equal 10 kts, flight rule becomes IFR).Dedicated METAR/TAF** access is optionally available. METAR/TAF data comes primarily from certified ANSP (air navigation service provider) MeteoSwiss and is provided reliably and fast from our dedicated, redundant servers (indicated by blue checkmark underneath METAR/TAF).The AeroPix feature offers users the possibility to take quickly picture(s) of the weather at their current location. The pictures will be available to all other pilots (on the map or within an airport detail view) helping them to get a better idea about local conditions. AeroPix should be especially helpful when there's no or insufficient webcam coverage.There's also an iMessage app included which lets you easily send METAR/TAF of any airport to other users.Please consult our web-site for a full description of all features. In order to keep AeroWeather Lite free we added a small ad banner at the bottom of the screen. Consider getting AeroWeather Pro, subscribe the additional features**, or remove the ad banner through one-time unlock* to have an ad-free app.* Additional functionality which needs to be unlocked (one-time purchase). In-app purchases are not transferable between Lite, Pro, and Mac.** From version 2.3 on additional features which generate recurring operation costs for us will be offered within a subscription. There's only one subscription type which simply varies in time periods (1 month, 2 months, 12 months). The subscription is valid in both AeroWeather Lite and Pro. For example, you can also use the subscription features in the Pro version even if you purchased the subscription in the Lite version (and vice versa). Cross app subscription support is only available if iCloud (with the same Apple ID) is enabled. Previously purchased unlock features are not affected and will work with or without subscription.The following features are enabled while a subscription is active: - Dedicated METAR/TAF data source - Alert notifications - Remove ad banner - WidgetSubscription Terms of Use:https://www.lakehorn.com/subscription-terms-of-use/【更新日志】- Added Siri shortcuts for METARs- Minor layout improvements- Bug fixing- Database update (2018-12-08)

The Weather Network

The Weather Network


【基本介绍】Accurate and easy-to-use, you’ll always have the weather forecast at your fingertips with access to the most in-depth weather news and video. Stay ahead of storms with notifications alerting you as storms approach your saved locations, and watch the weather system with our satellite and weather radar maps.Key features: - Detailed weather forecasts including current observations and temperatures, short term (36 hours), long term (14 days) and hourly forecasts. These forecasts are updated every 15 minutes to ensure accuracy and reliability- Air quality and UV reports - Severe weather and storm alerts to notify you when a storm is heading your way. Users will see a red alert banner on the affected cities and regions and can click-thru for more info - Weather notifications for your individual North American locations - Radar layer on maps showcasing past and future timestamps - Precipitation start and stop times within a 10-minute window - Follow-me functionality, automatically detecting the forecast within 1 km of your location - Available in English and French, based on your device’s settings- Siri Shortcuts (iOS 12 and higher): Use the app as you normally would and Siri will learn and suggest your frequently used weather features (e.g. detailed forecast, current radar map, etc.) over time - These can be tuned from the device’s settings: Settings > Siri & Search > All ShortcutsPrivacy Policy: http://www.theweathernetwork.com/about-us/privacy-policyTips: - Access weather forecasts, yesterday’s high & low temperature, wind speed & direction, humidity, cloud ceiling, visibility, sunrise & sunset times, news, videos and maps, all at a glance - The gear icon on the top left provides simple access to Public Weather Warning settings, app settings and FAQs - Add a location by tapping the city name at the top, center of your screen from the overview screen - Tap on any of the at-a-glance modules to access more details - To get the optimal experience with our weather radar maps, tap and pinch to exploreWe’d love to hear from you! Please send feedback to feedbackapp@pelmorex.com. You can also visit our website at www.theweathernetwork.com, follow us on Facebook: theweathernetworkCAN or Twitter: @weathernetwork The Weather Network – Your Weather When It Really Matters TM【更新日志】5.1.0The Weather Network app is now optimised for iPad Pro 12.9-inch (3rd generation) and iPad Pro (11-inch)5.0.0Welcome to version 5.0! This release contains support for the following awesome iOS 12 features:- Siri Shortcuts for frequently used weather pages- Grouped notifications
