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American Airlines5.10.3

大小:288M语言:英文 类别:地图导航系统:ios

American Airlines应用截图和下载



【基本介绍】With the American Airlines app, you’re covered with the information you need exactly when you need it. Curious about traffic to the airport Need a mobile boarding pass Wondering where the closest Admirals Club? lounge is located All of this info, and more, is available at your fingertips.- Dynamic home screen: Knows where you are in your travel journey and gives you easy access to the right tools at the right time.- Mobile boarding pass: Check in for your trip and retrieve your mobile boarding pass. No need to print, and it’s updated along the way.- Flight updates: Get the latest flight updates by simply retrieving your reservation and allowing American Airlines to send notifications to your mobile device. - Interactive terminal maps: Navigating airports is a breeze with our interactive terminal maps. Find the closest Admirals Club lounge or get directions to your connecting gate. - AAdvantage? account details: Review all the details of your AAdvantage account right from the app. Not an AAdvantage member Sign up today.- Upgrade your seat: Request and purchase upgrades with ease. Want to see where you are on the list The app displays the upgrade standby list within four hours of your scheduled departure. - Seat selection: Select or change your seat within the app. Just pick the one you’d like and change it on the spot. - Track your bag: Know exactly where your bag is from the time it leaves your hands to when you extend the handle at your final destination. - Save your reservation: Your recently viewed reservations are automatically saved in the app so you can easily grab the details for your next flight in seconds.- Quick interactions: The American app utilizes 3D touch and is Apple watch compatible, giving you quick access to the most important info. - Wi-Fi access in the air: Don’t forget on flights with Wi-Fi, you can use the American app and aa.com at no cost. There’s a new group of flyers out there – The World’s Greatest Flyers. They know that having the right travel tools contributes to a great experience.New with iOS10, the sky’s the limit with the American Airlines sticker pack! Let friends and family know that you’re traveling, headed to the Admirals Club? lounge to take it easy before taking off, snapping photos at 30,000 feet or that you’ve arrived.Contact Us: 1-800-222-2377【更新日志】To make our app better for you, we make ongoing updates to improve your experience. Thanks for choosing American Airlines.· You can now use your American Airlines AAdvantage? miles to book award travel on American or one of our partner airlines directly from our a





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