
大小:54.6M语言:中文 类别:教育软件系统:ios




【基本介绍】观看TED演讲不仅可满足您的好奇心,还可拓展您的视野。快来探索由杰出人士提供的2,000多个TED演讲吧,可按主题和氛围排序,涉及从科技到心理学神奇现象的一切内容。特征:- 可浏览整个TED演讲视频库,包括100多种语言。- 可下载演讲的视频或音频离线回放。- 可将演讲加入书签,以便日后观看。- 探索鼓舞人心的、妙趣横生的或令人瞠目结舌的视频以及精心制作的专辑。- 让我们根据您的时间安排,为您量身打造定制式专辑。- 可在您的设备上播放,亦可通过Chromecast或AirPlay发送至您的家庭娱乐系统。敬请下载TED应用程序,让自己保持好奇心、博学多闻并受到鼓舞。【更新日志】We are nearing the end of our year here at TED HQ and are putting some work into cleaning up some internals of our app. There's not too many user facing changes in this release. The biggest thing you will notice is that we updated the corners of our poster images to be rounded. Designers everywhere rejoiced! Beyond that, there's a host of small changes internally to improve app stability, performance, and get the TED app ready for an exciting 2019.We hope you enjoy the new release. If you run into any issues or have general feedback on our app, email us at contact@ted.com.ps. We don't prompt you for a review in the app because we don't want to take away from your time with our speakers. However, if you are enjoying TED for iOS, please take a moment to rate and review us on the App Store. It really helps us out!