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大小:258.1M语言:中文 类别:街机游戏系统:ios






Double Trouble Chase

Double Trouble Chase


玩 Double Trouble。Bird Climb、Spider Square 和Running Circles 制造商给您带来的新游戏!点击向左或向右跳,并控制在本疯狂的分屏游戏中同时控制两个人物。避开致命的陷阱,并收集宝石来解锁新的超酷英雄!全面考验你的反应能力和手眼协调。多玩家回合制 多人模式,是真正乐趣的开始!你可以与好友、或来自世界各地的数千名玩家尽情畅玩。向他们发起挑战,并向他们展示谁才是终极冠军吧!在APPLE TV的本地多人模式把任意iOS设备连接到你的Apple TV,即可与另外多达8位好友一起,在同一屏幕上尽情畅玩。这将会超级好玩和无敌过瘾。这绝对是最佳的聚会游戏!REPLAY KIT录下你华丽的操作和打破最高分的精彩时刻,并与你的好友分享吧。3D TOUCH在游戏图标处,即可开启单人模式、多人模式或Apple TV游戏。iCLOUD SYNC 把你的进度同步至iCloud,即可在任意iOS设备中继续你的游戏。本地化24种语言,任你选择,让你尽享游戏乐趣阿拉伯语,中文(简体中文),中文(繁体中文),丹麦语,荷兰语,英语,芬兰语,法语,德语,印地语,印度尼西亚语,意大利语,日语,韩语,马来语,挪威语,波兰语,葡萄牙语,俄语,西班牙语,瑞典语,泰语,土耳其语和越南语游戏特色:- 在线多人模式- 在Apple TV上的本地多人模式- Replay Kit- 3D Touch- iCloud Sync- 24种语言可供选择- 简单的单击控制方式- 2种难度模式 ―― 简单和普通- 精美的最简式艺术风格- 排行榜和成就




【基本介绍】碰碰猫 iPhone & iPad 双版永久免费,速度下载!完美支持所有iPhone / iPad,华丽的全屏视觉盛宴怎能错过.=================================各位玩家朋友,我们已先后推出了《碰碰猫》和《碰碰狗》系列游戏,献给所有的爱猫爱狗人士,希望碰碰系列游戏可以在大家繁忙枯燥的工作之余,带来一丝轻松与欢笑。猫猫和狗狗都是我们的朋友,我们板砖熊工作室的全体成员都是把自己的宠物带到公司来一起工作的,有猫,有狗,还有蜥蜴和小仓鼠。我们相信,只有我们带着一颗有爱的心,才能做出最有爱的游戏,谢谢大家的支持!=================================碰碰猫正趁着夜色, 潜入都市, 准备昼夜狂欢, 难道真的没有人能阻止喵星人胡来了吗?全球最流行的超萌消除游戏, 带着高清的游戏画面和全新的娱乐体验王者归来, 让玩家体会到之前的一切都是浮云。[5种全新的猫猫角色, 萌翻你的宠物情节][全中文界面操作。听说全世界都在学中国话,孔夫子的话,越来越国际化][炫丽的光影动画和流畅的游戏体验, OpenGL 2.0极致渲染, 小游戏?大游戏?][迷幻的魔法道具, 让你的游戏过程柳暗花明][萌音乐, 萌音效, 萌宠物, 难道这个世界都被萌占领了吗][分享到微信、新浪微薄、腾讯微薄,顶尖成绩到处泛滥]# 游戏玩法:- 两个或两个以上的同色猫猫即可消除, 单指操控哦~- 没有时间限制, 尽情的思考吧, 但每一关都有过关目标分, 达到才能过关。- 合理运用魔法道具可帮你刷新更高的记录, 让你有机会登上全球高手榜。# 游戏特性:- 自动保存游戏进度,您可以随时按Home键退出和接打电话, 白天黑夜等车吃饭,想玩就接着玩- 完美支持所有iPhone / iPad,华丽的全屏视觉盛宴怎能错过.- 支持Game Center全球游戏排行- 完美支持Retina高清屏幕显示 - 炫耀功能,可将自己的高分记录和游戏画面分享到微信好友、微信朋友圈、新浪微薄、腾讯微薄等好友聚集的地方,偶尔得瑟一下也是可以的:)当您打开游戏,就注定停不下来哟 : )[板砖熊工作室] [联系我们:brickbearstudios@gmail.com]【更新日志】更新就为送魔法道具,没毛病。

Bubble Bust! HD

Bubble Bust! HD


【基本介绍】Bubble Bust! has exceeded all our expectations and now over 25 MILLION people around the world are playing the game! Thank you all for your support! - "From the second I started playing, I couldn't put it down until I completed it. Literally. Bubble Bust! is a top-quality, highly-addictive puzzle game." -- App Unwrapper: 4.5/5 - "Bubble Bust just might be one of those addictive match three games that will surprise you... can be easily grasped within the first level or two, but ends up being very addictive. The game features a bright and enjoyable presentation package as well." -- 148Apps.com "POPPING GOOD" Some player reviews: - "WOW!!! I've seen a lot of games like this but this is by far the best one out there, stunning visuals and intense gameplay" - 5 star review - "I LOVE THIS GAME! I've played other bubble type games but this one is fantastic! I love the way everything moves, the graphics, the game itself! - 5 star review - "Premium Bubble Popping Game! 5 Star game without a doubt. This is more than just a bubble popping game. Beautifully made and controls are excellent." - 5 star review - "The best bubble burst type game out and I've played them all!" - 5 star review Bubble Bust! is an amazing bubble-shooter game featuring addictive gameplay and tons of exciting new bubbles and power ups! The game is easy to play - clear the marbles and bust the hidden key bubble - yet incredibly fun and challenging! FEATURES: * Many FREE levels + 490 purchasable levels of serious bubble-popping fun * Exciting new bubbles and power ups * High quality graphics with Retina display support * Game Center Leaderboards * 38 Awesome Achievements (Local and Game Center) * Breathtaking visual effects * Realistic game physics * Captivating arcade inspired music * Accurate controls, with two ways to shoot * Global high scores let you compete against players from around the world * Three star ranking system * Tracks today’s and personal records for each level * Excellent replay value * Colorblind mode * and much much more… HOW TO PLAY: Your goal is to clear the marbles and bust the hidden key bubble. Clear the marbles by making groups of the same color. Groups of three or more marbles of the same color will fall down. If the marbles cross the glowing line at the bottom of the screen, the game is over. CONTROLS: Simply tap a marble on the game board, or an empty spot close to it, to fire a marble towards that spot. To fine tune your shot, slide your finger left and right anywhere on the screen to first set the direction, then release your finger to launch the marble. Please support us by rating and reviewing the game. Game On! :)Follow us on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/GameOnArcadeDeveloped and published by GameOnhttp://www.gameonarcade.com【更新日志】* Several minor improvements and bug fixesPlease support us and re-rate the game after each update
