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iFighter 1945

iFighter 1945


------------------------------------------------------------------------FREE for a limited time to celebrate the release of Myth Of Destiny v1.2!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------iFighter offers nothing more than a very slick and well designed vertical shooter for the iPhone that belongs in anyone's arcade collection- Andrew Nesvadba, appspy.com (5/5) Great options for controls, great graphics and sound, and really well designed intensely epic boss battles. - appsafari.com (4/5)Despite the two decades I’ve lived, no vertical scrolling shooter has captivated me like iFighter. - Jeff Effendi, AppGamer.net (9/10)With its rocking original soundtrack and crisp graphics, this vertical 2D shooter has zoomed in and blasted the competition out of the sky. - AppSmile.com (5-Dimple)Personally, I thought Raiden kicked ass and now I’m madly in love with iFighter. This game RULES!!- Michael, iPhoneAppReviews.netiFighter is a game for vertical shooting game freaks on the iPhone; - Andrew, iPhoneFootprint.comAs the ace pilot of the airforce in WWII, your mission is to destroy the secret weapon prototypes of the Nazis. Fasten your seat belt and get ready for some non-stop action!Features:- 3 difficulty settings- 5 different fighters- 4 control modes: motion, touch, joypad and relative- 8 challenging missions- original sound tracks- spectacular end-of-level bosses【更新日志】- 64 bit support- new fighter jet P82- new Admob system- restore purchases button in Options

Bubble Bust! HD

Bubble Bust! HD


【基本介绍】Bubble Bust! has exceeded all our expectations and now over 25 MILLION people around the world are playing the game! Thank you all for your support! - "From the second I started playing, I couldn't put it down until I completed it. Literally. Bubble Bust! is a top-quality, highly-addictive puzzle game." -- App Unwrapper: 4.5/5 - "Bubble Bust just might be one of those addictive match three games that will surprise you... can be easily grasped within the first level or two, but ends up being very addictive. The game features a bright and enjoyable presentation package as well." -- 148Apps.com "POPPING GOOD" Some player reviews: - "WOW!!! I've seen a lot of games like this but this is by far the best one out there, stunning visuals and intense gameplay" - 5 star review - "I LOVE THIS GAME! I've played other bubble type games but this one is fantastic! I love the way everything moves, the graphics, the game itself! - 5 star review - "Premium Bubble Popping Game! 5 Star game without a doubt. This is more than just a bubble popping game. Beautifully made and controls are excellent." - 5 star review - "The best bubble burst type game out and I've played them all!" - 5 star review Bubble Bust! is an amazing bubble-shooter game featuring addictive gameplay and tons of exciting new bubbles and power ups! The game is easy to play - clear the marbles and bust the hidden key bubble - yet incredibly fun and challenging! FEATURES: * Many FREE levels + 490 purchasable levels of serious bubble-popping fun * Exciting new bubbles and power ups * High quality graphics with Retina display support * Game Center Leaderboards * 38 Awesome Achievements (Local and Game Center) * Breathtaking visual effects * Realistic game physics * Captivating arcade inspired music * Accurate controls, with two ways to shoot * Global high scores let you compete against players from around the world * Three star ranking system * Tracks today’s and personal records for each level * Excellent replay value * Colorblind mode * and much much more… HOW TO PLAY: Your goal is to clear the marbles and bust the hidden key bubble. Clear the marbles by making groups of the same color. Groups of three or more marbles of the same color will fall down. If the marbles cross the glowing line at the bottom of the screen, the game is over. CONTROLS: Simply tap a marble on the game board, or an empty spot close to it, to fire a marble towards that spot. To fine tune your shot, slide your finger left and right anywhere on the screen to first set the direction, then release your finger to launch the marble. Please support us by rating and reviewing the game. Game On! :)Follow us on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/GameOnArcadeDeveloped and published by GameOnhttp://www.gameonarcade.com【更新日志】* Several minor improvements and bug fixesPlease support us and re-rate the game after each update




【基本介绍】碰碰猫 iPhone & iPad 双版永久免费,速度下载!完美支持所有iPhone / iPad,华丽的全屏视觉盛宴怎能错过.=================================各位玩家朋友,我们已先后推出了《碰碰猫》和《碰碰狗》系列游戏,献给所有的爱猫爱狗人士,希望碰碰系列游戏可以在大家繁忙枯燥的工作之余,带来一丝轻松与欢笑。猫猫和狗狗都是我们的朋友,我们板砖熊工作室的全体成员都是把自己的宠物带到公司来一起工作的,有猫,有狗,还有蜥蜴和小仓鼠。我们相信,只有我们带着一颗有爱的心,才能做出最有爱的游戏,谢谢大家的支持!=================================碰碰猫正趁着夜色, 潜入都市, 准备昼夜狂欢, 难道真的没有人能阻止喵星人胡来了吗?全球最流行的超萌消除游戏, 带着高清的游戏画面和全新的娱乐体验王者归来, 让玩家体会到之前的一切都是浮云。[5种全新的猫猫角色, 萌翻你的宠物情节][全中文界面操作。听说全世界都在学中国话,孔夫子的话,越来越国际化][炫丽的光影动画和流畅的游戏体验, OpenGL 2.0极致渲染, 小游戏?大游戏?][迷幻的魔法道具, 让你的游戏过程柳暗花明][萌音乐, 萌音效, 萌宠物, 难道这个世界都被萌占领了吗][分享到微信、新浪微薄、腾讯微薄,顶尖成绩到处泛滥]# 游戏玩法:- 两个或两个以上的同色猫猫即可消除, 单指操控哦~- 没有时间限制, 尽情的思考吧, 但每一关都有过关目标分, 达到才能过关。- 合理运用魔法道具可帮你刷新更高的记录, 让你有机会登上全球高手榜。# 游戏特性:- 自动保存游戏进度,您可以随时按Home键退出和接打电话, 白天黑夜等车吃饭,想玩就接着玩- 完美支持所有iPhone / iPad,华丽的全屏视觉盛宴怎能错过.- 支持Game Center全球游戏排行- 完美支持Retina高清屏幕显示 - 炫耀功能,可将自己的高分记录和游戏画面分享到微信好友、微信朋友圈、新浪微薄、腾讯微薄等好友聚集的地方,偶尔得瑟一下也是可以的:)当您打开游戏,就注定停不下来哟 : )[板砖熊工作室] [联系我们:brickbearstudios@gmail.com]【更新日志】更新就为送魔法道具,没毛病。




【基本介绍】不朽的名作[拳皇97](The King of Fighters 97)登陆iPhone/iPad!本作加入了由玩家投票产生的新角色,以及通过编辑队伍组合达成不同的结局等众多崭新要素。草薙京与八神庵的宿命对决,众人与大蛇一族壮绝的战斗最终将走向何方?燃烧吧,不灭的激情!特色■多达35人的参战角色!除了「草薙京」「特瑞?博加德」等玩家耳熟能详的名字外、来自饿狼传说系列的「布鲁?玛丽」、「山崎龙二」、KOF原创角色「七枷社」等新面孔也将率队参战!!同时,玩家一开始就可以使用NEOGEO版中的隐藏角色[暴走八神庵]和[觉醒莉安娜]!当然,作为KOF的特色之一,信息量巨大的赛前斗嘴内容让任何角色之间的对战都不会冷场!■2种操作模式让游戏系统更加深奥!本作融合了ADVANCED MODE与EXTRA MODE两种操作模式。玩家可以选择适合自己的模式展开激战!<ADVANCED MODE的特点>?前冲,后撤及丰富的跳跃方式使玩家能够迅速接近或远离对手,是一种富于攻击性的模式。?通过储存能量槽,玩家可以在任意时间发动[MAX模式]或者[超必杀技]等需要消费能量槽的操作。?如果目前使用的角色输掉比赛,接下来出场的角色的能量槽的存储量会因为他与目前使用角色之间的关系而变化。队伍的编成以及出场顺序的选择变得更为重要。<EXTRA MODE的特点>?通过利用灵巧快速的前后移动,可以将对手玩弄于鼓掌之间。?可以在任意时间主动积蓄能量槽,积满后自动进入POWER MAX状态。?角色体力所剩不多时,体力槽会闪烁,此时可以无限制使用超必杀技。■不仅仅是NEOGEO版的完全移植!除了完全再现街机版的4键操作方式外,也可以设置包含[紧急回避]和[吹飞攻击]专用按钮的6键模式或者一键即可使出必杀技的SP按钮!■通过蓝牙功能展开热血对战!除了单人游戏外,更可以利用蓝牙功能展开双人对战。新老玩家皆可享受PVP快感!官方新浪微博:SNKPLAYMORECORP官方腾讯微博:SNK官方【更新日志】·已对应iOS 11系统·修正一部分BUG【重要】关于版本更新的注意事项对应iOS8后,「MULTIPLAYER MODE」的联网方法将由原来的Bluetooth变更为Wi-Fi模式。另外配对开始前需要登录「Game Center」。请各位玩家朋友在更新版本时注意以上事项。

反恐突击队 Gun Strike

反恐突击队 Gun Strike


玩家扮演一位身经百战的雇佣兵, 使用各种枪械来对抗敌人, 并利用完成任务所获取的金钱购买更好的装备, 武器装备一共有22把长短枪与榴弹以及防弹衣。游戏有8大主题场景共80个小关卡, 与2个独立小游戏, 并设有多项游戏成就与线上排行榜, 可以跟全球的玩家们一同较劲。 [游戏特色] 1. 多变逗趣的角色演出 - 20种以上角色模组共30余种不同行为演出效果。 2. 深具特色与挑战性的场景关卡 - 8大主题场景共80个小关卡与数十个敌兵行进路线设计。 - 生存模式与2个考验玩家反应的小游戏。 3. 拟真的声光特效 - 各种逼真的物理动态效果,如贯穿、击杀、爆炸、死亡坠落等。 - 多种粒子效果搭配节奏鲜明的背景音乐与音效,营造热血沸腾的枪战气氛。 4. 支援GameCenter手机社群平台 - 70项游戏成就、23个排行榜,可与全球玩家一同较劲。 5. 多样武器与优化的操作模式,考验玩家用枪技巧 - 22种武器,包括 MP5 P90 AK47 M16A1 Benelli M4 AWP M4A1 AUG M249 SAW HK G3SG Beretta ARX160 CheyTac M200 Barrett M82 Beretta M92F Desert Eagle Five-seveN Beretta M93RM60COLT ANACONDAMilkor MGLM134 MinigunM1911 - Reload的时机掌握,适时切换长短枪,偶尔赏敌人一颗芭乐是闯关拿高分的必备技巧。 在Facebook和Twitter上有更多的信息和玩家问题回覆 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FPSGunStrike 微博:http://www.weibo.com/paladingames【更新日志】版本: 1.5.2 1. 其它小问题修正。




Overkill is about shooting. Overkill is about loving and upgrading your gun. Overkill is about shedding the blood of your enemies and not having yours spilled. You will need quick reflexes and superior aiming skills to shoot your way out of this one. Do you have what it takes to clear all levels?*** SURVIVAL MODE ***Fight for your life!If you've ever thought you could never spend all the ammo you had in hand, then you've been mistaken. In this blood soaked survival mode you never get short of enemies to eradicate. The target to achieve is quite simple: STAY ALIVE!Weekly Survival TournamentsUse every resource at hand, make every bullet count and become the Champion of Survival. Everyone will know your name if you make it to the top! You will also be rewarded with precious Overkill Medals to get bigger and better guns!*** CROSS-PLATFORM MULTIPLAYER ***Find yourself a worthy opponent and compete head-on with other players (3G and Wi-Fi). Become the best and boast your position in the top ranks!NEW: Now you can have Androiders for breakfast! Take part in the fight and represent your platform!The Novice Tier offers battles featuring slower-paced enemies who take fewer shots before dying. You are issued a standard UMP 45 submachine gun with unlimited ammunition.More skilled players can upgrade to the Elite Tier, featuring enemies who are faster and harder to kill. Elite players compete using M16A4 SPECOPS rifles that can be upgraded to include additional stocks, magazines, scopes, foregrips and other accessories.The Elite Tier includes leaderboards, flying drones, bonus boxes and other features not found in the Novice Tier.The Sniper Tier is for the sharpest of shooters. You will face the most challenging enemies who will use all the resources they can to finish you. Your only friend is the deadly RSASS REMINGTON sniper rifle. Get the most of it with powerful upgrades. Sniper Tier competitions last up to to 2,500 points.*** GREAT SINGLE PLAYER ***Civilized society has collapsed and your mission is to kill all you cross. Use an array of increasingly powerful weapons to eliminate anything that stands in your way. A bounty is paid for everything that is killed and destroyed. With the reward you can buy weapons and upgrades. Over 120 combinations of weapons! Fight through 100 waves and 5 extra Hell waves in 5 locations.*** OVER 10 MILLION PLAYERS ***LEADERBOARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS84 Achievements and 9 Leaderboards to keep you entertained30 RANKSGet promoted from Private to General18 WEAPONS TO UPGRADEThey include AK-47, M4, RPG, RG6, MP7, MAG, MG4, MSR, SCAR, MARV, HK 417, P90, TECH III, MAC UZI, ACR, XM8, Machine Gun…100 WAVES100 waves with 5 extra hell waves in 5 locationsPLENTY OF ENEMIES TO KILLDifferent enemies to kill, heavy flying drones to destroyOTHER FEATURES " lots of blood, explosions " awesome high-definition graphics " music and sound effects " upgrade your weapon the way you like " detailed Stats to measure your progress (kills, bullets shot, accuracy, etc.)MEDAL STORE AND OVERKILL MEDALS:Some powerful weapons and upgrades are locked. That’s why we introduced Overkill Medals (OM). For OMs you can get all the extra stuff that’s in game (weapons, upgrades, wallpapers, etc). There are several ways to earn medals, discover all the possibilities in the game.【更新日志】- bug fixes

Chasing Yello

Chasing Yello


“这个游戏充满乐趣,肯定会赢得无限亚军流派游戏迷的青睐。” AppAdvice“表面上,随之而来的基本上是《神庙逃亡》遇上《背包狂飙》……倾斜控制、滑动控制和等级设计大力结合,使场景气氛紧张而富有挑战性,但并不花哨。” Gamezebo“不错、有趣而可爱……简直一鸣惊人。” TouchArcade追杀继续时,冒险在汹涌澎湃的河水中游!7岁的Mathilda让她那无可奈何的金鱼小黄在当地野溪中享受自由的乐趣。帮助小黄摆脱Mathilda,引导可怜的鱼儿在充满岩石、熊熊燃木和食人鱼的危险河流中进行艰难困苦的冒险活动!小黄能否逃跑,是否会成为危险环境的牺牲品,是否会成为Mathilda的网中之鱼?无限亚军所采取的行动:- 只需倾斜移动、向上滑动跳跃和向下潜水,即可完全避开无数危险因素- 许多卓越的加电,包括盾牌、磁铁、火箭和巨星- 收集星并买更好的加电- 超酷的卡通动画!- 游戏中心排行榜和目标系统- 在Twitter和Facebook上展示您的得分Dreamfab的更多游戏:《拯救小黄》“无数稀奇古怪的魅力。” Slide to Play《失落的方块》“理想的闲暇喜悦。” 148Apps《快乐的小山》“肯定会创造许多快乐的面孔。” 148Apps《恶魔拆迁者》“摧毁城市和制造混乱非常有趣!” Touch Arcade【更新日志】Tweaks and bug fixes

Bubble Bust!

Bubble Bust!


【基本介绍】Over 25 million people around the world are playing this original arcade bubble shooter! Thank you all for your support! Some player reviews: - "Most Addicting Game EVER!!" - 5 star review - "Smooth gameplay and nice graphics!" - 5 star review - "Fun!!! Perfect way to pass the time!" - 5 star review - "I love It!!! It is one of the best game I played!" - 5 star reviewBubble Bust! Free is an amazing bubble-shooter game featuring addictive gameplay and many exciting new bubbles and power ups! The game is easy to play - clear the marbles and bust the hidden key bubble - yet amazingly fun and challenging! FEATURES:* 30 FREE levels + 490 purchasable levels of serious bubble-popping fun * High quality graphics with Retina display support* Breathtaking visual effects* Exciting new bubbles and power ups* Realistic game physics* Captivating arcade inspired music* Game Center Leaderboards * 38 Awesome Achievements (Local and Game Center) * Accurate controls, with two ways to shoot* Global high scores let you compete against players from around the world* Three star ranking system* Tracks today’s and personal records for each level* Excellent replay value* Colorblind mode* Fun stats and much much more…It's so fun, it’s... marbelous! :)HOW TO PLAY:Your goal is to clear the marbles and bust the hidden key bubble. Clear the marbles by making groups of the same color. Groups of three or more marbles of the same color will fall down. If the marbles cross the glowing line at the bottom of the screen, the game is over.CONTROLS:Simply tap a marble on the game board, or an empty spot close to it, to fire a marble towards that spot. To fine tune your shot, slide your finger left and right anywhere on the screen to first set the direction, then release your finger to launch the marble. Please support us by rating and reviewing the game. Game On! :)Follow us on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/GameOnArcadeDeveloped and published by GameOnhttp://www.GameOnArcade.com【更新日志】* Several minor improvements and bug fixesPlease support us and re-rate the game after each update
