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Sheet Music Trainer2.0.2

大小:8M语言:中文 类别:音乐游戏系统:ios

Sheet Music Trainer应用截图和下载



Learn how to read sheet music.This application is the second in a series of games that will help you become an expert in sight reading. Play this game for five minutes a day for a week and you'll become an expert in sight reading for the treble scale.Recognize and answer as many notes correctly as possible in 60 seconds. Expert musicians regularly reach over 50 correct answers. For extra fun: challenge your other musician friends to beat your score.Enjoy improving your music skills. Visit WWW.BIDBOX.COM for more great apps*********************************************************WE SUPPORT TEACHERS: If you're a music teacher simply send an email to apps@bidbox.com with the subject line "Sheet Music Trainer" and a short description of where you teach to get a redemption code for this game.*********************************************************【更新日志】Minor bug fixes





Test your ability to tap, slide, hold and spin to the beat in this FREE rhythm game!osu!stream offers three styles of play, including an innovative;stream; mode which becomes harder as you get better! Can you perfect your combo and get the highest score?Try it today with 7 completely FREE songs, with many more available for purchase! Please check the store frequently as we are working on adding more songs soon after release!osu!stream will be updated regularly with new content (free and paid!) and your feedback will be used to shape future features!If you have any problems with the game, please email us at stream@ppy.sh or tweet at @osustream. We'll reply in hours, if not minutes!=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=Features:* Lovingly crafted levels that play well on both iPhone *AND* iPad.* Challenge three styles of play on every song, including an unlockable expert mode!* Online leaderboards!* Original and remixed music from a variety of artists.* Vibrant and colourful pixel-perfect graphics across all devices.* Smooth 60fps gameplay on 3GS+ * High frame rate gameplay even on older devices! (3g/iTouch 2g)* Optional finger guides for beginners.* An autoplay mode to help learn more difficult songs.* Localised to Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, Italian and French.Coming soon:* Constantly updated song library. New free and paid songs every month!* Play mod; add-ons for an extra challenge.* Multiplayer!=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=All songs are used with permission and remain copyright to their respective artists.【更新日志】Fix for iOS9.Fix for In-App purchases not working.Apologies for the lack of updates and new songs! While I don't want to make any promises about new pack releases, I haven't given up on the iOS platform. Time permissive, my focus is on allowing all osu! (PC) maps to be loaded and user editable. This may be on a separate osu! app release. I will keep posting updates on twitter as we make progress (@osustream and my personal account @ppy).I have reduced the sale price of all packs down to the minimum possible, where they will stay for the foreseeable future. Thanks to everyone who has supported this endeavour! Reach out to me if you have any queries (email or twitter works the best).








【基本介绍】-累计37周获得苹果AppStore首页推荐的超人气音乐游戏!--已收录168首乐曲,并不断追加中!-2次元名星名曲参战!O(≧▽≦)o中文Vocaloid星尘,官方形象授权!《九九八十一》《普通DISCO》《权御天下》《万神纪》《妄想症》等中文V家名曲悉数收录!ilem,乌龟,阿良良木健,DELA,纯白P,战场原妖精等知名UP主持续供曲!大陆歌姬,祈inory,幽舞越山参战!知名音游作曲家 M2U,Paul Bazooka,iKz参曲!知名二次元音乐团体,平行四界,月蚀,Vanguard Sound,DAYS乐团,咏吟轩深度合作!至美的画面表现!(⊙ω⊙)我们利用retina屏幕的每一个像素,细心雕琢音乐游戏的视觉体验。您将穿梭在萌萌哒海洋,广阔的天空或是深邃的时空隧道中。与乐曲情节相符的演出效果为您展现音乐的情感变化。让您在美妙的音乐中找到最初的感动!任性的操作方式!(≧Д≦)ノ 喵赛克能精准的捕捉您的每一次触碰,无论屏幕大小,手指粗细,您都可以流畅的进行演奏,伸出双手尽情的敲击屏幕吧!终极的听觉享受!(*≧ω≦)纯净的钢琴,酷炫的电音。每一次触碰都会有美妙的音符从您的指尖流出,让您体验真实的演奏的乐趣!专业的声音处理和高品质的音频让您的耳机燃烧起来!细腻的打击手感!o(≧w≦o)、钢琴的清澈,电音的颗粒,古琴的律动,为不同风格音乐而定制的演奏特效让您仿佛可以触碰音乐!永不停止的更新!(≧o≦)ノ只要中国音乐人不停止创作,喵赛克的更新也将继续!喵赛克将追随他们的脚步,向前迈进!永不停止!官方微博:weibo.com/musync官方QQ群:423122418【更新日志】-追加《Muse Dash》联动曲《Pancake is love》(免费)-追加小伙伴专属乐曲《海棠仙》
