爱软吧苹果网 > 苹果游戏 > 街机游戏 > 太空战机-雷电30001.0.100


大小:32M语言:中文 类别:街机游戏系统:ios




升级提示:战机升级和最高分数相关,分数越高等级越高.注意:不支持iPhone3GS及iPod Touch3代及以下设备. 太空战机是经典的射击类街机游戏, 拥有超多的30关各具特色的关卡,几十种敌机和Boss,超酷的弹幕和特技。3种不同类型武器和必杀技,5大护航编队,7种防御和攻击特技,加上5个级别的升级系统和装配系统,让你拥有不一样的弹幕射击游戏体验。FEATURES-完整的30关完全不同的关卡,更多的可玩性.-超多的Boss和丰富的弹幕攻击模式,过瘾-3种不同的武器:激光弹, 散弹,高能子弹,每种武器都拥有各自的超级模式必杀技-5大护航编队,提供各种不同的辅助攻击能力,包括追踪导弹,声波导弹等-7大特技,炸弹, 必杀技,护盾, 黑洞, 光速飞行等,让你玩到爽-9个级别的飞机升级和5个级别武器的升级系统,一旦升级,从此拥有。-支持Game Center与世界各地的玩家比较分数,并有各种成就可挑战。-支持本地排行榜,可以不断挑战自己.-所有武器和升级可以通过游戏获取的金币购买.--完美支持iPhone5, iPod Touch5, iPad4, iPad mini.【更新日志】支持iOS8









和《泡泡狂欢》一同狂欢一夏,一次壮观的泡泡大冒险!一个有可爱的小猫、广阔的世界和捣蛋鬼的益智冒险游戏?你是在和我躲猫猫吗!打败邪恶的泡泡巫师,拯救动物宝宝!抛掷泡泡,并匹配相同颜色的泡泡,在空中爆出缤纷色彩,伴你游戏中一路取胜。“《泡泡狂欢》让你欲罢不能,手机用户的必备应用。”―Gameteep.net“有史以来最为精致的泡泡游戏。”―Gamezebo=《泡泡狂欢》的特色=700 多个具有挑战性的解谜关卡!灵感来自最佳的街机游戏和最益智的解谜游戏,《泡泡狂欢》将给你带来有趣、刺激的泡泡消除挑战模式,让你欲罢不能。在绚丽多姿的世界展开冒险。将泡泡抛入闪耀的沼泽地、华丽的飞艇和巧克力覆盖的岛屿!穿越色彩斑斓的传奇世界去拯救受困的动物宝宝们!射击并消除泡泡来解救困在泡泡里的动物宝宝,并用连击达到更高分。你消除的泡泡越多,就能解锁充满更多挑战的新区域!创高分赢大奖,打破好友的高分纪录!使用泡泡炸弹和连击可获取额外奖励和高分!用一连串圆点瞄准射出泡泡,搞定角度刁钻的泡泡,让泡泡落地爆破。利用彩虹和炸弹泡泡增强威力!解谜游戏让你紧张不安?别着急,快来增强威力!用彩虹泡泡弹出任意颜色泡泡,并引爆炸弹泡泡通关,或者获得超级高分来赢取双倍积分!继续游戏就能发现更多有趣的强化道具!你能全部掌握吗?突破会爆炸的发光泡泡等缠人的障碍!小心那些坏泡泡!发光泡泡会给你电击,而冰冻泡泡会用钻石阵包围每个泡泡。发挥你的聪明才智来解开它们!你一定会爱上紧张刺激的动画和音乐效果!可爱的角色、精美的动画和优美的音乐将泡泡传奇表现得淋漓尽致!免费更新获取最新谜题和能力!《泡泡狂欢》是一款完全免费的游戏,我们不断推出更新!记得经常回来查看免费关卡、强化道具和更多精彩内容!两种控制方式:选择一种最适合你的方式!两种专为 iOS 设备设计的控制方式可选!不管选择哪种方式都能尽情享受极高的游戏精确度。在你的 iPhone、iPad、iPod Touch 上可获得一流的性能。在你的七彩世界之旅中消除泡泡。射击每个泡泡可以拯救一个新的动物伙伴,掌握海量强化道具赢取高分并击败泡泡巫师,尽在这款经典的街机冒险游戏!立刻下载《泡泡狂欢》,向大家证明你是无敌的泡泡射手!请注意:您的设备必须具备有效的互联网连接才能下载额外关卡。请注意《泡泡狂欢#8482;》是免费游戏,但您可以通过实际货币购买应用内的道具。如果您要禁用该功能,请前往您设备上的“设置菜单” gt; “通用” gt; “限制”选项来关闭“允许的内容”下方的“应用内购买”选项。另外,《泡泡狂欢#8482;》可能与 Facebook 一类社交媒体服务挂钩,Storm8 会通过此类服务获取您的信息。关注 Storm8www.storm8-studios.comfacebook.com/storm8twitter.com/storm8【更新日志】- 各项修正- 性能改善

RopenFly 3

RopenFly 3


【基本介绍】Rope'n'Fly - From Dusk Till Dawn is the sequel to the app store best selling game, Rope'n'Fly.?? NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE FOR A VERY LIMITED TIME? #1 top free app in US, France, Germany, UK, Australia, and more? #10 top free app in more than 50 countries? New and Noteworthy by Apple in multiple countries? The sequel to the #1 most downloaded swinging game, now in HD and universal!?? From the makers of Stick Stunt Biker, Line Birds, Line Surfer, Line Runner, RunStickRun and more? More than 10 million addicted Rope'n'Fly players can't be wrong! ?Use your ropes to swing a destructible ragdoll from one skyscraper to the others. You have full control over your ropes, touch on a building to throw your rope there, touch again to release it and fly through the sky. Perform various kind of jumps to get achievements, attach to flying planes or ballons and try to beat your friends or all other players by competing with them for the best score.??FEATURES:?? Universal app, play in HD on any iOS device, including iPads? Tight and fast paced gameplay? Amazing looking graphics? Realistic physic engine for the player, ropes and objects? Play in different daytime, from Dusk through Night till Dawn? Customize your player, choose from characters and ropes?? Destructible ragdoll effects? Various objects to rope to like balloons or planes?? Endless playing in never ending cities?? Various game modes including free mode? A lot of achievements to unlock? Online and Offline leaderboard?? Directly compare yourself against all other players or your friends? Supports GameCenterVideo Trailer:http://www.youtube.com/watchv=nN53F1xzA3Q?Feel free to post your ideas, we will try to implement them as soon as possible?Thank you very much for all your support and interest in our games! We would love to hear your suggestions!【更新日志】Various fixes and improvements

Angry Birds Rio

Angry Birds Rio


【基本介绍】免费正式版游戏 - 立即下载!当大家喜爱的烈鸟困陷鸟笼,并被运到里约热内卢时,会发生什么?大家会非常愤怒!出发前往里约热内卢!原创的 Angry Birds 遭到绑架,被劫持到里约热内卢这座神奇的城市!他们已设法逃脱,但现在他们必须拯救朋友 Blu 和 Jewel - 两只珍稀的金刚鹦鹉,同时还是火爆大片《里约大冒险》第 1 部和第 2 部的主角。MIGHTY EAGLE!Mighty Eagle 是在应用程序内只用购买一次就可永久使用的道具。在一个关卡中举步维艰时,那么这个超酷生物将从天空俯冲下来,粉碎那些爱管闲事的猴子。但要提醒一点:您每小时只能使用 Mighty Eagle 一次!Mighty Eagle 还包括各种新游戏目标和成就。强化道具!提高小鸟的能力有助于您以三颗星完成各个关卡,从而解锁额外的精彩内容!强化道具包括用于精确瞄准的 Sling Scope,用于放大小鸟身形的 Power Potion,用于在舞曲中制造破坏的 Samba Burst,用于爆破障碍的 TNT,以及用于制造金刚鹦鹉风暴的 Call the Flock!320 个乐趣多多的关卡!外加 12 个令人上瘾篇章中的 72 个紧张激烈的奖励关卡!壮观的老怪大战!让你的小鸟弹射技能接受终极考验!CALL THE FLOCK!请好朋友金刚鹦鹉来帮忙制造点破坏!POWER POTION! 给鸟儿来点药水吧!Power Potion 可让任何小鸟都长成摧猪如泥的巨鸟!解锁奖励关卡!寻找游戏各处隐藏的物品,以解锁更多关卡!-----在 Twitter 上关注我们:http://twitter.angrybirds.com在 Facebook 上成为 Angry Birds 的粉丝!http://facebook.angrybirds.com使用条款:https://www.rovio.com/terms-of-service本应用程序可能需要网络连接,后续数据传输可能会产生费用。父母必读本游戏可能包括:- - 指向社交网站的直接链接,且这些网站面向 13 岁以上的受众。- 可能会将玩家带离游戏并浏览网页的互联网直接链接。- Rovio 产品和精选合作伙伴产品的广告。- 程序内购买选项。应始终事先征求最终付款人的意见。【更新日志】We popped some pesky bugs! Slinging should be even smoother, now!

Bee Leader

Bee Leader


Bee Leader - It's busy time!The bees need you! Become a Bee Leader and help the bees fill their hives with honey.FREE! Rank up to Ace Bee Leader; to completely remove network ads *** Editors; Choice in New Zealand, Australia Brazil*** #1 app game in 6 countries*** Top 10 iPhone app in 53 countries*** Top 10 iPad app in 87 countries* Touch Arcade 4.5 stars -;Bee Leader both surprises and delights from moment one.* Modojo 4.5 stars - Challenging, fun and readily-accessible title that ranks right up there with the best iPhone and iPad have to offer.* The App Shack 4.5 stars - Will definitely wind up being one of my favorite casual high-scoring arcade games of the year.* iFanzine 4.5 stars - A beautifully crafted game that oozes creativity and whimsical charm* Gamezebo 4 stars - "A game every iDevice owner should try. Like a honeycomb dripping honey, it oozes quality from nearly every facet."* App Spy 4 stars - "It's certainly bee-lightful."* TUAW - Bee Leader is one of the most charming iPhone games I've come across in a long time.;* Touch Arcade -trailer was absolutely amazing! iOS developers, take note!Extremely simple concept taken to a level of perfection, almost like Tiny Wings meets Minecraft.Totally blown away, looks great on the new iPad, controls really well.* Touch Arcade Forums - PERFECT example of how an iOS game should beIncredible polish and great gameplay. Full recommendation.Controls are spot on! Graphics are incredible! Music is perfect!* AppCroc.com - Surely going to blow you away with its amazing visuals and cute characters* Best10Apps.com, Editor's Pick;Addictive and exciting with dazzling UI. You can't miss it.Fly around the world and hover over flowers to collect nectar. Look out for enemies and bad weather! Collect as much nectar as you can before the sun sets. The faster you get nectar back to your hive the more honey you'll make! Pick up plenty of bonuses along the way - nectar, honey, time, and bee buddies. The more bee buddies you find, the more nectar you'll collect. More nectar means more honey - sweet!To climb up the Bee Leader ranks fly through different worlds making honey - Just Desert, Country Life, City Heights, Island Time and London Fun. Each world has different obstacles, enemies, flowers, bonuses to break open and other fun interactive goodies. Some worlds are small, others are big, and there's a few surprises along the way.Control your bee using your preferred method: joystick, touch or tilt. You can also remotely control Bee Leader using another iOS device via wifi or Bluetooth using Joypad, available free from the App Store. See http://getjoypad.com for more details.FEATURES:- available for Mac iOS- beautiful design illustration- full HD/Retina support on iPhone, iPad iPod touch- 16 levels over 5 different worlds- cool flight model fun physics- great interactive sound- social networking sharing support- full remote control via wifi/Bluetooth using Joypad- Game Center leaderboards achievements- pesky hornets【更新日志】 Climate ChangeSweet, Bee Leader has cruised past 3 million downloads on iOS and Mac!To celebrate we have added the new world Climate Change with 3 new levels for you to explore.Also, Bee Leader for iOS is ad-supported but we received a few requests to be able to remove them so we've added an in-app purchase option to play ad-free for those who prefer it.If you like Bee Leader please show it to your friends and feel free to submit a sweet rating or review on the App Store.Have fun!Greg & John, Flightless.iOS updates;- new world Climate Change with 3 new levels- IAP option to remove ads- stopped requesting store ratings- updated minimum requirement to iOS 5.1.1 (still runs on iPad 1 and 3GS!)- frika-frika-fresh icon

Bubble Bust!

Bubble Bust!


【基本介绍】Over 25 million people around the world are playing this original arcade bubble shooter! Thank you all for your support! Some player reviews: - "Most Addicting Game EVER!!" - 5 star review - "Smooth gameplay and nice graphics!" - 5 star review - "Fun!!! Perfect way to pass the time!" - 5 star review - "I love It!!! It is one of the best game I played!" - 5 star reviewBubble Bust! Free is an amazing bubble-shooter game featuring addictive gameplay and many exciting new bubbles and power ups! The game is easy to play - clear the marbles and bust the hidden key bubble - yet amazingly fun and challenging! FEATURES:* 30 FREE levels + 490 purchasable levels of serious bubble-popping fun * High quality graphics with Retina display support* Breathtaking visual effects* Exciting new bubbles and power ups* Realistic game physics* Captivating arcade inspired music* Game Center Leaderboards * 38 Awesome Achievements (Local and Game Center) * Accurate controls, with two ways to shoot* Global high scores let you compete against players from around the world* Three star ranking system* Tracks today’s and personal records for each level* Excellent replay value* Colorblind mode* Fun stats and much much more…It's so fun, it’s... marbelous! :)HOW TO PLAY:Your goal is to clear the marbles and bust the hidden key bubble. Clear the marbles by making groups of the same color. Groups of three or more marbles of the same color will fall down. If the marbles cross the glowing line at the bottom of the screen, the game is over.CONTROLS:Simply tap a marble on the game board, or an empty spot close to it, to fire a marble towards that spot. To fine tune your shot, slide your finger left and right anywhere on the screen to first set the direction, then release your finger to launch the marble. Please support us by rating and reviewing the game. Game On! :)Follow us on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/GameOnArcadeDeveloped and published by GameOnhttp://www.GameOnArcade.com【更新日志】* Several minor improvements and bug fixesPlease support us and re-rate the game after each update
