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Angry Birds Space2.2.13

大小:154M语言:英文 类别:街机游戏系统:ios

Angry Birds Space应用截图和下载



【基本介绍】史上排名第一移动游戏横空耀世! 在 10 个星球上畅玩 300 多个星际关卡——包括我们自己所在的太阳系! 不管是冰冷的极寒行星、火山随时喷发的红色行星,还是全部由垃圾食品构成的行星“乌托邦”,亦或是我们自己的太阳系,每个篇章,各个回合,都充满了星际穿梭的趣味!太空低重力环境造就了炫目的游戏——从低速移动益智游戏,到光速摧毁游戏,一应俱全。有了全新的小鸟、特殊的技能,整个星系任你行,天空不再是限制! ----- “星际穿梭,物有所值” – AppCraver “原版游戏基于基本物理原理弹射小鸟,现在的游戏则完全不同……这个游戏让人过瘾,却让人一点也不陌生,充满弹爆猪猪的乐趣。” – Gamespot “谁对弹鸟甘之如饴,谁就会喜欢这款‘离开地球去冒险’的游戏。” -- IGN ----- - 超过 300 个星际关卡! - 新增游戏人物! - 每只小鸟都有与众不同的特殊技能! - 零重力空间冒险! - 利用行星引力进行发射! - 隐藏的奖励关卡! - 细节精美的背景构图! - 每天都有任务! ----- 跟随全球潮流,踏上星系之旅! 在 Facebook 上成为 Angry Birds 的粉丝: http://facebook.angrybirds.com 在 Twitter 上关注我们: http://twitter.angrybirds.com 使用条款: https://www.rovio.com/terms-of-service 隐私政策: https://www.rovio.com/privacy 本应用可能需要网络连接,可能会有数据传输费用。 致家长的重要消息 本游戏可能包括: - 指向针对 13 岁以上受众的社交网站的直接链接。 - 将玩家带离游戏去浏览任何网页的互联网直接链接。 - Rovio 产品广告,以及来自精选合作伙伴的广告。 - 程序内购买选项。我们会始终与账单支付人事先确认。【更新日志】为了提高用户体验,我们解决了一些小问题。


iFighter 1945

iFighter 1945


------------------------------------------------------------------------FREE for a limited time to celebrate the release of Myth Of Destiny v1.2!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------iFighter offers nothing more than a very slick and well designed vertical shooter for the iPhone that belongs in anyone's arcade collection- Andrew Nesvadba, appspy.com (5/5) Great options for controls, great graphics and sound, and really well designed intensely epic boss battles. - appsafari.com (4/5)Despite the two decades I’ve lived, no vertical scrolling shooter has captivated me like iFighter. - Jeff Effendi, AppGamer.net (9/10)With its rocking original soundtrack and crisp graphics, this vertical 2D shooter has zoomed in and blasted the competition out of the sky. - AppSmile.com (5-Dimple)Personally, I thought Raiden kicked ass and now I’m madly in love with iFighter. This game RULES!!- Michael, iPhoneAppReviews.netiFighter is a game for vertical shooting game freaks on the iPhone; - Andrew, iPhoneFootprint.comAs the ace pilot of the airforce in WWII, your mission is to destroy the secret weapon prototypes of the Nazis. Fasten your seat belt and get ready for some non-stop action!Features:- 3 difficulty settings- 5 different fighters- 4 control modes: motion, touch, joypad and relative- 8 challenging missions- original sound tracks- spectacular end-of-level bosses【更新日志】- 64 bit support- new fighter jet P82- new Admob system- restore purchases button in Options

RopenFly 3

RopenFly 3


【基本介绍】Rope'n'Fly - From Dusk Till Dawn is the sequel to the app store best selling game, Rope'n'Fly.?? NOW AVAILABLE FOR FREE FOR A VERY LIMITED TIME? #1 top free app in US, France, Germany, UK, Australia, and more? #10 top free app in more than 50 countries? New and Noteworthy by Apple in multiple countries? The sequel to the #1 most downloaded swinging game, now in HD and universal!?? From the makers of Stick Stunt Biker, Line Birds, Line Surfer, Line Runner, RunStickRun and more? More than 10 million addicted Rope'n'Fly players can't be wrong! ?Use your ropes to swing a destructible ragdoll from one skyscraper to the others. You have full control over your ropes, touch on a building to throw your rope there, touch again to release it and fly through the sky. Perform various kind of jumps to get achievements, attach to flying planes or ballons and try to beat your friends or all other players by competing with them for the best score.??FEATURES:?? Universal app, play in HD on any iOS device, including iPads? Tight and fast paced gameplay? Amazing looking graphics? Realistic physic engine for the player, ropes and objects? Play in different daytime, from Dusk through Night till Dawn? Customize your player, choose from characters and ropes?? Destructible ragdoll effects? Various objects to rope to like balloons or planes?? Endless playing in never ending cities?? Various game modes including free mode? A lot of achievements to unlock? Online and Offline leaderboard?? Directly compare yourself against all other players or your friends? Supports GameCenterVideo Trailer:http://www.youtube.com/watchv=nN53F1xzA3Q?Feel free to post your ideas, we will try to implement them as soon as possible?Thank you very much for all your support and interest in our games! We would love to hear your suggestions!【更新日志】Various fixes and improvements

Doodle Jump

Doodle Jump


【基本介绍】Play this FREE version of the mega-hit game Doodle Jump and find out for yourself what millions of players around the world already know:DOODLE JUMP IS INSANELY ADDICTIVE!"From prime-time sitcoms (BIG BANG THEORY) to late night TV (JIMMY FALLON) to a fashion accessory for pop stars (LADY GAGA), Doodle Jump is EVERYWHERE! It's a cultural craze, a hot new trend!" - CBS Evening News"possibly the best iPhone game ever created" - Touch Arcade"Doodle Jump was Angry Birds before Angry Birds" - Macrumors.com::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::In Doodle Jump, you guide Doodle the Doodler—using some of the most subtle and accurate tilt controls in existence—on a springy journey up, up, up a sheet of graph paper, picking up jet packs, avoiding black holes, and blasting baddies with nose balls along the way.Laugh with delight as Doodle blows past other players' actual score markers scribbled in the margins. And be warned: this game is insanely addictive.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::FEATURES:- 11 incredible worlds- broken, moving, disappearing, moveable, and EXPLODING platforms- JET PACKs, PROPELLER HATS, ROCKETS, and springs that fly you higher- UFOs, black holes, monsters, bear traps!- jump on monsters to bring them down MARIO-style- Share scores with your friends!- Race agains friends!- Global leaderboards, achievements!How to play:Tilt to move left or right, tap the screen to shoot.-----------------------------*Please don't Doodle Jump and drive, and BE WARNED: Doodle Jump is Insanely Addictive!** This is a FULL, FREE version of Doodle Jump supported with advertising.【更新日志】All new tournaments! Compete against other players for big prizes!

水果忍者(Fruit Ninja)

水果忍者(Fruit Ninja)






《影之刃》源起《雨血》系列,是一款以连招战斗为核心,风格独特的2D横版东方水墨格斗手游,在欧美获誉为“艺术品”。2014年8月,《影之刃》获得德国科隆游戏展“最佳移动游戏”提名,打破日、美移动游戏多年统治地位,成为全球游戏三大权威展会历史上首个、也是唯一一个被提名最佳的中国游戏!屡获殊荣:*2014德国科隆游戏展全球最佳移动游戏提名*2014 GMGC最受期待手机游戏奖*2014 Unity3D金奖权威媒体评价:“非常令人着迷,这是一款风格化艺术品 ”――德国Gamescom“不管你相不相信,这款游戏是由来自中国的团队制作的。他们的设计理念非常新颖,这与大多数我们所知的中国产的游戏不同。”――美国《DIYGamer》“网易年度武侠大作,不得不玩的好游戏”――17173“血腥暗黑ARPG,网易水墨风”――多玩游戏“横刀断雨,饮血江湖风花雪月”――腾讯游戏频道“令人惊艳的横版ARPG连招体验”――网易游戏频道“不同凡响,浓墨笔触勾勒出的血雨腥风”――新浪游戏游戏介绍《影之刃》描述了一个充满杀戮和变局的武侠江湖,蒸汽机械和人体改造术无处不在。身为杀手组织的玩家将只身闯入折损众多高手的神秘南武林,遭遇环环相扣的阴谋危局,直面欺骗、背叛与死亡。1、前所未见的东方式阴谋悬疑剧情,古龙式冷峻极简对白,性格各异的江湖人士。2、独特浓墨重彩画风,用近乎艺术的线与墨勾勒出一个异于传统的暗沉江湖。沉默寡言的南武林人士、一斗笠一粗布长衫的神秘剑客、充满想象力的空中巨船,感受来自江湖深处的冷峻肃杀。3、首款以连击为核心的格斗手游,独创“空中+地面”的连招链设定,玩家可自由组合连招招式,用狂放不羁的快节奏连招杀掉每一个眼前的敌人。4、战斗招式凌厉,拥有浮空追击、破甲、格挡、闪避、大招等多项“快”、“狠”格斗表现,配合后退、倒地、击飞、硬直等打击反馈,与尖锐的斩杀音效,强化刀刀入肉的打击体验。5、全新玩法模式,江湖对决、强敌血战、心法培养等多样内容,可选各种创荡江湖方式。【更新日志】修复BUG:修复暗器夺命飞轮的展示bug。【系统更新】1、觉醒四技能开启,玩家达到满级即可解锁;2、新增2页因果,讲述武林中的故事;3、新增三本六星万能心法:留情剑客;无情之剑;峰月无双 获取途径:玩家到达满级即可获得一个材料,玩家可利用该材料,在铁马互市中选择兑换留情剑客或无情之剑心法。兑换不可逆,心法不可分解,还望各位侠士慎重选择; 4、原始之力,妙手老张处可购买;6、帮会商店和荣誉商店,上架新心法突破材料;7、新增称号:横扫千军、盖世英雄、君临天下、七声七世、三周年;8、新增魂和剑玄头像框;9、新增3枚暗器、后续逐一开放。
