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South Surfers:Finding Marine Subway 2 Lite4.0.5

大小:126M语言:英文 类别:体育格斗系统:ios

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【基本介绍】Welcome to South Surfing Park! This is a real sea! You can enjoy amazing experiences from the calm waves to those at dizzy height that might flip your mind. Let’s face the sea waves fluctuating up and down so vigorously and enormously breaking. Enjoy as you as you can in Water Park The ocean wave pool is gigantic and the wide river run down very fast…You can have them all at the same time. It’s like sea water running in a brook. Easy control but real surfing When you turn around a cellular phone, then it Surfing Board also turns around. The gravity sensor of the phone makes you feel like surfing on real waves. One more thing! Shake (Or Touch) the screen and you will jump up. These two controls are all you need to do. Go faster and jump higher… be a professional surfer. You can make a new record by performing 10 aerial turns in a row, eating ice and jumping and surfing skills. There is no limit to records. Look sharp! The water gets tougher and the waves push the board faster. Once absent-minded, the waves invade up to the top of your head instead of yourself. Real Physics Engine We are using 3D Physics Engine. For calculate buoyancy and gravity real time! Listen your own music You can use your music file to background music! Set BGM OFF and play music (from your phone) something like cool reggae,surfing rock,dance or anything ----------------------------------------【更新日志】-Touch Control-Improve control





游戏介绍:全新版本《格斗宗师》带来全新第七大职业--隐弩!一个继承墨家机关术的弟子,擅长运用各类机关器械去击杀海贼统战海域,让你体验不一样的江湖世界!而新版本里,更增加煮酒论剑、六和塔等交互玩法,让大侠们能与基友一同享受游戏的乐趣。还有海岛争夺、佣兵竞技场、占地为王、野外BOSS等等一些列刺激爽快的格斗体验,让大侠真正处于一个百变的江湖世界!游戏特色:1)机械师降临征战海域,全新职业隐弩闪亮登场!《格斗宗师》全新第七大职业隐弩强势来袭!全新职业隐弩乃墨家机关术传承者,擅长运用各种机关暗器弓弩枪械,并且拥有超乎于常人的灵活身法,是一个十分强悍的远程输出角色。而在航海线路上,击杀海贼不计其数,因此无形中与海贼们成了生死大敌。隐弩能否继续在海上称霸,全由你来掌握!2)全新武器外形挑逗视觉神经全新武器幻化玩法,完全推翻了玩家平时对武器外形的认识!棒棒糖、鸡腿、狼牙棒等等都有可能成为玩家的新武器,如此新潮的武器穿越到江湖世界里,你能HOLD得住吗?全新武器幻化玩法让玩家的武器不再呆板无趣,让玩家的武器在人群中更耀眼!3)江湖新征程 化身航海王全新航海之路正式开启,江湖侠士化身海上新霸主!《格斗江湖》全新世界远征-东征玩法震撼上线!远征玩法让大侠亲自探索未知岛屿、在神秘黑市领略商人的奸诈以及捕捉佣兵一同抢夺新资源!全新挑战现已吹响号角,快来开启属于你的航海之路吧!4)多元职业江湖激斗枪、扇、刺、笔、剑、刀、弩七大职业随心切换,江湖之路自由掌控!全新新职业【霸刀】强势登场,打破传统格斗手游职业体系,告别乏味的操作,想真正较量PK实力,来格斗江湖战个痛快5)枭雄争霸,跨服尊位挑战赛江湖世界里,岂能缺少热血沸腾的PK赛事?全新版本《格斗宗师》重磅推出热血、刺激、紧张的跨服PK战役--跨服尊位挑战活动!挑战BOSS、争夺尊位、称霸天下,是英雄还是狗熊?一战便能分胜负
