
大小:26M语言:中文 类别:教育游戏系统:ios




【概括介绍】为孩子们有趣和可爱的交互式应用程序!骑沿着一个包裹运送卡车,因为它通过驱动街区,提供包。与包填卡车在总部或往里走排序根据其形状的包。用你的车的超级推进器去多余的快!带包的房屋和按门铃删除它们关闭。去一个特别送货到很远的地方使用超级秘密包裹运送直升机!一饱口福对于那些包裹递送卡车爱好者和一个伟大的方式来鼓励好奇心和互动为所有。触摸驱动程序和他honks的号角。触摸云,因为它经过的,它微笑着嗡嗡声。该社区是互动的。当您的孩子接触的人,动物或物体,他们发出声音,并执行操作。它像一个动人的故事书!一个伟大的方式来探索一个包裹运送卡车的景象和声音!*兼容: iPod Touch的3和4代, iPhone 3GS , iPhone 4 , iPhone 5和所有的iPad-----------------------------------------------*注:不兼容:第一代iPhone , iPhone 3G和iPod Touch的第1和第2代。-----------------------------------------------检查我们的其他一些有趣的应用程序的车辆为孩子们:●日志卡车●赛车!●邮件卡车●水泥车●自卸车●垃圾车●垃圾车:垃圾箱皮卡●消防车●牵引车●垃圾船●铁路起重架卡车●压路机●雪犁车●回收卡车●扫路机●添加了经过新卡车! ●小幅修正【更新日志】● Added Auto Rotation! - Starts up as usual, but now it flips with device orientation!● Minor Fixes


Baby Doctor

Baby Doctor


~~> You're the Doctor! Time to care for the most precious patients, babies!~~> Awesome new doctor toy tools like sticker removal, change diaper & a toothbrush for pearly whites! ~~> Here you will find a rich doctor's toy tools kit that you can use and you can even give a gift to your baby patient!Now it’s time for the most precious patient of all-- babies! These babies thankfully are healthy, but they sure are playing sick so they’re here for your help! Start by choosing from 4 adorable babies who need your care and listen to their heart: when you squeeze their hand they’ll even tell you they love you! Follow your nose to see if your baby needs their diaper changed with your awesome new smell detection. Use the lamp to cast light on the baby, it can even shine with cool stars and bubbles! Did your baby patient get a sticker, too? No worries Doctor, you can handle it! Use the awesome new sticker removal by rubbing cotton gauze on the tattoo and it will disappear like magic! Don’t forget to use your handy thermometer and check for a fever! Oops-- did baby forget to brush their teeth? That’s what you’re there for! Make their pearly whites shine when you use the toothbrush! Noticed your little patient has a runny nose, too? Easily solved with your help! Simply use the soft tissue to wipe it away and your baby patient will be happy and healthy! Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s wrong with a baby, but with your help and expertise, you can get them healthy in no time! Features:> Diagnose the baby when you check for a fever, listen to its heart, or even use the x-ray! > Amazing treatment tools like tattoo removal & tweezers, and you can even help the baby to blow its nose and brush its teeth! > The baby can’t tell you how it feels, so use your five senses, like smelling a dirty diaper, to understand what’s wrong! > Use everything in your kit and give your baby patient a gift at the end of the treatment to make her feel super! > Use your nose to see if the baby has a stinky problem! What's inside:> 12 doctor tools toys! Like the stethoscope, thermometer, the blood pressure sensor, and x-ray and many more! > Treatments like tattoo removal, bandages, cherry cough syrup, tissues to wipe away their sniffles, and a toothbrush to clean their teeth! > 16 colorful bandages, plasters, and stitches!> 4 adorable babies that need your help!> 2 Doctor Kits for all of your medical needs, the First Aid Kit and the Pro Kit! ABOUT TabTale:With over 160 million downloads and growing, TabTale has established itself as the creator of pioneering virtual adventures that kids and parents love. We’ve lovingly produced interactive e-books, games, and educational experiences for children.Join our Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/TabTaleFollow us on Twitter: @TabTale- WE VALUE YOUR FEEDBACKParents and kids are our best reviewers if you have a moment, feel free to rate and review our app. Please note that we aren't able to respond to reviews in the app store, but we'd love to get your feedback to our email: support@TabTale.com- NEED HELP?Contact us 24/7 with any questions or comments: support@TabTale.com- NO SOUND?If the sound is not working, make sure the mute switch is turned off, activate the application, then turn up the volume and the sound will work (you can find the mute switch and volume button on the side of your device).We recommend you upgrade your device to the most recent iOS version before installing this app. Not recommended for old iPhone2 / iPod Touch2 devices.By downloading this application you agree to the Terms of Use of TabTale Ltd. Which are available to your review on http://tabtale.com/terms-of-use/.【更新日志】>No icky bugs here! We’ve swatted the nasty bugs away – now your game will run extra fast!>Thanks for playing! Send us your feedback so we can keep making awesome games for you!>Like us on Facebook to know what’s new and stay ahead of the game! facebook.com abtale




【概括介绍】为孩子们有趣和可爱的交互式应用程序!骑沿着一个包裹运送卡车,因为它通过驱动街区,提供包。与包填卡车在总部或往里走排序根据其形状的包。用你的车的超级推进器去多余的快!带包的房屋和按门铃删除它们关闭。去一个特别送货到很远的地方使用超级秘密包裹运送直升机!一饱口福对于那些包裹递送卡车爱好者和一个伟大的方式来鼓励好奇心和互动为所有。触摸驱动程序和他honks的号角。触摸云,因为它经过的,它微笑着嗡嗡声。该社区是互动的。当您的孩子接触的人,动物或物体,他们发出声音,并执行操作。它像一个动人的故事书!一个伟大的方式来探索一个包裹运送卡车的景象和声音!*兼容: iPod Touch的3和4代, iPhone 3GS , iPhone 4 , iPhone 5和所有的iPad-----------------------------------------------*注:不兼容:第一代iPhone , iPhone 3G和iPod Touch的第1和第2代。-----------------------------------------------检查我们的其他一些有趣的应用程序的车辆为孩子们:●日志卡车●赛车!●邮件卡车●水泥车●自卸车●垃圾车●垃圾车:垃圾箱皮卡●消防车●牵引车●垃圾船●铁路起重架卡车●压路机●雪犁车●回收卡车●扫路机●添加了经过新卡车! ●小幅修正【更新日志】● Added Auto Rotation! - Starts up as usual, but now it flips with device orientation!● Minor Fixes

我爱我家(My Home)

我爱我家(My Home)


我爱我家,超有爱的家居装扮类游戏!才华横溢的设计师们都在这里欢聚一堂! 家总是最温暖的地方!末日过后,和家人好友一起装扮房间,互赠礼物,收集社交红心……让我爱我家陪你一起温暖2014!绑定QQ账号,和QQ好友一起玩!好友安装游戏并验证你的邀请码后,双方都会获得蓝宝石奖励!游精英团队倾力打造,为您带来空前的游戏体验!好评不断,不容错过!房价太高,装修太贵,压力山大啊!你是否梦想创造一个专属自己的家?假如给你一套豪宅,你是否有能力玩转它?来到《我爱我家》,这一切都将实现!在这片和平快乐的土地上,你可以随心所欲地建造房间,粉刷墙壁,选择地砖,摆放家具……家里居住着一群幸福的人,和你分享每一天的喜怒哀乐!房子越漂亮,居民就越幸福,你获得的经验和金币也就越多!准备好了吗?开始打造独一无二的梦想·家!我爱我家会持续为您更新!新的物品,新的居民,新的功能……只要你要,只要我有!如果你喜欢这款游戏,欢迎随时给我们留言和评价!我们期待您的意见和建议!游戏特色:1. 1000多件精美物品,风格多样,件件都是极好的!2. 10个房间的豪宅有木有,等级越高,房间越多,爱开哪间随便你!3. 客厅欧美范,卧室小清新,厨房田园风……想怎么混搭就怎么混搭,你的地盘你做主!4. 房间越多,居民就越多,型男萝莉御姐正太加萌宠,总有一款你最爱!5. 为你量身打造海量任务,升级赚钱无压力,贴心引导最给力,让你一路high到底!6. 不管你是屌丝还是高富帅,青春美少女还是中年胖肚男,30秒上手,男女老少轻松玩转!7. 辛辛苦苦装扮的家怎么能没有观众?拍照分享,一键发送,看谁的房间最拉风!【更新日志】增加了大概50个hellokitty系列的物品





淘卡宝卡:小鬼 (Toca Boo)

淘卡宝卡:小鬼 (Toca Boo)


【基本介绍】哇! 吓到你了吗!?我叫邦妮,我们一家子都喜欢吓人!你也要吓唬他们?快来,我会告诉你该怎么做!惊吓在屋里飘来飘去,寻找这一家人。藏在桌子下面,躲在窗帘后面,或者钻进羽绒被。搜索各个房间,但是要避开光线,否则就会被发现。发出咔哒咔哒的声音、打翻水壶,让他们毛骨悚然!你能听到他们的心跳吗?太棒了,吓唬他们的时候到啦! 搞笑打开迪斯科音乐尽情摇摆,在厨房大力咀嚼辣椒,为格外热辣的吓人计划做好准备,享受隐身的快乐,找到五花八门的藏身之处 - 连马桶都不要放过! 独特神秘的设计简洁美观的设计让你的 Toca Boo 之旅更加轻松。爱上这六位不同的主人公,在这所大房子里探索所有的神秘与惊喜。 功能特色- 拥有 2 个楼层、6 个房间的大房子,让你尽情探索!- 有 6 位家庭成员等你来吓- 房子处处藏有惊喜- 吃东西惊吓效果更强! - 可以与房子里面的物品互动- 美观、原创的艺术风格- 开放式玩法,无规则,无压力- 专为儿童设计的界面- 没有第三方广告- 没有应用内购买Toca Boo 专为 4 岁儿童设计,但是同样能够抓住大孩子的心。这里充满惊喜 - 没有限制,只有乐趣!快来玩吧!***关于 TOCA BOCA在 Toca Boca,我们坚信玩耍能激发孩子们想象力并帮助他们了解世界。我们从孩子的角度来设计游戏,让孩子们幽默俏皮、用于创新,成为自己希望成为的样子。我们的产品包括一些屡获殊荣的应用程序,在 215 个国家/地区被下载超过 1.3 亿次,带来有趣、安全、开放式的游戏体验。请访问 tocaboca.com,详细了解 Toca Boca 及我们的产品。隐私政策我们极为看重隐私。如需更多了解我们如何处理隐私事务,请阅读我们的隐私政策:http://tocaboca.com/privacy【更新日志】感谢您分享反馈并报告错误 - 我们已进行一些更新。获取最新版本以获得最佳体验!可以给我们留言 - 每一个留言我们都会阅读!
