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The World of Magic2.4.7

大小:69.2M语言:英文 类别:角色扮演系统:ios

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【基本介绍】Are you ready to become a hero Enter 'The World of Magic', the first MMORPG ever of the Appstore! In this ancient and mystical world, two forces are in conflict: the Siras Empire, led by the young and ambitious Emperor Kanos, and the Kingdom of Lanos, which King Roberto tries to keep independent. Choose a side and explore, learn, fight your way to the top! Be whoever you want: a tame ranger, a whimsical magician or a fearsome warrior; get a pet to aid you in your tasks. More than one million players are already online! Join them with friends from around the world. Create your own guild and lead your team in the World of Magic! Enjoy The World of Magic anywhere you go with a WiFi or 3G network! This game is free to play, but you can choose to pay real money for extra items.Language support: English, 日本語 and ???. FEATURES Endless Playtime Classic MMORPG style gaming that never stops. Class Selection Choose from 3 unique classes: Warrior, Ranger, Magician Social Networking Speak to your friends: whisper, guild, party, and shout. PvP Arena Fight against players from different realms in real-time. Device App Access Permission Notice? Notice per access permissionAccess permissions are requested in order for us to provide you with the following service when you use the app.[Required]None[Optional]- Notifications: The permission is required to send you push notifications regarding the game.- Camera: The permission is required to take profile pictures for HIVE members.- Contacts: The permission is required to find friends registered to contacts for HIVE members.- Photos: The permission is required to save/load game screens and change profile pictures for HIVE members.※ Please note that you can still enjoy the service excluding features related to the above without giving access permissions.? How to remove access permissionsYou can always change access permission settings whenever you'd like.- Device Settings> Select the corresponding app> Choose either to enable/disable accessConnect with Com2uS! Follow us on Twitter twitter.com/Com2uS Like us on Facebook! facebook.com/Com2uS For information on new games and special events, check out http://www.withhive.com!For Com2uS Mobile Game Terms of Service, visit www.com2us.com.- Terms of Service : http://terms.withhive.com/terms/policy/view/M9/T1- Privacy Policy : http://terms.withhive.com/terms/policy/view/M9/T3For questions or customer support, please contact our Customer Support by visiting http://www.withhive.com/help/inquire.【更新日志】Explore The World of Magic with friends from all around the world! We've fixed up some minor bugs!Got feedback Leave a review or visit http://www.withhive.com/help/inquire and drop us a line!





我的世界iPhone版是《我的世界》的iOS袖珍版,我的世界iPhone版包括“生存”和“创新”模式,多位玩家可通过本地Wi-Fi网络联网游戏,游戏设置了无限世界、洞穴、新的生物群落、暴徒、村庄以及许多其他游戏场景。  我的世界iPad版是PC版我的世界的袖珍迷你版本,拥有了PC版本的部分功能,我的世界会让你百玩不腻,在任何地方都能随心所欲的用创造出——你自己的世界,现在地图几乎已经做到了无限大了,我们世界更有无限种可能,让你去创造,去发现去探索,这同时也是一款可以充分发挥玩家想象力的作品,也是前所未有的游戏模式,非常新奇,大胆有特色。更新日志  我的世界iPhone版V1.0.4版本加入陌生人皮肤包 - 生物群系定居者 3。  我的世界iPhone版V1.0正式版加入最新的末影更新包含末地及其标志性的终极头目战——末影龙。另外,别错过此版本首次推出的混搭包,其中完整包含节日皮肤包、纹理包和世界。  我的世界iPhone版V1.0正式版在圣诞节即将到来之际为广大我的世界粉丝们提供全新节日混搭包,我的世界iPhone版V1.0正式版首款混搭包登陆此版本,其中包括节日皮肤包、纹理包和节日世界。冰屋和北极熊现身,陪您漫游冬季。  同时我的世界iPhone版V1.0正式版高度翻倍!现在您可以搭建 256 层方块。  我的世界iPhone版探索随机生成的世界,建造不可思议的事物,从最简单的住宅,到最宏伟的城堡。您可以在创意模式中享用无限资源,也可以到生存模式中挖掘整个世界,合成武器和护甲,抵御各种危险生物。




《风云七剑》是一款仙侠题材类RPG手游,游戏画面清晰,人设精美,服饰精美,语音社交系统,结婚结缘系统,还有很多精彩好玩的内容等你来玩。快来下载体验吧!【游戏介绍】千万玩家在线,即时匹配,无障碍自由竞技!火爆、刺激、热血,竞技天下,霸王扛鼎,王者荣耀,一战而决!2017全民期待武侠手游,独家发布!《风云七剑》AppStore首发上线,登录即送传奇羽翼,七天壕礼送不停!【内容提要】《风云七剑》是由广州悦世界研发的一款武侠角色扮演游戏,在融合了多部武侠经典的英雄角色的基础上,加入创新的侠客收集玩法,以及一招扭转乾坤的逆转技能模式,全面领略另类武林的独特魅力。呼朋引伴,策马江湖,一朝成名天下闻!【游戏特色】——独创玩法 七剑收集——富有武侠特色的七剑系统,玩家随着主线剧情的发展,一路闯荡江湖,收集七把造型各具特色的酷炫宝剑;在战斗中使用不同的宝剑,领略非一般的武林绝学,瞬间掌握战场局势,风云万变!——热血战斗 豪情江湖——告别无脑站桩式玩法,三大职业技能灵活组合,华丽炫目的战斗特效,最真实地体现高手对决的巅峰时刻。别出心裁的逆转技能更是能一秒扭转劣势,反败为胜,享受逆袭快感!——兄弟义气 侠客养成——创新玩法侠客养成系统,数十位个性迥异、各有独门绝技的英雄侠客绝色佳人等你收集,任意组合搭配,陪你闯荡江湖,在激烈的战斗之中发挥意想不到的神奇作用!——姻缘天定 情缘专属——侠侣携手,闯荡江湖,前世今生,白首偕老,体会浪漫感人的大婚剧情,花轿临门十里红妆,生儿育女的温馨平淡,切身体验真实的武侠人生!——真人在线 同城PK——跨服玩法真人竞技,即时在线匹配,参与100v100热血攻城战,横扫天下,逐鹿中原;江湖各派齐聚华山,群雄争夺华山之巅盟主之位,且看今朝谁家天下!——唯美画面 清新武侠——多达十数张各具特色的精美场景地图,从温婉秀丽的江南水乡到繁华热闹的扬州城,画面古色古香,细节丰富完美,多角度全方位还原优美武侠世界!
