爱软吧苹果网 > 苹果游戏 > 教育游戏 > 儿童拼图游戏1.3


大小:38M语言:中文 类别:教育游戏系统:ios




“儿童拼图游戏”是为6岁以下儿童设计的拼图游戏。这款拼图制作精巧可爱,有多种图片数目,非常有趣。拼图的每块图版被打乱顺序混在一起,您需要将他们按照正确位置摆放。这款拼图可以帮助开发儿童的逻辑思考和触觉技巧。享受拼图的乐趣!【更新日志】- sale: 50% off- 24 new free puzzles- new content- difficulty is now choosable- bugfixes- new graphics, effects, sounds & design





【基本介绍】家有好奇小宝宝,东摸西碰,爸妈真烦恼!担心宝宝玩插座被电?害怕宝宝给陌生人开门?...【宝宝居家安全】为您解忧!情景模拟+语音引导,学习安全知识!儿歌+动画,强化安全意识!——产品内容——【9大情景】:敲门的陌生人、插座安全、误食问题...全方位掌握家居安全知识!【知识强化】:插座有电不能碰、食物吹凉才能吃...错误展示+正确引导,学会自我保护!【常识指导】:如何开门锁、怎么用钥匙、水龙头往哪拧...教你使用家居用品!【动手操作】:整理玩具、收拾浴室、修理楼梯...自己动手,争当勤劳乖宝贝!【儿歌+动画】:朗朗上口的安全儿歌,精彩有趣的安全动画,让宝宝更好掌握知识!——产品特色——互动游戏,边玩边学,乐趣多;角色扮演,安全知识,快乐学;语音引导,操作简易,学的快。——用户评价——这款APP想法很好,让宝宝知道哪些东西不该碰,用游戏来学习,宝宝更容易接受! ------對吁未来多种娱乐模式,让宝宝学习各方面的自我保护能力,真是育儿好软件! -------爱鬼开- 我家宝宝很喜欢这游戏,里面不但可以玩游戏还能学到很多安全知识,很不错,推荐家长们使用! ------- 考虑考虑就健健康康 宝宝巴士以孩子的兴趣启蒙为出发点,从健康、语言、社会、科学、艺术五大领域关注幼儿成长,吸取蒙氏教育精髓,根据幼儿不同年龄段左右脑发育、敏感期特点和学习重点来设计产品,打造“年龄+能力”的多元化产品体系。让孩子在游戏中独立思考,自由学习,享受探索世界的乐趣。_________设计理念:宝宝巴士(BabyBus),专注启蒙,而不仅仅是教育。我们专注于启发,而不只是学习。我们专注于能力培养,而不只是单一认知。我们专注于寓教于乐,而不是填鸭式教学。宝宝巴士,快乐启蒙!全球3.5亿家庭用户的早教首选,您身边的幼儿教育专家!搜索【宝宝巴士大全】,就可以下载宝宝巴士的所有早教APP了哦~在宝宝巴士,我们自己也身为父母,所以非常重视儿童的健康和隐私。下载应用前,您可以从这里阅读我们的隐私政策:http://cn.babybus.com/index/privacyPolicy.shtml_________欢迎联系:微信:宝宝巴士微博:@宝宝巴士官网:http://www.babybus.com 邮箱:ser@babybus.com【更新日志】Hi~这里有个新版本特别想见你:1、禀告小主!未来,我们将在App Store主推以下10款应用:宝宝启蒙入门课,奇妙数字大冒险,习惯养成班,职业体验馆,奇妙冒险王国,奇妙动物农场,奇妙爱画画,自然百科馆,宝宝小警察,宝宝巴士。(听说集齐它们,搞定熊孩纸再也不用呼唤神龙了呢!)2、程序猿小哥哥黑着眼圈说,所有产品都升级到最新框架了,虽然听不懂,但好像很厉害的样子!




【基本介绍】"乐乐的神秘岛拼图"是我们在欧美等十多个国家最爆售的趣味儿童拼图游戏!! 也是我们设计的最受小朋友们喜欢的熊猫系列游戏之一! 它是一款特别为(2-5岁)年龄段的儿童设计的游戏, 它不仅能让您的孩子获得玩拼图游戏的趣味, 更能提高您孩子对大自然中事物的认知能力以及促进您孩子大脑的形象思维能力! "乐乐的神秘岛拼图"是一款以海岛风景画面为主题的拼图游戏。游戏故事中, 熊猫乐乐和熊猫小洛一起去神秘岛冒险, 途中他们找到了许多隐藏在神秘岛海滩上的拼图, 玩家的任务就是帮助熊猫乐乐和小洛把拼图碎片拖放到它们正确的位置上来组合成每个拼图的完整形象。 游戏的主要特点: - 30多个奇妙拼图,以及多种绚丽的主题; - 中英双语模式,可以学习超过100多个中文基础词语和英语单词; - 专为儿童贴心设计无任何内置付费或第三方广告。 ******** 北智公司是一个专注于为2-8岁儿童提供快乐教育解决方法的游戏公司。北智公司的乐乐熊猫系列游戏在欧美市场赢得数百万下载记录的同时, 其非凡的游戏品质受到使用者的广泛赞誉。北智公司也在发行游戏和移动内容方面和各国商业伙伴紧密合作。北智公司总部设于芬兰,其在香港和中国北京都设有分公司。北智公司2014年版权所有。 看看我们iOS平台上其他畅销的儿童游戏吧: * 乐乐的数学小火车-妙趣儿童数学,数数和加减法各种小游戏* 乐乐的数学小火车2 * 乐乐的英语小火车-宝宝轻松学会字母,发音,儿童基础单词 * 乐乐的环球旅行,宝宝学习拼音和词语互动游戏 * Lola的āōē拼音总动员* Lola ABC启蒙英语派对* 儿童启蒙英语派对2-乐乐熊猫 * Lola 数独水果店 * 乐乐的数学小货轮 意见与反馈:微信或新浪微博@乐乐熊猫游戏欢迎家长联络我们提出宝贵意见,让我们共同创造出最好的儿童游戏。【更新日志】新增内容

Baby Doctor

Baby Doctor


~~> You're the Doctor! Time to care for the most precious patients, babies!~~> Awesome new doctor toy tools like sticker removal, change diaper & a toothbrush for pearly whites! ~~> Here you will find a rich doctor's toy tools kit that you can use and you can even give a gift to your baby patient!Now it’s time for the most precious patient of all-- babies! These babies thankfully are healthy, but they sure are playing sick so they’re here for your help! Start by choosing from 4 adorable babies who need your care and listen to their heart: when you squeeze their hand they’ll even tell you they love you! Follow your nose to see if your baby needs their diaper changed with your awesome new smell detection. Use the lamp to cast light on the baby, it can even shine with cool stars and bubbles! Did your baby patient get a sticker, too? No worries Doctor, you can handle it! Use the awesome new sticker removal by rubbing cotton gauze on the tattoo and it will disappear like magic! Don’t forget to use your handy thermometer and check for a fever! Oops-- did baby forget to brush their teeth? That’s what you’re there for! Make their pearly whites shine when you use the toothbrush! Noticed your little patient has a runny nose, too? Easily solved with your help! Simply use the soft tissue to wipe it away and your baby patient will be happy and healthy! Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s wrong with a baby, but with your help and expertise, you can get them healthy in no time! Features:> Diagnose the baby when you check for a fever, listen to its heart, or even use the x-ray! > Amazing treatment tools like tattoo removal & tweezers, and you can even help the baby to blow its nose and brush its teeth! > The baby can’t tell you how it feels, so use your five senses, like smelling a dirty diaper, to understand what’s wrong! > Use everything in your kit and give your baby patient a gift at the end of the treatment to make her feel super! > Use your nose to see if the baby has a stinky problem! What's inside:> 12 doctor tools toys! Like the stethoscope, thermometer, the blood pressure sensor, and x-ray and many more! > Treatments like tattoo removal, bandages, cherry cough syrup, tissues to wipe away their sniffles, and a toothbrush to clean their teeth! > 16 colorful bandages, plasters, and stitches!> 4 adorable babies that need your help!> 2 Doctor Kits for all of your medical needs, the First Aid Kit and the Pro Kit! ABOUT TabTale:With over 160 million downloads and growing, TabTale has established itself as the creator of pioneering virtual adventures that kids and parents love. We’ve lovingly produced interactive e-books, games, and educational experiences for children.Join our Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/TabTaleFollow us on Twitter: @TabTale- WE VALUE YOUR FEEDBACKParents and kids are our best reviewers if you have a moment, feel free to rate and review our app. Please note that we aren't able to respond to reviews in the app store, but we'd love to get your feedback to our email: support@TabTale.com- NEED HELP?Contact us 24/7 with any questions or comments: support@TabTale.com- NO SOUND?If the sound is not working, make sure the mute switch is turned off, activate the application, then turn up the volume and the sound will work (you can find the mute switch and volume button on the side of your device).We recommend you upgrade your device to the most recent iOS version before installing this app. Not recommended for old iPhone2 / iPod Touch2 devices.By downloading this application you agree to the Terms of Use of TabTale Ltd. Which are available to your review on http://tabtale.com/terms-of-use/.【更新日志】>No icky bugs here! We’ve swatted the nasty bugs away – now your game will run extra fast!>Thanks for playing! Send us your feedback so we can keep making awesome games for you!>Like us on Facebook to know what’s new and stay ahead of the game! facebook.com abtale
