
大小:25M语言:中文 类别:文字游戏系统:ios




【概括介绍】缤果消消乐是一款经典、有趣的糖果消除游戏!【获得荣誉】 消除游戏分类榜Top10,最受玩家喜爱的消除游戏,一起来开心消消乐吧!单机小游戏网强烈推荐!【产品简介】 三个同色糖果在一起,先选择,再点击就可以消除啦。 道具使用-- 疯狂炸弹:可以砸掉一片区域 交换道具:可以刷新整个糖果。【产品特点】 1、画面精美,可爱萌萌哒 2、完全免费,不用联网,随时随地都能玩 3、越到后面关卡越好玩,不要停止哦【友情提醒】 邀请好友一起来玩哦,首冲礼包买金币翻翻哦,仅限第一次,机不可失!!!一起和小伙伴来bingo吧! 如果您喜欢我们的游戏,欢迎给一下评价、留言。【玩家评价】1、经典的缤果消除游戏、很喜欢、好玩!2、大家一起来吧 bingo! bingo!! 一起bingo吧 !!!3、越到后面越难,我现在都一百多关了,发现个彩蛋,哈哈【联系我们】 官方网站:http://www.morejoy.top 客 服 QQ:21434062931、增加了更多关卡2、增加了更多糖果





【概括介绍】<br/>“你又想静静?到底谁是静静?”“静静是…..”<br />你是否经常听到这样的对话?是否也对静静充满了好奇?让我们来一起揭开“静静”的神秘面纱,探索“涂色”的神奇之旅……<br /> 风靡全球的涂色游戏《我想静静》,它是解放心灵的艺术手段,带你感受久违的童真。<br />繁华都市,涂色更像一种“艺术疗法”,治愈你浮躁的内心。“每一幅画作,都可以带你回到一个温和的时代”,对于那些不擅长绘画的人来说,涂色游戏更是他们的“创作”良方。<br /> 游戏特色归纳:<br />1. 超多精美线稿图陆续更新中;<br />2. 画笔颜色缤纷靓丽,色彩搭配由你掌控;<br />3. 点击式涂色,上手简单,速度快捷;<br />4. 实时保存,非正常退出不会影响画面进度。<br />游戏玩法简介:<br />1.图画分类里可自由选择不同风格的线描画;<br />2.点击画笔和你喜欢的颜色,根据线条走向上色;<br />3.两指外拉放大画布,细节处理更加完美;<br />4.支持撤销,重画,保存等功能,精彩画作并非一蹴而就;<br />5.支持分享到微信、微博、QQ等社交平台,让你的小伙伴垂涎三尺;<br />6.新增多牛百变方块和见缝插针游戏玩法,涂色之余,玩转益智游戏。<br /><br />引领世界涂色风潮的《我想静静》,静心之旅,期盼你的加入,海量精美绝伦的画作,等待你的勾勒。相信我,一旦踏入涂色世界,你绝对爱不释手,完全忘我。<br/>【更新日志】fix bugs

bohoFriends HD

bohoFriends HD


Have you ever tried Scrabble? Crosswords? Or maybe Sudoku? If yes, you’ll easily get familiar with bohoFriends. If no, let me give you a little explanation: the objective is to create as many words as possible from the letters on the board. You can connect them in any direction (up, down, left yes, “backwards”- right and askew). The longer word you create the more points you get. The same stuff goes with combos which you may get for speed word creating. There are also many achievements you may share, together with your high scores, with your friends using Game Center. Last but not least you need to remember the time which is running out faster with every difficulty level.Is it addicting? Yes, it’s highly addicting. Totally free way of creating new words makes a big difference, compared to other word games. I’ve been playing for many hours and it’s pretty amazing how involving bohoFriends may be. Playing it requires really flexible thinking. You need to change your mind and that seems to be really stimulating for your brain. The progress is visible, I started from “easy” level but after less than 3 hours I was able to do quite well on the “hard” level and it was still challenging!It’s good for casual gaming an average play in medium level took me around 2 minutes, so I was able to play it in between bus stops on my way to work. Gameplay is very dynamic, good job ;)One thing I observed is its potential for multiplayer gaming. While playing on iPad it’s great fun to play with someone else and “steal” letters one from each other. The developer claim to be working on it, they say it is planned to implement multiplayer option in few weeks. After all, the final question: is it worth buying? Yes! The game is available for free. I found it great brain exercise. Like every logic game, it requires fast abstractive thinking skills, very useful in today’s world. I will use it for my daily brain training.【更新日志】- minor bugfixes




【基本介绍】有美丽图形的经典找单词游戏游戏中心高分纪录榜简单而有趣的游戏无计时器让您可以放松和享受游戏用来练习提高你的英语能力---Word Jewels? is FUN and 100% FREE!????? "Awesome in so many ways! First of all, there is no time limit on this game, so it's more relaxing than other word games. You know how you get stressed out and watch the time on other games... none of that here. You can also close the app mid-game and go back to the same game, which helps as you get better and better. My favorite word game right now, definitely." --kenjer ????? "This is a great game. I didn't think I would ever leave Words with Friends! I like the challenge of this game!" --DaveyGN ????? "Great word game! Hours of entertainment, can't believe it's free" --Hibeam ????? "I love word games and this is one of the best I've played" --Kenjo megi YOU'LL LOVE WORD JEWELS! Check out the reviews! ????? "Can't believe this is a free app. Hours and hours of fun!" --Duanne1 ????? "Love this game...you can play solo, unlike with WWF and having to wait for your opponent to take their turn!" --Former WWF follower ????? "Word Jewels Rocks!!!!" --Renee Caldarelli ????? "The best game ever! I'm addicted." --Donnajzb ? Trace words to capture them in any direction, even crossing over your path! ? No timers, so take your time and find the best words! ? Beautiful graphics and animation! ? Relaxing sound effects ? Can listen to your own music while playing GO FOR A HIGH SCORE! ? Score summary shows you how well you did ? Compare your scores with the world using Game CenterWORD LOVE! ? Huge English dictionary included to verify words even while not connected to the internet! (Word Jewels uses the YAWL word list, which has 264,097 words! Valid words must be 3 letters long and NOT be proper nouns, as is typical for most every word game.) ? Automagic letter balancing, to help from getting trapped with a big ol' pile of consonants with no vowels, or with too many duplicates of the same letter in a group! ? Improved auto-save code - go ahead and quit the game, take a phone call, send a text - when you come back, your game will back waiting for you! Works on both old and new iThings! ? 32 Game Center Achievements to earn! Thanks for playing! Come see us at http://boyhowdytechnology.com WORD JEWELS is a registered trademark of Boy Howdy Technology LLC【更新日志】? Added iPhone X supportThanks for playing! Search for "Boy Howdy Technology" to see all our free games!




Lose yourself in the world of QatQi (pronounced “cat-key”), a gorgeous and meticulously crafted word game that pleases the senses and tests the limits of your lexicon. Frustrated with the lack of innovation in other word games, indie designer Chris Garrett developed QatQi to freshen up the genre with never-before-seen gameplay, an elegant interface, dazzling art, and otherworldly music that changes as you play. In a word, it’s INSPIRED (161 points.)QatQi offers more than just laying down tiles and reaping the rewards. Game puzzles form a “map” for players to explore, uncovering bonuses and avoiding barriers as they link letters together. It’s easy to learn, but offers a new kind of strategic depth for the genre. Bolstered by robust statistics and enticing social features, QatQi is a complete package for word game lovers eager for something new.Beyond the innovations in gameplay and scoring, QatQi is an audiovisual tour de force with art and music that can be appreciated even without words. The game’s puzzles will have you racking your brain, but its ethereal aesthetics will leave you in a state of zen.QatQi features:Novel “map” mechanics ― Explore each puzzle by laying out tiles to spell words across increasingly intricate rooms and corridors. Special squares offer big bonuses, but require some smooth wordsmithing to reach.Smart, scaling difficulty ― Sunday levels can be brutal, but QatQi eases players in with simple puzzles and an intuitive tutorial. If you’re backed into a corner ― sometimes literally ― take another try with an Undo. Size up your spelling ― Compare your performance with players in your city or across the globe using QatQi’s cater-made scoring system. Post automatically and view full breakdowns ― all without disruptive logins or passwords.Vaunt your vocab ― When you top the charts in your area or drop a high-scoring word like MOUNTAINEERING (461 points), QatQi will make a personally framed screenshot for you to boast over Facebook, Twitter, email or SMS ― all from within the game.Data to die for ― To boost your scores, explore a beautiful interactive stats page that provides key metrics after each puzzle. Even as a novice word-slinger, QatQi’s granular breakdowns will give you something to aim for.Fresh content, always ― QatQi offers new levels every day of the week, scaling up in difficulty from Monday to Sunday. Past levels are archived for access anytime.Audiovisual bliss ― Artist Kun Chang, who created the artwork for the hit game Osmos, lends a striking sensibility to the game board and menus. Complementing the looks is an original, spectral score that builds in complexity as you move through more difficult puzzles.【更新日志】- Fixed an issue with power tiles not appearing.- Updated location lookup so that it only uses location when app is being used.




【基本介绍】我猜 – 家庭版全球最热的社交猜词游戏中文版上线了, 再不是让人恶心的E文了, 还等什么, 快来和你家人朋友一起随心涂鸦, 画出你的创意, 展示你的才华, 大家一起大声的笑出来!!! ____________________________________________________________________超级免费大礼包限量赠送,送完为止:-200个免费游戏币-30个免费的提示炸弹-绑定新浪微博或者人人社区能获得另外的100个免费游戏币.____________________________________________________________________关于"我猜"的一些评论:“★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 我喜欢和我五岁的女儿一起用ipad玩我猜,太棒了.” – 崔巍 "★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 我的朋友没有iphone, 但是现在我们可以一起在我的iphone上玩了." – 刘方璇"★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 这些附加的词汇太给力了." – 曹彦婷“★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 这个游戏让我的空余时间有了有了新的玩伴." – 老顾“★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 哈哈, 我画了一个愤怒的小鸟" – Carl Xu____________________________________________________________________丰富的功能更适合家庭★ 大家一起玩画一幅画,让你周围的朋友猜猜, 你和朋友们可以在同一台设备上玩我猜游戏! ★ 亲子互动有专门针对小孩的词汇包,家长们可以和你的孩子一起玩我猜.★ 附加词汇包你可以从丰富的附加词汇包中选择更多更有趣的词汇和朋友一起游戏-超搞笑-影视天地-动漫王国-最怀旧-最流行-运动会 -中国风-无厘头★ 提示再也不会因为猜不到那个词而烦恼了,无需任何猜词助手, 我猜的提示系统能够保证你在遇到任何困难的时候都能猜到正确的词. ★ 简单没有任何美术要求,没有任何水平高低,只要你有一颗充满创意的心, 你就能涂鸦出经典的画面.★ 社交挑战你的微博好友,人人好友,挑战周围的玩家, 挑战网络上的更多的有缘人, 我猜多种交友途径让你更方便找到属于你的人一起游戏.★ 回合制休闲随意, 回合制让你随时选择你的空余时间玩游戏,没有任何游戏负担.★ 颜色包丰富的附加颜色包让你可以把简单的涂鸦画成梵高的向日葵!官方微薄:http://weibo.com/ceaponguesswhat联系电话:18994301699【更新日志】修复少量用户登录不畅的问题. 修复iPhone3GS有些时候卡屏的问题.添加100个非常有趣的词汇.
