Vocre 翻译2.1.1

大小:53.3M语言:中文 类别:商务软件系统:ios

Vocre 翻译应用截图和下载








Mobilephone side software of Macro-video company, it's used for portable monitoring your sites which installed cctv cameras or ip cameras, remote monitoring became convinient without limitation from place or time. Features: 1.Receive the images which is transmited from server computers. 2.Convenient server list managementOperating instructions:A server list interface)1 click on the "add" button to add equipment information2 click on the "Edit" button to enter the delete list record state, then you can delete the corresponding record3 Click on the corresponding records in the list can login server, enter the player interface, or click "login" button, and then enter the equipment information in the pop-up window, click the landing can also enter the player interface3 Click on the "search" button can enter the search interface, you can search for devices on the local LANTwo) the player interface1 top shows the total number of the server name and channel current login2 then the player window, consists of 4 windows3 the player window below is the channel selection window, above by channel icon, on the left is the previous page button, on the right is the next page button, the two button is channel paging display is used4 if you need to play the corresponding channel, fingers holding the channel icon, then drag the playback window, the corresponding release your fingers, you can play the channel.5 click on the window, will appear in the window of a stop button, click the button can stop playing, or stop click on the Toolbar "all", all stop playing channelThe playback window 6 double-click in playing, can achieve the window full screen playback, and then double-click can restoreThe following 7 Click on the toolbar in the middle button to make the player window occupying the entire screen, click can restore8 click on the "back" the returned list windowThree) the search window1 click the server list window in the "search" button to enter the search windowFour) edit window1 click on the icon to the left of a list of records can enter the edit window【更新日志】Modify the Add Device window appears as English Chinese system bug




【基本介绍】自由工作,今目标今目标,超过360万家企业在使用的企业工作平台。横跨:企业融合沟通、网络化办公、基础管理、业务协作和跨企业协作等几大应用领域。特点:1、今目标平台已部署20+企业应用,可独立使用,亦可组合;2、每个应用都经企业特性设计,实用、适用、易用;3、支持各种桌面端和移动端;4、开通即用,可创建或者加入多家企业,快速搭建您专属的企业工作平台,办公更高效。主要功能:1、企业通讯录:企业/团队组织架构一目了然,随时随地快速找人;2、合作伙伴:跨企业/团队的业务协作、沟通,让合作变得更轻松;3、沟通:随时随地进行单聊、多聊、群聊会话;文字、语音、图片、文件、地理位置共享,让工作沟通变得更简单;4、工作:“工作”频道,包含个人工作流汇总,待办事宜及快速发起业务,让工作真正聚焦;5、企业群:创建企业内部/跨企业群,实时在线沟通、掌握合作商机;6、广播通知:一键发布企业内部通知,企业消息、公告轻松掌握;7、消息漫游:保留跨平台聊天信息,随时随地查询,工作信息不丢失;8、离线消息推送:企业信息实时通知,不错过任何重要消息;9、企业圈:随时随地发布您的公司新闻、产品动态、营销活动;有机会为近280万家企业用户提供产品和服务的同时,寻找本企业的合作伙伴,企业之间无缝沟通;10、考勤:支持外勤轨迹,随时查看团队成员轨迹;11、文档:个人、团队共享文件,随时随地查看云文件;12、工作日志:随时随地记录工作成果,查看、评阅员工日常工作情况;13、企业应用集合:满足企业日常办公需求,如:主线、台历、文档、客户、公告、备忘、审批、邮件、计划、任务、微博等,让工作更简单。【温馨提示】 使用“考勤”应用并开启轨迹定位功能后会持续使用GPS定位服务,切换到后台时仍会保持GPS连接,相比其他操作会消耗更多的电量。 GPS在后台持续运行会影响电池续航时间。【更新日志】1. 修复已知问题。
