SRM Players App4.1

大小:12.4M语言:英文 类别:体育软件系统:ios

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【基本介绍】舞蹈圈,国内最大的泛舞蹈文化娱乐垂直社区,海内外顶级舞者&优质舞蹈内容IP孵化平台。覆盖街舞、现代舞、古典舞、芭蕾舞、民间舞、国标舞、广场舞等多种形式的舞蹈类型,主打“UGC社区”,最专业的舞蹈教学、有趣好玩的图片短视频、自带美图及美拍等功能的动态社区、即时约舞聊天交友、线上线下舞蹈Party和比赛,结识附近颜值最高的舞者,发现身边最有趣的优质舞蹈内容。 『简介』舞蹈圈是国内最早的舞蹈类移动互联网产品,当前已合作国内外上万家舞蹈机构及数百名行业内最专业的舞蹈大咖,协办国内外舞蹈大赛上百场,总部位于首都北京,在美国硅谷及台湾有分部合作中心,战略合作伙伴包括香港、日本、韩国等知名舞蹈学校及娱乐经纪公司。我们以“让舞蹈走进你的生活”为理念,以推动舞蹈艺术普及为目标,致力于成为舞蹈文化产业第一品牌,打造以舞蹈爱好者为中心的泛娱乐舞蹈产业生态链,引领中国舞蹈文化在国内外的发展,使之成为当今年轻人的主流文化,把中国的舞蹈文化艺术推向世界,做舞蹈文化的传播者和推广者。『联系我们』客服QQ:644567105电话:010-86469528邮箱:master@wdquan.cn地址:北京市朝阳区西大望路27号院76栋。新浪微博:@舞蹈圈APP。舞蹈圈QQ群:376849378。管理员QQ/微信:635967259。舞蹈圈官方网站。搜微信号wdqapp关注有惊喜噢!感谢一路支持,只为献给热爱舞蹈的你。【更新日志】SWAG(舞蹈圈v4.0)即将全新上线!1) 首页热门界面优化,过滤已浏览过的动态;2) 优化用户体验,修复了一系列已知的bug。3) 为SWAGCHAIN新品上线疯狂打CALL!!舞蹈圈App官方QQ群火爆登场,舞蹈大咖们在等你哟!一群:376849378二群:512087854三群:552529223微信客服:Amoafans




If you are a Nitrox certified diver*, you will love this app: It contains all you need to know about Oxygen partial pressure, oxygen toxicity percents, Equivalent Air Depth, and even the best gas mix for a given dive depth, in one super efficient display! Using metric or imperial (meters or feet), you can enter your expected or just executed dive depth, the percent O2 in your mix, your O2 partial pressure maximum, and your bottom time to find: -Your maximum safe depth, and contingency depths,-Your Equivalent Air Depth,-Your O2 partial pressure at max depth,-Your O2 toxicity percentage from a logged dive, and-Your best EANx mix (oxygen percentage) for a given depth and O2pp max!If you are diving Nitrox on tables, this app will save you time, allow you to use the "standard" air tables, and give you far more accuracy than using conversion tables.If you are using a Nitrox compatible DIVE COMPUTER, this app will make a great companion. In conjunction with your computer, you can:-Determine the best air mix for a projected depth and max O2pp (up to 2.0),-Allow you to determine your exact max depth for a fractional O2 mix (for example if you have a 32.4% mix, you would normally have to set your dive computer to 33%, which reduces your max depth),-Determine O2pp maximums up to 2.0 (many dive computers are set to 1.4 max).Everything in this app has been carefully tested against hand done calculations, and against DSAT tables to ensure the most accuracy in the results. In addition, the interface is highly streamlined so that you can see all the information you need at a single glance, and get on with the fun of diving!*SCUBA diving is a sport with many inherent risks. Diving with enhanced O2 air tanks increases some of those risks. This app is ONLY FOR THOSE TRAINED AND CERTIFIED TO USE EANx NITROX. No one without proper certification should use this app: without proper training in the use of Nitrox gas mixes, YOU COULD DIE!! In addition, while every effort here has been made to be accurate in calculations and results, treat what you see as guidelines: differing circumstances, and differing physical conditioning can lead to radically different reactions to diving. Please dive responsibly, and if possible always use at least two methods (this app, plus dive tables or a dive computer) to counter check your results.**The makers of this product assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of this product.**
