Perth Scuba1.3

大小:54M语言:中文 类别:体育软件系统:ios

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From Perth Scuba - this app allows you to book dive courses and trips; locate great dive spots and share your own; share your great dive images; check out the latest deals, check the weather and see what's on special for members of the Manta Ray Club.These time-saving functions on the app include: - dive sites - connect with Facebook from the app - discover the travel adventures available - book your next dive course - see the upcoming events from Perth Scuba【更新日志】The time-saving functions on the app include: - dive site locations & maps - connect with scuba divers on Facebook - discover dive travel holidays - book your next dive course - connect with local scuba divers - watch cool diving videos - read about where we're diving - share your diving photos & stories - see the upcoming events from Perth Scuba


Strafe Esports

Strafe Esports






太极拳的“以柔克刚”、“引进落空”、“四两拨千斤”、“随曲就伸”的成功运用,就是一种艺术实践活动,能给人以巨大的美感,西方人把太极拳叫做 ‘东方芭蕾’。”《太极功夫赏学》主要包括太极拳、太极剑、太极扇三种太极功夫。具体由24式简化太极拳、40式杨式太极拳、42式太极拳竞赛套路、88式杨式太极拳、32式太极剑、52式太极功夫扇、夕阳美太极功夫扇(56式)七个系列构成。《太极功夫赏学》内容上由名家讲解的教学视频、相关基础知识和文化介绍组成。《24式太极拳》也叫简化太极拳,是国家体委(现为国家体育总局)于1956年组织太极拳专家本着弘扬国粹,发扬传统武术的指导思想,汲取杨氏太极拳之精华编串而成的一套入门级的太极拳。它动作简练,浓缩了传统太极拳的精华,尽管只有24个动作,但相比传统的太极拳套路来讲,其内容更显精练,动作更显规范,并且也能充分体现太极拳的运动特点,老少皆宜,实在是居家晨练之必备佳品!《40式杨式太极拳》是中国武术研究院组织专家创编的一个比赛套路。它很好地继承和发扬了杨氏太极拳传统套路的风格、特点好技术要领,突出了其科学性和竞技性,更能促进太极拳运动的普及和推广。 40式杨式太极拳竞赛套路体现了杨氏太极拳这一重要传统流派的特点,架势舒展大方,动作均匀柔缓 轻灵沉稳,老少皆宜。《42式杨式太极拳》是武术比赛中指定套路,该套路结构严谨,内容充实,动作严格规范、舒展大方。 《42式太极拳竞赛套路》以杨式太极拳为基调,吸收了陈、吴、孙式太极拳的动作,继承了传统太极拳连绵不断,轻松柔和,圆活自然的动作特点,充分突出了太极拳意领身随,刚柔相济的技术要求,有一定难度、强度和运动量,是大众强身健本、修身养性的热门套路,是广大太极拳爱好者的必练套路。88式杨式太极拳,太极拳的一个流派,是由河北邯郸永年人杨露禅及其子杨班侯、杨健侯,其孙杨少侯、杨澄甫等人在陈氏老架太极拳的基础上发展创编的。《88式杨式太极拳》拳架舒展简洁,结构严谨,身法中正,动作和顺,轻灵沉着兼而有之;练法上由松入柔,刚柔相济,形成独特的风格。由于杨式太极拳姿势开展,平正朴实,练法简易,因此他深受广大群众热爱,开展得最为广泛。《 88式杨式太极拳》对手眼身法步有严格的要求,练拳和推手,手眼身法步按 要求做到正确才能收到良好的效果。 《32式太极剑》是在国家体委的组织下,由着名武术家李天骥先生在杨式太极剑的基础上简化整理而成。全套分四段,32个动作。内容精炼,路线清楚,剑法规范,动作准确,非常适合大众学练,是最权威、规范的太极剑教学版本。《太极功夫扇》又称:第一套太极功夫扇、52式太极功夫扇,是国际级武术裁判、中华武术百杰、中国人民大学教授李德印先生在新世纪初应“老年人”之邀,为迎接2008年北京奥运会编创的太极功夫扇新套路,是作者继老年人太极功夫扇之后创编的姐妹篇,目的是丰富人们的健身活动内容,增加趣味性,多样性,增强健身效果。《夕阳美太极功夫扇》又称第二套太极功夫扇、56式太极功夫扇,是在太极拳传统套路的基础上,揉和了其他武术项目以及京剧、舞蹈等动作编排而成,其载歌载舞、快慢相间、刚柔并济、活泼新颖的特色,令人耳目一新,尽显当代老年人意气风发、健康向上的精神风貌。全套演练时间:大约三分三十秒。 功能: "点触按钮播放/暂停音频播放功能。 "滑动屏幕点触控制翻看文本效果。 "按需下载:用户可根据需要下载或删除曲目的音频。 【更新日志】修复了ios7不能运行的Bug

Golf Score Management

Golf Score Management


【基本介绍】“ALL-IN-ONE” APP FOR GOLFERS - GOLF NETWORK PLUS (GN+) is here!!!STILL KEEPING YOUR GOLF SCORE ON PAPERDROP YOUR PENCIL AND DOWNLOAD THE #1 APP FOR GOLF NOW!GOLF NETWORK PLUS (GN+) IS THE #1 APP FOR GOLF.NOT ONLY DOES GN+ PROVIDE (1) EASY-TO-SEE SCORECARD, (2) DETAILED STATS, (3) FREE STORAGE ON CLOUD, (4) ACCESS FROM MULTIPLE DEVICES, (5) GOLF-RELATED INFORMATION WORLDWIDE, BUT ALSO GN+ OFFERS LIVE STREAMING AND VIDEO-ON-DEMAND (VOD) SERVICE OF THE ONLY GOLF-DEDICATED TV CHANNEL IN JAPAN, “GOLF NETWORK”.NOTE:Various campaigns in this application are done independently by JUPITER GOLFNETWORK CO.,LTD. Apple Inc. is not related at all.---GN+ satisfies all golfers with 3 key features.1. Keep your score on 38,000+ courses worldwide!- Arranging your own golf event with live leaderboard- Uploading your data AUTOMATICALLY on GN+ cloud server- Choosing handicap option- Selecting yard or meter- Supporting stableford point system- Viewing overall courses- Navigating golf clubs (not course navigator)2. Watch “GOLF NETWORK” via live streaming and Video-On-Demand- Approximately 900 programs per month via live streaming (only for subscription users)- Approximately new 400 videos per month via Video-On-Demand (some are only for subscription users)3. Provide golf-related information from many publications- Publications include GOLF DIGEST ONLINE, ALBA PARTNERS and THE HOCHI SHINBUN. (all are Japan-based.)Enjoy golf much much more with GN+ PREMIUM (subscription plan):1. GN+ SCORE subscription planIt provide you more features:- Score input service (200 times per month, Supports Worldwide 38,000+ Courses)- Analyzing system capable of performing detailed analysis.ex. Stats by Course2. GN+ TV subscription planIt provide you a live streaming services:- Approximately 900 programs via live streaming of the only golf-dedicated TV Channel, “Golf Network”- Approximately 400 videos per month on Video-On-DemandSubscription options:1. GN+ SCORE subscription plan monthly for $4.492. GN+ TV subscription plan monthly for $8.992. GN+ TV subscription plan annual for $89.99Price may vary by location. Subscriptions will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account.Your subscription will automatically renew unless cancelled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.You will not be able to cancel the subscription once activated. Manage your subscriptions in Account Settings after purchase.Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable.Terms of use Policy Your Golf!【更新日志】Thanks for using GOLF NETWORK PLUS! We update the app around every month so it continues to work great for you. We're also working on fun new features, and we're excited for you to try them out soon.NOTE: Various campaigns in this application are done independently by JUPITER GOLFNETWORK CO.,LTD. Apple Inc. is not related at all.
