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XGPS170 Status Tool1.0

大小:36M语言:中文 类别:天气软件系统:ios

XGPS170 Status Tool应用截图和下载



The ADS-B Status Tool app is a simple utility application for use with the GPS+ADS-B Weather and Traffic Receiver (model XGPS170) from Dual Electronics Corp. The app shows detailed information from the XGPS170 including: " Whether or not the device is receiving an ADS-B signal " What kind of ADS-B information is being received " A graphical view of the weather around your current location " A graphical view of traffic data being received, if any " The number of GPS satellites in view and their signal strength " Your location, or whether the device is still waiting for satellite information " The battery level of the XGPS170 " Whether or not the XGPS170 is chargingThe app also allows device settings to be adjusted, including: " GPS refresh rate " Indicator brightness " Sleep timeoutInstallation of this app is optional. The XGPS170 does not require this app to be installed on your iPad in order to work. Please note: 1) This app is not designed to replace an EFB app on your iPad. It is designed simply as way to confirm the proper operation of the XGPS170. 2) The information provided by this app is for reference only, and should not be used for making critical flight decisions.


The Weather Network

The Weather Network


【基本介绍】Accurate and easy-to-use, you’ll always have the weather forecast at your fingertips with access to the most in-depth weather news and video. Stay ahead of storms with notifications alerting you as storms approach your saved locations, and watch the weather system with our satellite and weather radar maps.Key features: - Detailed weather forecasts including current observations and temperatures, short term (36 hours), long term (14 days) and hourly forecasts. These forecasts are updated every 15 minutes to ensure accuracy and reliability- Air quality and UV reports - Severe weather and storm alerts to notify you when a storm is heading your way. Users will see a red alert banner on the affected cities and regions and can click-thru for more info - Weather notifications for your individual North American locations - Radar layer on maps showcasing past and future timestamps - Precipitation start and stop times within a 10-minute window - Follow-me functionality, automatically detecting the forecast within 1 km of your location - Available in English and French, based on your device’s settings- Siri Shortcuts (iOS 12 and higher): Use the app as you normally would and Siri will learn and suggest your frequently used weather features (e.g. detailed forecast, current radar map, etc.) over time - These can be tuned from the device’s settings: Settings > Siri & Search > All ShortcutsPrivacy Policy: http://www.theweathernetwork.com/about-us/privacy-policyTips: - Access weather forecasts, yesterday’s high & low temperature, wind speed & direction, humidity, cloud ceiling, visibility, sunrise & sunset times, news, videos and maps, all at a glance - The gear icon on the top left provides simple access to Public Weather Warning settings, app settings and FAQs - Add a location by tapping the city name at the top, center of your screen from the overview screen - Tap on any of the at-a-glance modules to access more details - To get the optimal experience with our weather radar maps, tap and pinch to exploreWe’d love to hear from you! Please send feedback to feedbackapp@pelmorex.com. You can also visit our website at www.theweathernetwork.com, follow us on Facebook: theweathernetworkCAN or Twitter: @weathernetwork The Weather Network – Your Weather When It Really Matters TM【更新日志】5.1.0The Weather Network app is now optimised for iPad Pro 12.9-inch (3rd generation) and iPad Pro (11-inch)5.0.0Welcome to version 5.0! This release contains support for the following awesome iOS 12 features:- Siri Shortcuts for frequently used weather pages- Grouped notifications




【基本介绍】开发并提供强大的制图和空间分析技术的全球地理信息系统(GIS)领先企业Esri授予蔚蓝地图2018年度最佳应用奖!【产品简介】当雾霾来袭,你是否也曾无奈?周末想带孩子郊游,你是否特别希望赶上个好天气?身边的大烟囱,或者是臭河沟,是否也曾让你无力无助?那就试试蔚蓝地图吧!当环保遇上大数据时代,有一群环保公益人把枯燥的空气、天气、水质和污染源数据汇集在地图上,还玩成了一个APP,从1.0,2.0,3.0玩到了4.0,这个APP从“污染地图”,升级成为“蔚蓝地图”。这个团队叫做公众环境研究中心,简称IPE。他们可不是孤军奋战,看看它的“朋友圈”:阿拉善SEE基金会,阿里巴巴公益基金会,当然更少不了环保部门、公益组织伙伴,关心空气污染、雾霾监测、天气预报的公益环保志愿者……【产品特点】 一、可视化动态的全球天气及空气信息图:来源权威且精确到区县的天气及空气质量动态预报,让你对蓝天和雾霾了然于胸,更有气象灾害和雾霾监测预警,台风动向也尽在掌控,不管阴晴风雨都保持淡定;口罩佩戴、运动、花粉浓度……贴心的生活服务提示全面呵护你的健康。二、晒美景、晒污染、晒生活,与同一片蓝天下的万千蓝友同呼吸、共命运,分享喜怒哀乐。三、直通相关部委的污染举报平台。如果身边的黑臭河让你烦恼,你可以通过小蓝向两部委官方平台举报;如果企业超标让你忧虑,你可以把它晒到微博和朋友圈,别忘了@当地环保部门的官微。四、环保、健康、科普类优质资讯一网打尽,每日一篇热文推送,助你实现从小白到环保人的华丽蜕变。五、全地图模式呈现污染源数据,带你全方位了解空气、水、土壤等周边环境风险,支持百万家企业环境信息随时查询、及时推送、实时监督,举手之劳便可推动污染治理,为4亿个家庭点亮环境健康之路。六、带你全方位了解品牌在华供应链的环境表现,作出绿色选择,为帮助改善空气、水和土壤环境的供应商点赞,还可以一键分享到新浪微博@品牌官微。七、专业的环境统计:来自气象局的实时天气数据及精准天气预报;取自环保局的2000多个空气站点分省市排名,当时、当日、当月、当年的空气污染雾霾监测数据统计,9000多家大企业污染排放的日均值分析……这些深埋的专业数据,欢迎有需求的朋友们找小蓝挖掘!保护家人,保护孩子,保护我们的碧水蓝天,蔚蓝地图4.0等你来约!【机构获得荣誉】2018年度Esri最佳应用奖RAWON MAGSAYSAY AWARDEES第三届 SEE?TNC 生态奖第六届 母亲河奖杜邦杯环境新闻人物网易公益行动奖GOLDMAN ENVIRONMENTAL PRIZE年度人物公民行动奖公益推动中国——可持续未来将中华公益人物改革开放三十年环保共享人物时尚先生十五周年经典人物年度人物绿动?中国经济十大领军人物第一届 我是环保明星第三届 中国社会责任年会?年度绿事件第三届 中国社会责任年会?年度绿领袖年度绿色之心第五届 SEE?TNC 评委会特别奖绿色中国年度人物中国软科学奖绿色中国年度焦点人物环保奖SKOLL FOUNDATION北京市人民政府表彰奖励先进个人【联系我们】 官方网站:http://www.ipe.org.cn 官方微博:http://weibo.com/u/5042247906 微 信:weilanditu 客 服 QQ:2647100168 投诉建议:01067189470转8025【特别感谢】感谢关注空气污染、热心雾霾监测、发布天气预报的你们!【更新日志】BUG修改
