Fizz Weather2.6.2

大小:28M语言:中文 类别:天气软件系统:ios

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All new Fizz Weather for iPhone brings the award winning Fizz Weather onto your iPhone in glorious high definition. Fizz Weather provides detailed weather information for over 78,000 cities worldwide. See detailed weather reports for up to 15 days, with wind speed, visibility, barometer reading, humidity, UV levels and sunrise/sunset times too. Global forecast maps are provided with animated radar loops and animated satellite maps (radar is US only at the moment). View a map of your chosen location with weather superimposed. Pinch and zoom maps for a more detailed view.Detailed charts are available to show you temperature, precipitation probability, rainfall, humidity and wind speed all for differing durations, including hourly for 12hrs and 48hours and for the next 15 days too. US weather warnings will show you detailed information about alerts and warnings in your region.Information provided includes high and low temperatures (C or F), wind speed and direction (km, miles, knots, m/s or beaufort), precipitation probability, comfort level, humidity, visibility, UV levels and the barometer reading (Millibars or Inches). Touch the i to add cities or change your settings.Now you can choose your background picture too! Have a classic black background, or choose any picture from your albums.Share your weather with your friends! Now you can share the weather with your friends via Facebook, Twitter or Email. Localised in 8 languages.Fizz Weather is your ultimate weather application.【更新日志】- Resolves an issue where some locations with negative temperatures show incorrect values









【基本介绍】好天气、好运气!7年研发沉淀,6年蝉联App Store天气类Top3。权威天气数据源,支持全国40,000多个城镇,分钟级、公里级、15日天气预报,实时降雨提醒,空气质量、PM 2.5、穿衣、运动、洗车等指数一应俱全。更有黄历运势、农历备忘提醒等中国特色功能。【天气预报】* 短时预报:精准、及时预报您所处位置天气情况,实时降雨提醒,出门、晾衣必备;* 语音播报天气* 24小时预报:24小时气象、气温变化早知道;* 15日天气预报:15日气象、高低温走势预报,天气冷暖变化尽在掌握;* 空气质量:实时权威监测AQI / PM 2.5各项空气质量指标,全国空气质量排名,关爱身体健康;* 生活指数:紫外线,穿衣、洗车等10大生活指数一应俱全,满足您生活的各种需求;* 灾害预警:第一时间发布台风、暴雨、寒潮、高温、雾霾、沙尘暴、大雾等灾害性天气预警,并推送提醒;【黄历/万年历】得道大师与黄历团队共同精心研发而成,集黄历,万年历,农历记事备忘提醒于一身的生活好帮手。* 万年历/农历:节日查询、农历查询、农历记事备忘提醒,不再忘记长辈农历生日;节气常识、节气养生资讯,弘扬中华传统养生文化精髓;* 传统老黄历:每日宜忌、每日运势、财运桃花、属相相冲、吉神方位、灵签占卜、生辰八字、八字姻缘、周公解梦、结婚吉日,助您趋吉避凶,好天气、好运气;【实景图社区】分享、发现美图:随手拍实景,随手晒美图。全球美女个性自拍,实景美图实时更新;带您结识更多志同道合的朋友,探索发现美丽新世界。数据来源:中国天气通、中央气象台。【更新日志】性能优化和问题修复





Fizz Weather

Fizz Weather


All new Fizz Weather for iPhone brings the award winning Fizz Weather onto your iPhone in glorious high definition. Fizz Weather provides detailed weather information for over 78,000 cities worldwide. See detailed weather reports for up to 15 days, with wind speed, visibility, barometer reading, humidity, UV levels and sunrise/sunset times too. Global forecast maps are provided with animated radar loops and animated satellite maps (radar is US only at the moment). View a map of your chosen location with weather superimposed. Pinch and zoom maps for a more detailed view.Detailed charts are available to show you temperature, precipitation probability, rainfall, humidity and wind speed all for differing durations, including hourly for 12hrs and 48hours and for the next 15 days too. US weather warnings will show you detailed information about alerts and warnings in your region.Information provided includes high and low temperatures (C or F), wind speed and direction (km, miles, knots, m/s or beaufort), precipitation probability, comfort level, humidity, visibility, UV levels and the barometer reading (Millibars or Inches). Touch the i to add cities or change your settings.Now you can choose your background picture too! Have a classic black background, or choose any picture from your albums.Share your weather with your friends! Now you can share the weather with your friends via Facebook, Twitter or Email. Localised in 8 languages.Fizz Weather is your ultimate weather application.【更新日志】- Resolves an issue where some locations with negative temperatures show incorrect values




【基本介绍】*** AeroWeather: for pilots, aviation enthusiasts, and everyone who is serious about the weather!*** Current and precise weather conditions (METAR) and forecasts (TAF).AeroWeather Lite provides quick and intuitive access to METAR and TAF for airports worldwide. Data can be shown in its original (raw) format or as fully decoded and easy understandable texts. AeroWeather Lite is helpful for weather preflight-briefings, but also to just get very precise weather. All weather data is cached for offline access. There are many settings for units and format of METAR/TAF available.The app features a built-in airport database, which includes basic airport data like sunrise/sunset, twilight times, timezones etc. AeroWeather Lite offers built-in groups for nearby stations, today widget*, and earthquakes. Depending on your needs, groups can be shown or hidden in the main list view.METAR alert notifications** is an helpful feature to stay up-to-date. Define multiple alerts for each station with the following criteria: flight rule (US NOAA), wind speed, temperature, pressure, present weather, visibility, and ceiling (BKN and OVC). Notifications will be sent to your device if the criteria is met (e.g., when wind is greater/equal 10 kts, flight rule becomes IFR).Dedicated METAR/TAF** access is optionally available. METAR/TAF data comes primarily from certified ANSP (air navigation service provider) MeteoSwiss and is provided reliably and fast from our dedicated, redundant servers (indicated by blue checkmark underneath METAR/TAF).The AeroPix feature offers users the possibility to take quickly picture(s) of the weather at their current location. The pictures will be available to all other pilots (on the map or within an airport detail view) helping them to get a better idea about local conditions. AeroPix should be especially helpful when there's no or insufficient webcam coverage.There's also an iMessage app included which lets you easily send METAR/TAF of any airport to other users.Please consult our web-site for a full description of all features. In order to keep AeroWeather Lite free we added a small ad banner at the bottom of the screen. Consider getting AeroWeather Pro, subscribe the additional features**, or remove the ad banner through one-time unlock* to have an ad-free app.* Additional functionality which needs to be unlocked (one-time purchase). In-app purchases are not transferable between Lite, Pro, and Mac.** From version 2.3 on additional features which generate recurring operation costs for us will be offered within a subscription. There's only one subscription type which simply varies in time periods (1 month, 2 months, 12 months). The subscription is valid in both AeroWeather Lite and Pro. For example, you can also use the subscription features in the Pro version even if you purchased the subscription in the Lite version (and vice versa). Cross app subscription support is only available if iCloud (with the same Apple ID) is enabled. Previously purchased unlock features are not affected and will work with or without subscription.The following features are enabled while a subscription is active: - Dedicated METAR/TAF data source - Alert notifications - Remove ad banner - WidgetSubscription Terms of Use:【更新日志】- Added Siri shortcuts for METARs- Minor layout improvements- Bug fixing- Database update (2018-12-08)
