
大小:54M语言:中文 类别:天气软件系统:ios




Experience weather reimagined from Weatherwise by Local Wisdom. Animated personas and moving landscapes replace cliché clip art and overused icons in this imaginative app touting weather with personality..AWARD WINNING APP WITH OVER 350,000 DOWNLOADS“It's hard to make weather interesting. But this app puts the usual data into a pretty package, with handsome skins and animation.” Gizmodo“Weatherwise is worth checking out for its features and really artistic look.” - Mashable“If you want something more interesting to look at when you check the weather each day, then check out Weatherwise on your iPhone, iPod Touch, and/or iPad.” AppAdvice.comFEATURES· NEW! Theme Store with over 10 themes and an improved preview function· View the current weather and five-day forecast using the built-in geolocator· New sleeker interface· Add and save up to 5 locations· Get all the details by hour including humidity, visibility, wind speed, and precipitation· New “Next 24hrs” button has replaced the “Hourly Details” buttonUSAGE· Animations change multiple times per day featuring:· Day and night· Sunrise and sunset· Snow, ice, wind, and rainFREE THEMESThe standard, free theme installed with Weatherwise is the Zen Tree, featuring a tranquil Bonsai tree that reacts to changes in weather. Additional themes are available for $0.99 and include:Cliff and Crash 2 for 1 Bundle NEW! 2 themes for the price of 1! Available for only $0.99.Cliff Streaming water descends from a high cliff in a vast jungle once inhabited by an ancient civilization. The landscape transforms as the weather conditions and time of day change.Crash Has the alien explorer wandered into the forest or has his glowing spacecraft become his tomb? View the weather at a mysterious crash site on a remote planet.Sydney Opera House and Big Ben 2 for 1 Bundle - NEW! 2 themes for the price of 1! Available for only $0.99.Sydney Opera House - Enjoy the serene view of this architectural masterpiece located along the banks of Sydney Harbour in New South Wales, Australia. Watch as the Sydney Opera House’s surroundings alter with the forecast.Big Ben - Keep track of the forecast while viewing United Kingdom’s most historic landmark. Watch as the London Eye and the face of the clock light up as the sun sets.The Great Wall and Golden Gate Bridge 2 for 1 Bundle - NEW! 2 themes for the price of 1! Available for only $0.99.The Great Wall - Once used as a protective border for the Chinese Empire, the Great Wall is a testament of ancient architecture.Golden Gate Bridge - Catch a glimpse of San Fran’s most scenic view during various weather conditions. The mile long Golden Gate Bridge gleams in the night sky above the San Francisco Bay.The Lost Robot No longer in use and left to rust, the Lost Robot sits and waits for his master. Depending upon the time of day and weather condition, he illuminates the forest floor with vibrant colors and billows smoke from his back.The Woobles These fun loving creatures enjoy the art of staring. Tilt your phone away from you and watch as the Woobles keep looking directly at YOU.Personas The Personas theme gives you 10 unique, animated characters as the time of day and weather changes.8-bit Windmill - The setting of this 8-bit RPG inspired scene will change through the different weather conditions night and day.Hand Painted- This hand painted landscape scene brings a stained glass style that adjusts from day to night. Clouds fill the sky on gloomy days and when winter comes a snowman plays.【更新日志】Major bug workaround included





【基本介绍】「我的天文台」是一个广受欢迎的天气应用程式,提供一系列的个人化天气服务。应用程式会显示最接近用户、指定位置或所选气象站所提供的实况天气,如温度、相对湿度、雨量、风向、风速及天气照片等。天气照片及雨量数据分别每五分钟及每十五分钟更新一次,其他数据每十分钟更新一次,更新时间显示在首页底部。注意事项:1. 天气警告、特别天气提示及定点降雨预报等通知服务是经 Apple Push Notification service (APNs) 提供,香港天文台不能确保用户能收到以上通知。 用户不应以手机程式的通知服务作唯一方法接收重要的天气信息。同时,于天文台发出通知至被应用程式接收,视乎网络当时的使用量及用户手机连线质素等等因素,可能需时五至二十分钟,或更长时间。2. 使用定点降雨预报通知服务会稍为增加耗电量及数据下载量。用户若希望节省程式用电量,可在雨天或于进行户外活动前开启通知服务功能,并于晴天及完成户外活动后关上该功能。此外,使用定点降雨预报通知服务时若于进阶选项内选用较疏更新频率及较低位置准确度亦可节省用电量。3. 「我的天文台」是一个免费程式,但用户需向流动网络服务供应商缴付使用数据的费用。如使用漫游服务时,有关费用或会十分高昂。请确保你流动装置上的「资料漫游」选项已经关上。4. 用户可于「设定我的位置」内,选择手机提供的自动定位服务,或自行于地图上去设定「我的位置」。该位置会于首页及「我的天气报告」功能内显示。若未能成功更新位置时,「我的位置」会显示为上一次成功取得的位置或「香港天文台」。「我的位置」或阁下加入位置显示的气象数据会由附近的气象站提供,但并不表示气象站必然位于同一地区。若附近的气象站没有数据提供时,会使用天文台总部、京士柏及天星码头气象站的数据代替,而更新时间的左旁亦会出现图标 ▲ 。5. 「我的天气报告」功能内显示的位置资料由第三方供应商提供。6. 由于气象站及用户的位置在地形及高度上的差异,而流动装置估算的位置亦与实际有偏差,所以用户在使用「我的天文台」时请注意应用程式显示的天气资料可能与你所在地的实际情况有分别。7. 本应用程式首页的时钟显示香港时间共并会与天文台的网上时间伺服器自动校对,时钟显示的时间可能会与智能手机上的时间不同。8. 本应用程式提供连结让用户浏览天文台Facebook专页,用户可选择是否登录个人Facebook帐户。登录后可使用Facebook更多功能,使用时请留意Facebook专页的注意事项,及Facebook平台的私隐政策等。【更新日志】- 加强雷暴警告分区资讯内容; - 优化应用程式及修复问题。








【基本介绍】简约而不简单,我们这里有您想关注的天气信息!实时气温、24小时温度趋势、生活指数!**界面清新** **操作方便** **数据准确** **信息丰富**针对iPhoneXR/iPhoneXS Max优化与设计,让您体验新的展示界面! “天气”为您提供中国大部分城市及世界主要城市实时天气信息及未来三天的趋势预报,准确的生活指数信息助您提前安排好出行计划。您还可以方便地查询并添加您关心城市的天气情况,获取新鲜资讯。 主要功能: 1. 准确的实时气温、天气状况与实时PM2.5值2. 直观展示当天和未来三天的天气情况、温度变化3. 常用生活指数,包括紫外线强度、PM2.5、尾号限行信息4. 详细的24小时温度数据与体感温度的趋势曲线5. 贴心生活细节指数,显示当前空气湿度、风向风速6. 包括中国大部分城市及世界主要城市天气信息查询7. 支持自定义城市管理,方便地添加或删除城市,拖动就可以排序8. 设置支持12/24小时切换,支持华氏度摄氏度转换 9. 炫彩界面根据心情随意切换--------------------------------=关于爱普新媒=爱普新媒 - 经验丰富的移动软件研发与新媒体整合营销平台爱普新媒旗下产品:天气预报、柚子天气、快游、万能汇率、万能换算器、每日星晴、倒计时等官方网站:www.appfactory.cn商务合作:010-62662818【更新日志】- 全面适配iOS12- 支持iPhone XS Max- 其他细节改进和Bug修复
