
大小:19M语言:中文 类别:骰子游戏系统:ios




对喜欢挑战和美图的新用户,我们强烈建议您下载最新版,更华丽的界面,更多的关卡。 对喜欢更多模式的用户我们强烈推荐您下载。本款老版宠物连连看的推出,只是为了满足部分不能适应新版宠物连连看的用户。#本经典版是应老用户要求放出,以答谢各位老用户对本游戏的热爱。#该游戏每天的活跃用户达8万人,共40万人下载过本游戏。#宠物连连看-经典回顾版, 你还等什么?连连看是一款操作非常简单的小游戏,它的玩法就是用直线将两个相同的卡通图标消掉,分为十二关,难度递进。规则如下:1. 选择相同图案的牌面进行连线。2. 连线不能达到或超过四条直线(三次转角)3. 所有排消完后可以选择进入下一关或者重玩。【更新日志】-增加更多游戏模式,以及调整游戏界面。


Bouncing Bubbles

Bouncing Bubbles


【基本介绍】Rethink the bubble shooter genre and blast your way to victory with Bouncing Bubbles! Download this endlessly entertaining arcade shooter, start shooting away at rows of bubbles, and discover exactly how addicting bouncing bubbles level in and level out can be!Read what other players said:- "Wow it's like drug! Addicted..."- "Addictive - I play way too long because I must win!"- "Addictive - Totally addictive and lots of fun. Relaxing."- "Great bubble shooter game - This is the best app of bubble shooter I have played"- "Great game!!! - Very fine work in color combination in this game."Over 1000 5-star ratings !!!??? Inside TOP20 in the US!!! ???APP FEATURES? Addictive and easy gameplay? Super realistic bubble motion simulation? Different game modes including level based mode with an ever growing number of new levels? Compare your scores online through GameCenter? Premier looking graphics including Super-Retina support? Support for multiple skins? Brag about your scores on WhatsApp / Twitter / FacebookBouncing Bubbles challenges you to decimate a block of bubbles by shooting bubbles at it. Just like other games such as bejeweled, bubbles disappear by creating same colored bubble lines that have three or more bubbles attached to one another. The goal is to use as little shots as possible as quickly as possible in order to get the highest score possible.This game different modes of play and dynamically changing backgrounds. Bouncing Bubbles also includes realistic bubble motion simulation, a powerful physics engine to ensure that gameplay stays kinetic and flows naturally, and offers users a number of added features to keep them motivated and interested in playing time and time again. The game is integrated with WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter, so you always have a place to share scores and compete for ultimate bragging rights. Meanwhile, GameCenter support ensures that competitive gamers always have a place where they can compete for highscores against a global gaming community as well. Don’t bounce around the App Store trying to find the perfect mobile game, get Bouncing Bubbles and you’re home free!App video review by Daily App Show: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=9xr9kC2fMnY&feature=youtu.beBouncing Bubbles LITE is developed by JRSOFTWORX【更新日志】We added some improvements to the user interface.Enjoy the game.

Swipea 儿童七巧板益智拼图:数字

Swipea 儿童七巧板益智拼图:数字


【概括介绍】这是一款专门为儿童设计的简单但有趣,并且具有教育意义的七巧板益智拼图游戏,可以培养孩子的批判性思考能力,空间旋转能力和几何直觉。此版本通过游戏,音频和视频帮助孩子学习数字。 通过SWIPEA游戏,孩子们可以:玩耍,学习,感受家庭氛围独特的APP特色: 1.有教育意义的玩具 七巧板很有趣,但是孩子们无法想象他们将拼图放在一起呈现的是什么图案。我们的七巧板益智拼图有预先绘制的底图,可以有助于孩子发挥想象及组合。2.精美&简单的触摸屏,拖拉&旋转界面我们的游戏可以通过拖拉和旋转精确地控制,让孩子们更自由地支配空间和时间,在轻松自如的环境中开发。3.适合孩子单独玩耍或全家互动的不同难易程度益智拼图分为不同层级的难易程度。“简单”级别可由孩子单独玩耍。“困难”和“娱乐”级别适合全家互动。4.精美,丰富的插图和音响效果 可爱的 插图,精美的颜色和大号按钮适合游戏。联系方式: 有关技术问题,请发邮件至 hello@swipea.com或随时给我们留言!官方网站:http://www.swipea.comFacebook相关网址:http://www.facebook.com/swipeaTwitter相关网址:http://twitter.com/SwipeaKids我们非常尊重您的隐私。我们的儿童游戏程序有以下特点:- 不收集任何私人信息增强了软件稳定性和性能漏洞修补 添加了新内容【更新日志】增强了软件稳定性和性能漏洞修补 iOS的10支持




【基本介绍】《天天富翁》是一款强手棋类游戏,游戏单局玩法主要是:与其他玩家一起进行买地盖房,当其他玩家路过自己的房产时,会收取过路费,最终以其他玩家破产为胜利。游戏还提供了不同角色,不同品介不同类型的角色,每个角色拥有不同的能力,这些能力对单局胜利会有帮助。游戏中的骰子也会有不同的能力,玩家和骰子的能力值越高,玩家获胜的几率更大。游戏中玩家可以选择不同:角色+骰子。让游戏的玩法更加丰富。游戏具有单人模式+组队模式,最多支持4个人同时游戏。在游戏《天天富翁》中,用户使用平台账号(QQ或微信)登录,能够同步游戏中部分数据,包括等级、好友等非通过购买累计的数值。用户在游戏中购买的游戏代币“钻石”仅限于在此应用中使用。腾讯平台上的虚拟货币, 比如Q币、Q点都无法在游戏内使用。The game 《天天富翁》 is independent and separate from any other platform regarding acquisition of purchasable item/content. Users logged in with their Tencent's platform accounts (either QQ or WeChat) are able to sync non-purchasing related information/data in the game, such as friend list, score and level. Game currencies purchased/earned outside of the app. Similarly, any game currencies purchased/earned in 《天天富翁》 on any other platform cannot be used in this app either. The app doesn't use any QQ digital currency, such as Q币 or Q点.【更新日志】1. 修复游戏卡顿现象2. 修复游戏途中闪退现象




胡牌牌型:1. 基本胡:1番(底金*1)2. 碰碰胡:3番(底金*3)3. 清一色:6番(底金*6)4. 清一色碰碰胡:9番(底金*9)5. 抢杠:相同于点炮,杠牌不成功6. 杠上开:相同于自摸+杠加番:如果胡牌时满足以下条件,则在胡牌牌型上额外增加以下番数1. 门清自摸:胡牌时没有吃、明杠牌(+1番)2. 明杠:手上有明杠(+1番/个)输赢都加3. 暗杠:手上有暗杠(+2番/个)输赢都加筒、条、万3门牌共108张,没有风。换三张:起牌后,必须从手里的牌中选择三张花色相同的牌和别人进行交换。出牌:首先从庄家开始出牌,可以碰和杠,不能吃。胡牌:胡牌时必须满足缺一门,即胡牌时手上的牌只能保留两种花色。自摸胡三家出钱,放冲胡放冲玩家出钱。血流成河:当某个玩家胡牌后,牌局不结束,依然继续,该玩家和其他玩家可以继续摸牌、胡牌、直到所有的牌全部摸完打完为止。带漂:胡牌时无论平牌型,额外多给5倍底金查叫:牌局结束后,没有听牌(非花猪)的玩家,要向已听牌的玩家支付按照听牌玩家可能胡的最大牌型的1倍金币查花猪:牌局结束后,花猪(手上留有三门花色)的玩家,要向已听牌的玩家支付按照听牌玩家可能胡的最大牌型的3倍金币【更新日志】【春】加入角色养成系统,游戏更耐玩【天】添加了时下流行的包房对战系统,邀请好友组局打麻将【来】添加了比赛竞技系统,回馈广大玩家【了】优化了游戏UI界面,Q版更动人
