
大小:121.4M语言:英文 类别:骰子游戏系统:ios




【基本介绍】《天天富翁》是一款强手棋类游戏,游戏单局玩法主要是:与其他玩家一起进行买地盖房,当其他玩家路过自己的房产时,会收取过路费,最终以其他玩家破产为胜利。游戏还提供了不同角色,不同品介不同类型的角色,每个角色拥有不同的能力,这些能力对单局胜利会有帮助。游戏中的骰子也会有不同的能力,玩家和骰子的能力值越高,玩家获胜的几率更大。游戏中玩家可以选择不同:角色+骰子。让游戏的玩法更加丰富。游戏具有单人模式+组队模式,最多支持4个人同时游戏。在游戏《天天富翁》中,用户使用平台账号(QQ或微信)登录,能够同步游戏中部分数据,包括等级、好友等非通过购买累计的数值。用户在游戏中购买的游戏代币“钻石”仅限于在此应用中使用。腾讯平台上的虚拟货币, 比如Q币、Q点都无法在游戏内使用。The game 《天天富翁》 is independent and separate from any other platform regarding acquisition of purchasable item/content. Users logged in with their Tencent's platform accounts (either QQ or WeChat) are able to sync non-purchasing related information/data in the game, such as friend list, score and level. Game currencies purchased/earned outside of the app. Similarly, any game currencies purchased/earned in 《天天富翁》 on any other platform cannot be used in this app either. The app doesn't use any QQ digital currency, such as Q币 or Q点.【更新日志】1. 修复游戏卡顿现象2. 修复游戏途中闪退现象





【概括介绍】黄金西洋双陆棋 - 适合初学和专业玩家。您可以通过电脑或者联机同他人对弈,也包括聊天!流行的“BGBlitz"软件和100%公平地掷骰子。*** 全新 ***以Elo为基础安排比赛 | 黑名单 | 随机的对手可以拒绝黄金西洋双陆棋 - 拥有许多令人兴奋和可扩展的特性,例如锦标赛、帮助功能、难度分级和游戏变化,将带您走进全世界最为古老和广为人知的棋盘游戏世界。 在线和朋友们边比赛边聊天。由于运用random.org绝对随机地掷骰子,保证没有被操纵的骰子(要求在线连接)。通过你的社交网络账户登录(Facebook, Twitter)或者使用我们mobivention游戏服务。创造一个好友列表然后发送并收到游戏邀请。- 1和2位玩家+在线- 1和2个对手 + 联机- Elo- 联机搜索和你的技术相似的对手(以elo为基础的安排比赛)- 单次游戏 & 锦标赛- 通过BGBlitz教程来学习“最佳移步"- BGBlitz的西洋双陆棋程序荣获国际奖励- 通过BGBlitz教程来学习“最佳移步"- BGBlitz的西洋双陆棋程序荣获国际奖励- BGBlitz - 国际获奖的西洋双陆棋软件是来自BGBlitz的创建者(难度水平 IIII)- 3种难度水平- 自动移步引导快速比赛- 使加倍无效- 保存游戏- 确定移步功能- 重做功能现在就为您的智能手机或iPad获取黄金西洋双陆棋,并告诉您的对手们如何操作!我们的游戏说:*****”富有挑战力的KI融入完美设计中“*****”最好的西洋双陆棋!“*****“广为人知并带来欢乐的游戏。”***** “我非常高兴能经常和女友一起玩这个游戏,真是太好了!”如果您喜欢我们的西洋双陆棋,我们期待您在应用商店对它评分。咨询或更多访问,请访问我们在Facebook上的主页:www.facebook.com/mobivention我们想让您没有任何阻碍地享受您的比赛,无论是联机或是离线状态。所以我们努力工作并且做出了以下改进。联机游戏* 在和您的朋友们对抗时关闭了时间限制* 可以和朋友们在比赛外聊天 * 为即将上市的联机游戏增加了一个小工具* 您可以关闭游戏中的聊天* 更轻松地邀请您的朋友们离线游戏* 检测导师和专业电脑对手 你喜欢我们的新功能吗? 让我们知道:support@mobivention.comfacebook.com/mobiventiontwitter.com/mobivention【更新日志】Again it is possible to register a new account without having problemsLet us know what you think! Send your feedback to:support@mobivention.comwww.facebook.com/mobiventionwww.twitter.com/mobivention




鱼虾蟹简介:鱼虾蟹是源于中国南部的传统游戏,kw史悠久,游戏的玩法跟骰宝相似,一般用三个骰子进行游戏,只是以图案(鱼、虾、蟹、金钱、葫芦、鸡)来取代骰子的六个点数,游戏的概念十分简单,玩家只需要选择某一面的骰子图案,如骰子滚动后的结果与玩家选择相同的话,玩家赢出游戏,否则输掉。功能简介:这是一款实用、娱乐、趣味的神级高仿真3D应用,内置骰子及鱼虾蟹两款游戏,无论何时何地,本软件支持现场或远距离多人同时在线娱乐,新增单机版更适用于无网络情况下游戏。根据您摇动、倾斜或点击按键作出骰子3D滚动的仿真动作来得出游戏结果,本软件是皇家棋牌自主研发小游戏中的一种,完全免费。功能简介1、我要做庄:实现多人游戏,当您选择“我要坐庄”时 ,您的玩伴需要选择点击“参与游戏”输入您的用户名(用户名下载同时已配备,可于界面看到),即可与您在同一界面进行互动游戏。实现远程参与游戏。2、参与游戏:如果您的玩伴已点击选择进入“我要做庄”界面,而您需要以参与的角色加入,在点击“参与游戏”后,输入与做庄玩伴相同的用户名即可进入庄家游戏界面。做为参与者,您能看到庄家每局的游戏过程或路珠结果,而不具备摇骰功能。实现远程参与游戏。3、单机游戏:不需要加入网络,即可以运行游戏。【更新日志】1、优化了游戏机构2、修改了开奖结果BUG

Battle 3D: Robots Sky

Battle 3D: Robots Sky


Hero Wars 2: Zombie Virus - New Game Release!!NEW Stylish FPS-ACTION 3D!! Top Apps, Visual Games, Beaver LLC. - "Breathtaking battles will put you on the edge of your seat as they take place in 3D." - "Awesome, Get busy as you move and shoot to seize victory!" - "Missions unfold at a fast pace as you control and fight as various protagonist characters." - "There’s a new king in mech action games!" --------------------------------------------- GAME FEATURES: A shooter game with a console quality that anyone can easily play! AUTHENTIC SHOOTER FEEL: There is an excellent button-tapping feel as the game leverages on the multi-touch feature to maximum effect. ATTACKING: All upgraded weapons can be fired with a single touch. MOVEMENT: Freely move around in a fully-realized 3D environment as you engage in battles (up/down, left/right, forward and backward). --------------------------------------------- ONLINE PLAY- VERSUS MODE: -The game features online play and supports Bluetooth. -You can fight with another player (Player Vs. Player) or fight with the computer (Computer Vs. Player). VIEW CHANGE: -You can switch views from first person to third person and vice versa. -The game controls change as well when the view is switched. -1ST PERSON VIEW: Play the game like a shooting simulator with a FPS feel. -3RD PERSON VIEW: Play it like an authentic arcade shooter. --------------------------------------------- THE CONVERGENCE OF RPG AND SHOOTING ACTION: -The game offers a fresh feel and unique game mechanics. -The stylish robot battles that take place at a fast pace overcome the limitations of a typical mech game and you can experience brilliant action. SATISFYING HITS WITH THAT CONSOLE QUALITY: All sorts of weapons are available, with gorgeous shooting and explosion effects, including many different types of lasers and missiles, and machine guns. --------------------------------------------- RPG LEVEL-UP SYSTEM: -Every time an enemy is destroyed, you earn experience points, and you can level up when you reach a certain amount of experience points. -With the gold you obtain, you can upgrade your weapons and your robot. -You can also obtain items, which improve your robot’s performance. AUTO TARGETING SYSTEM: Near-by enemies are automatically targeted and locked on for attack. INTERACTIVE OBJECTS SYSTEM: All objects in the game, including buildings, pyramids, and meteorites can be destroyed, which give items. ROBUST AI SYSTEM: Featuring a robust AI system with a variety of enemy attack and defense patterns, the game will keep you on your toes for the entire time. REALISTIC MISSILE TRAJECTORY SYSTEM: The game features a realistic missile trajectory system, developed with the help of a dynamics expert at a university engineering department. --------------------------------------------- MOVIE-LIKE PROGRESSION: The game screen, story progression, camera direction and the atmospheric music will make you feel like you’re watching a movie. 3D GRAPHICS AND MUSIC: -Cartoon-style robot characters and backgrounds made from real photographs, made by the art director of Naomic Soft. -MUSIC: Various background music by the best game and movie music composer: Akinatz. --------------------------------------------- CAUTION: There is a risk of dropping your device because of sweats from your hands. BATTLE 3D: ROBOTS SKY (Check the screen shot on our company website.) http://naomicsoft.blogspot.com/ OTHER Naomic Soft Games: -HERO WARS -DESTROY9 -DESTROY9-ALIEN -BLOCK MANIA【更新日志】Hero Wars 2: Zombie Virus - New Game Release!!https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/guess-what/id544632674?mt=8
