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DeaMoneta Mobile4.2.19

大小:55M语言:中文 类别:商品指南系统:ios

DeaMoneta Mobile应用截图和下载



DeaMoneta is a web-platform that publishes numismatic auctions and numismatic stores. This is the latest edition of the DeaMoneta App:- optimized mobile catalog browsing- online bidding and bids summary- outbid notifications- live bidding with audio and video in realtime - support for mobile handsets and tablets- search and purchase from the online-stores- globally search coins in auctions and in shops【更新日志】Minor bug fixes


Bridgestone Lebanon

Bridgestone Lebanon


【基本介绍】The Bridgestone Lebanon mobile app is the first of its kind in Lebanon and features all the following:+ Speeding Tickets: Fast and easy way to check if you have speeding tickets, the quantity and the details of the tickets (information retrieved from the ISF)+ Consultancy: Do you have a question for Bridgestone Send it to us and we’ll get back to you ASAP! + Tire Selector: Input your tire size and we will show you all the available patterns for that size. + Weather: Always be updated with the current local weather and forecast in major different regions in Lebanon (Beirut, Mount Lebanon, South, North, Bekaa, etc..). Whether it’ll be rainy or sunny, you will know about it. + Blog: Stay tuned with the most recent news about what you like most in life: cars!+ Mecanique Reminder: Never be in the dark anymore, avoid penalties by missing your next mechanique checkup. Know today how much you need to pay and add to your calendar the due date to complete your cars’ mecaniques (information retrieved from the ISF). + Products: Browse through the latest Bridgestone’s products and details (Potenza, Turanza, Sporty Style, B250, Dueler, etc..)+ Change Tire and Rotating Tire Reminder: Set up reminders to rotate your tires and a date to change them for best efficiency, highest performance and most importantly for safe driving. You may set up multiple reminders for different cars.+ Dealers: Check dealer’s locations closest to you and all over Lebanon, their details and phone numbers. Use the map to show your position and the Bridgestone dealers nearby.Enjoy the app and let us know your feedback!*****Bridgestone Lebanon: Your Journey, Our Passion.【更新日志】- Bug fix




【基本介绍】2016年6月,卷皮获得了金瑞奖“2016最佳产品/服务创新奖”。2016年8月,全国政协副主席、科技部部长万钢来到卷皮武汉总部考察,称卷皮“很有前途,大有可为”卷皮折扣汇聚全网最优质折扣商品,每日精选千款超值折扣商品9.9元起全场包邮1折特卖,每天10点限时秒杀!上卷皮购便宜!一个汇聚品质商品的折扣应用,比团购更实惠,涵盖女装、化妆品、鞋包、数码、家具,从美团、折800、美丽说、蘑菇街、聚美和唯品会筛选了大量品质商品,比天猫和淘宝更低的价格,买到你相中的品牌,让你比团购更省钱比淘宝更方便,手机支付随时退款更放心。更有各种秒杀促销活动。应用特色:【独家特约】汇聚海量专属折扣精品,上午10点晚上8点准时更新【卷皮优选】专业选款师从海量宝贝中精选出值得购买并合乎您心意的优质宝贝【折扣优惠】全场商品低至1折包邮,一块也包邮【精品砍价】资深议价师与商家唇枪舌剑,帮您直接砍到底价【卷皮拼团】每日超值商品上新,拼团购买享受更高折扣优惠,多拼多划算。【微信服务】关注卷皮微信服务号,每日抽大奖还有卷皮粉丝专享福利。微信服务号ID:juanpiwang【样品质检】商家信誉,资质,品牌授权,商品包装,细节,试用等全方位考核【活动监督】实时监控商品价格,跟踪发货速度及售后服务卷皮所有商品都经过严格筛选,层层把关,以确保您买的放心,用的舒心!欢迎给我们提供更多的建议。【联系我们】卷皮客服:400-009-0869卷皮微信:卷皮卷皮微博:@卷皮网/@卷皮9块9包邮官方网站:http://www.juanpi.com/【更新日志】本次更新:- 优化了一些体验细节,快去逛逛吧。
