
大小:68.2M语言:中文 类别:体育软件系统:ios




【基本介绍】“私生活”提供了一个全新的方式去存储、重现和分享我们的生活,让精彩的每一天有迹可寻,并引导我们进入一种更加健康的生活方式。存储生活:自动记录每天的走过的轨迹,去了哪里,用了多久,走了多少步,多远,消耗了多少卡路里,一一自动记录。生活重现:每一天的生活轨迹,就像记忆的蓝本,我们去过哪里,做了什么,只需要轻松点击几下,重现记忆从此易如反掌。特别是外出旅行时,美好回忆亦有迹可寻,永不褪色。分享生活:只需简单一步就可与好友分享生活中的精彩片段,或每天的运动成就,我行我秀。主要功能*自动记录走路和跑步的步数(计步器)*根据性别、年龄、身高、体重以及日常工作劳动强度科学地给您运动目标建议*自动地记录每天走路、跑步、搭乘交通工具的路径*用时间线简单而清晰地呈现每天的生活?*在地图上显示路径*自动根据每天活动类型精确地计算卡路里消耗*自动记录走路和跑步的距离。从此晨跑/夜跑再不用点击开始/结束,一切都自动完成*显示一周的运动量统计结果*简单便捷地通过彩信、微信以及微博等与好友分享运动成就或路径优点1. “私生活”是记忆的蓝本。自动记录每天的路径、经过的地点、精确地记录行走和跑步的步数,科学地计算消耗的卡路里,并自动汇总每天的瘦身成就2. 引导我们进入一种更加积极活跃的生活方式极少的电量消耗使用GPS定位会极大地加快电池消耗,“私生活”充分地利用WiFi及基站定位以减少GPS定位带来的电量消耗,同时创新地使用了智能打点算法,能够根据您的运动类型及状态,自动灵活地调整记录频率以减少电量消耗。?iOS7使用注意事项“私生活”需要持续地在后台运行以记录您的活动1.确保您已开启后台应用程序刷新功能(设置>通用>后台应用程序刷新)2.如果在多任务管理界面(双击Home键所来到的界面)关闭(身上拖拽缩略图并滑出主界面)“私生活”,应用将不能继续自动记录您的路径及步数。当您重新点击“私生活”图标并启动应用,“私生活”将继续持续自动为您记录。3.私生活App需要持续在后台使用GPS定位,会导致耗电增加。欢迎访问我们的官方网站以获取更多的信息:www.slightech.com【更新日志】1. 提供更可靠的轨迹跟踪2. 修正了一些小问题,提升用户体验希望你们能喜欢这一版!


Golf Score Management

Golf Score Management


【基本介绍】“ALL-IN-ONE” APP FOR GOLFERS - GOLF NETWORK PLUS (GN+) is here!!!STILL KEEPING YOUR GOLF SCORE ON PAPERDROP YOUR PENCIL AND DOWNLOAD THE #1 APP FOR GOLF NOW!GOLF NETWORK PLUS (GN+) IS THE #1 APP FOR GOLF.NOT ONLY DOES GN+ PROVIDE (1) EASY-TO-SEE SCORECARD, (2) DETAILED STATS, (3) FREE STORAGE ON CLOUD, (4) ACCESS FROM MULTIPLE DEVICES, (5) GOLF-RELATED INFORMATION WORLDWIDE, BUT ALSO GN+ OFFERS LIVE STREAMING AND VIDEO-ON-DEMAND (VOD) SERVICE OF THE ONLY GOLF-DEDICATED TV CHANNEL IN JAPAN, “GOLF NETWORK”.NOTE:Various campaigns in this application are done independently by JUPITER GOLFNETWORK CO.,LTD. Apple Inc. is not related at all.---GN+ satisfies all golfers with 3 key features.1. Keep your score on 38,000+ courses worldwide!- Arranging your own golf event with live leaderboard- Uploading your data AUTOMATICALLY on GN+ cloud server- Choosing handicap option- Selecting yard or meter- Supporting stableford point system- Viewing overall courses- Navigating golf clubs (not course navigator)2. Watch “GOLF NETWORK” via live streaming and Video-On-Demand- Approximately 900 programs per month via live streaming (only for subscription users)- Approximately new 400 videos per month via Video-On-Demand (some are only for subscription users)3. Provide golf-related information from many publications- Publications include GOLF DIGEST ONLINE, ALBA PARTNERS and THE HOCHI SHINBUN. (all are Japan-based.)Enjoy golf much much more with GN+ PREMIUM (subscription plan):1. GN+ SCORE subscription planIt provide you more features:- Score input service (200 times per month, Supports Worldwide 38,000+ Courses)- Analyzing system capable of performing detailed analysis.ex. Stats by Course2. GN+ TV subscription planIt provide you a live streaming services:- Approximately 900 programs via live streaming of the only golf-dedicated TV Channel, “Golf Network”- Approximately 400 videos per month on Video-On-DemandSubscription options:1. GN+ SCORE subscription plan monthly for $4.492. GN+ TV subscription plan monthly for $8.992. GN+ TV subscription plan annual for $89.99Price may vary by location. Subscriptions will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account.Your subscription will automatically renew unless cancelled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.You will not be able to cancel the subscription once activated. Manage your subscriptions in Account Settings after purchase.Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable.Terms of usehttps://score.golfnetwork.co.jp/termPrivacy Policyhttps://www.golfnetwork.plus/privacy.htmlEnjoy Your Golf!【更新日志】Thanks for using GOLF NETWORK PLUS! We update the app around every month so it continues to work great for you. We're also working on fun new features, and we're excited for you to try them out soon.NOTE: Various campaigns in this application are done independently by JUPITER GOLFNETWORK CO.,LTD. Apple Inc. is not related at all.




传统武术是我国的国宝。它是一种力与美的高尚运动,而且是一门内含哲理与文化精神的艺术。传统武术,从体育的角度来讲,它是以功法为基础,以套路为载体,以技击为核心的民族传统体育项目。从肢体运动的角度来说,它是一门由力至劲,由肢体到精神的运动学问。用文化的眼光看,它是集思想性、哲理性、技击性、健身性、艺术性于一体的中华民族的非物质文化遗产。从艺术性来看,中国功夫,各类太极拳柔似水,延绵不断,刚柔相济,动静分明,圆活,动作连贯、质量等多位角度审视、欣赏太极拳的意蕴,给人一种诗意之感。少林拳讲究动作勐烈,快速有力,似直非直,似曲不曲,注重整体,强调内外合一,以气催力,甚至发生助威等,武术像是一首诗,有着自身独特的韵味;武术像是一幅画,有着延绵不断、起伏有序、磅礴宏大之意境;武术像是一股水,绵绵不断、柔极至刚。 习练中国功夫,有修身、强身、防身、演艺等作用。《中国功夫赏学》以各类武术为主打,有视频教学,精讲动作套路,分节演示;有文字和图片,深入浅出揭示武术品种的渊源、锻炼要领、拳法动作等等。《中国功夫赏学·八翻手》是中国功夫赏学系列的第一辑。八翻手是一风格独特、内容丰富、技击性强的传统武术套路,在山西太原流行较广,为武林名师王新午先生传授,动作简洁明快实用,好学攻防技击性强,包括了踢、打、摔、拿、捆、掷等手法。其姿势舒展大方,动作朴实无华、灵活多变,每动都有攻防意义。此拳式路简单,动作顺适,持久练,可以助人体之自然发育,加之左右互练,更无偏颇之弊,深合各级年龄的人锻炼,得以体魄之健壮。且富有兴味,人不厌倦,长久练习,则体力可转弱为强、神经敏捷、智慧日增。 《中国功夫赏学·八翻手》产品内容由教学视频,介绍“八翻手”源流、优点特长、锻炼要领、拳法动作的文字讲解两部分组成,从内到外揭示“八翻手”练法注重内外兼修、身活步稳、手急眼快、神聚劲顺、快慢结合、刚柔相济的要旨。 《中国功夫赏学·武当功夫》精选了47篇原汁原味的武当道教功夫演练视频。并配有武当功夫相关文化介绍(武当功夫简介、祖师张三丰、历史渊源、武当武术之魅力、追溯道家的文化之源、道教“四大养生法”、道教的五种养生之道等),便于读者更好的了解武当功夫。 武当武术历史悠久,博大精深。元末明初武当道士张三丰集其大成,被尊为武当武术的开山祖师。张三丰将《易经》和《道德经》的精髓与武术巧妙融为一体,创造了具有重要养生健身价值,以太极拳、形意拳、八卦掌为主体的武当武术。后经历代武术家不断创新、充实、积累,形成中华武术一大流派,素有“北宗少林,南尊武当”之称。 《中国功夫赏学·少林功夫》精选了53篇原汁原味的少林功夫演练视频。并配有少林功夫相关文化介绍(少林寺简介、少林历史、禅法传说、武术源流、少林功夫分类、佛教传入中国的诸传说、中国佛教、少林禅乐等),便于读者更好的了解少林功夫。 少林功夫术的要旨是禅武合一。少林寺是佛教禅宗的祖庭,禅宗以明心见性、顿悟成佛为要旨。在佛门眼中,参禅是正道,拳勇一类乃是末技,僧众们不过是借练功习武达到收心敛性、屏虑入定的目的。同时也可收到健身自卫、护寺护法的效果。少林功夫具有完整的技术和理论体系,它以武术技艺和套路为表现形式,而以佛教信仰和禅宗智慧为文化内涵。【更新日志】修复了ios7不能运行的Bug




All the news, videos and scores about the NHL from all the top online sources in a single app.We cover all main NHL sources, and Youtube channels and bring you a clean & effective summary to follow the news you want !Features include:* A news summary covering stories from all NHL sources ! Clean feed with no duplications. For each story - see all sources that covered it with a simple long tap !* Scoreboard featuring all games and latest NHL scores !* Push notifications for NHL breaking news stories !* Videos curated from Youtube channels.* Customized news feed - if you want to follow specific team (e.g. Chicago Blackhawks) or specific topics, like 'Finals' - no problem. Just select the topics you want to follow and hit 'My News'* Social summary around the stories - see what your friends from Facebook and the people you follow on Twitter had to say on the stories you read !* Comment on any news story from within the app! Say what you have to say and discuss it with other NHL fans!What else you require, really ?If you liked it - please share it with your friends and rate us high !Use of the Riversip Application is governed by the Riversip Terms of Use (http://www.riversip.com/terms).【更新日志】Major improvements to the user interface based on your feedback, including:1. Cleaner interface 2. Tags! Express your opinion on each article!3. More accessible and intuitive topic management - you can now follow topics right from the article! 4. Tabs for easier navigation5. New iPad layout - including the option to block sources!6. Block a commenting user - don't like a certain user? Tap the 'report' button in their comment and decide whether to report the comment or block the user.You think this update is great? If so, please don't forget to rate us highly on the store (even if you already rated us for previous versions). It will make us really happy :-)Yours, The Newsfusion team




If you are a Nitrox certified diver*, you will love this app: It contains all you need to know about Oxygen partial pressure, oxygen toxicity percents, Equivalent Air Depth, and even the best gas mix for a given dive depth, in one super efficient display! Using metric or imperial (meters or feet), you can enter your expected or just executed dive depth, the percent O2 in your mix, your O2 partial pressure maximum, and your bottom time to find: -Your maximum safe depth, and contingency depths,-Your Equivalent Air Depth,-Your O2 partial pressure at max depth,-Your O2 toxicity percentage from a logged dive, and-Your best EANx mix (oxygen percentage) for a given depth and O2pp max!If you are diving Nitrox on tables, this app will save you time, allow you to use the "standard" air tables, and give you far more accuracy than using conversion tables.If you are using a Nitrox compatible DIVE COMPUTER, this app will make a great companion. In conjunction with your computer, you can:-Determine the best air mix for a projected depth and max O2pp (up to 2.0),-Allow you to determine your exact max depth for a fractional O2 mix (for example if you have a 32.4% mix, you would normally have to set your dive computer to 33%, which reduces your max depth),-Determine O2pp maximums up to 2.0 (many dive computers are set to 1.4 max).Everything in this app has been carefully tested against hand done calculations, and against DSAT tables to ensure the most accuracy in the results. In addition, the interface is highly streamlined so that you can see all the information you need at a single glance, and get on with the fun of diving!*SCUBA diving is a sport with many inherent risks. Diving with enhanced O2 air tanks increases some of those risks. This app is ONLY FOR THOSE TRAINED AND CERTIFIED TO USE EANx NITROX. No one without proper certification should use this app: without proper training in the use of Nitrox gas mixes, YOU COULD DIE!! In addition, while every effort here has been made to be accurate in calculations and results, treat what you see as guidelines: differing circumstances, and differing physical conditioning can lead to radically different reactions to diving. Please dive responsibly, and if possible always use at least two methods (this app, plus dive tables or a dive computer) to counter check your results.**The makers of this product assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of this product.**
