
大小:7M语言:中文 类别:体育软件系统:ios




*** 需要 动动计步器 才能使用此应用程序 *** 计步器 + 应用程序 + 云服务 = 乐康运动系统 动动运动是一个全方位关注健康生活方式的系统。动动计步器在后台跟踪您的运动情况,而应用程序则显示您的数据,您可以添加在好友间分享,从运动信息中全面深入地了解自己,使自己的生活更上一层楼。 * 跟踪您的运动和身体活动情况 * 记录您的身体运动需要,及时提醒运动 * 让您深入了解自己,从而帮助您设定并实现目标 * 与朋友们一起使用这款应用程序,互相监督勉励,看谁的运动成绩更好 * 在微信、腾讯微博、新浪微博上分享您取得进步 支持的语言:中文 让您全面了解自己 动动运动APP简单、美观地呈示您的信息,让您一眼就能了解数据背后的含义。乐康计步器还会通过振动提醒来帮助您实现目标。 采取行动 乐康运动APP可帮助您设定每天的目标并跟踪您所取得的进步,此外,还可以用来设置有用的闹钟和提醒。您可以设置多个“智能闹钟”,使其在您睡眠周期中的最佳时刻安静地唤醒您,让您醒后感觉精力充沛。 了解您的活动情况 完整记录您每天的活动情况,包括步伐、距离、消耗的热量、活动的时间以及不活动的时间。了解出去跑步和遛狗等活动对实现目标的贡献。 动动运动系统 * APP应用程序要求使用乐康计步器 * 可全天候佩戴 * 采用高级运动感应技术 * 电池的充电时间间隔最长为半个月





All the news, videos and scores about the NHL from all the top online sources in a single app.We cover all main NHL sources, and Youtube channels and bring you a clean & effective summary to follow the news you want !Features include:* A news summary covering stories from all NHL sources ! Clean feed with no duplications. For each story - see all sources that covered it with a simple long tap !* Scoreboard featuring all games and latest NHL scores !* Push notifications for NHL breaking news stories !* Videos curated from Youtube channels.* Customized news feed - if you want to follow specific team (e.g. Chicago Blackhawks) or specific topics, like 'Finals' - no problem. Just select the topics you want to follow and hit 'My News'* Social summary around the stories - see what your friends from Facebook and the people you follow on Twitter had to say on the stories you read !* Comment on any news story from within the app! Say what you have to say and discuss it with other NHL fans!What else you require, really ?If you liked it - please share it with your friends and rate us high !Use of the Riversip Application is governed by the Riversip Terms of Use (http://www.riversip.com/terms).【更新日志】Major improvements to the user interface based on your feedback, including:1. Cleaner interface 2. Tags! Express your opinion on each article!3. More accessible and intuitive topic management - you can now follow topics right from the article! 4. Tabs for easier navigation5. New iPad layout - including the option to block sources!6. Block a commenting user - don't like a certain user? Tap the 'report' button in their comment and decide whether to report the comment or block the user.You think this update is great? If so, please don't forget to rate us highly on the store (even if you already rated us for previous versions). It will make us really happy :-)Yours, The Newsfusion team




【基本介绍】新英体育正式更名为爱奇艺体育!平台拥有英超、欧洲国家联赛、西班牙国王杯、澳网、ATP、WTA、中网、上海大师赛、美国大师赛、美国公开赛、英国公开赛、美巡赛、PGA等顶级优质足球、网球、高尔夫体育直播,超清的清晰度,原汁原味英文原音解说给你最好的观赛体验。【APP产品特色】无与伦比的直播观赛体验:多路信号,流畅保证,超清无卡顿;标清升级超清,会员永享1080P画质;普英粤多路解说,不管是猴赛雷还是英伦腔调,总有一款适合你。原版节目全媒体独播:专享足球、网球、高尔夫等前方现场热身、采访等独家直播画面;足球:英超、欧洲国家联赛、国王杯、卡拉宝杯等,超1000场重磅赛任你享;网球:澳网、ATP、WTA、中网、上海大师赛;高尔夫:美国大师赛、美国公开赛、英国公开赛、美巡赛、PGA;格斗: 昆仑决、勇士的荣耀、UFC;体育会员特权:每月送2张观赛券(可兑换英超等付费比赛)、专享代金券礼包及会员独享赛前热身采访画面等特权;欧洲国家联赛、卡拉宝杯、西班牙国王杯、英冠、英甲、英乙等海量赛事免费看;广告跳过、1080P高清、多语解说、任性试看等观赛特权。神秘奖品周周送、购买周边享折扣:每周都有机会获得神秘大奖购买定制周边产品享受优惠折扣球星面对面,席位优先抢客服电话:400-890-1300客服QQ1:2943655624客服QQ2:2663808005客服时间:9:30-18:00及每轮比赛时段广告:ad@ssports.com 电话: 010-65959948转8077商务:bd@ssports.com【更新日志】1. 增加连续播放功能:您感兴趣的内容一键播放,一网打尽; 2. 优化直播赛程展示机制和样式;精彩赛事,一目了然;3. 增加个人化消息推送,为您推送专属信息;4. 优化了界面、提升了性能、修正了错误;5. 更多精彩等你发现;
