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汇率换算 Lite2.1.6

大小:13.2M语言:中文 类别:金融理财系统:ios

汇率换算 Lite应用截图和下载



提供超过 130 种不同货币的实时汇率和汇兑计算功能。同时提供超过多种度量衡单位转换,让你在世界各国轻松旅游购物。而且包括最新黄金,铂金,钯金的价格。非常适合出国,出差,旅游或海外购物时使用。最新版本增加了比特币的支持。

版本 2.1.6 中的新功能






和讯股票APP——全新手机证券综合交易平台。提供全方位24小时全球股票行情、原创证券资讯、股票行情动态播报、资金流向、港股、美股、股票要闻、主力动向、上市公司、创业板、股票推荐。特色功能:【全球股市行情】沪深两市A股、港股、美股、新三板、基金、大宗商品、外币汇率、全球股指期货实时行情推送,24小时不间断全球财经资讯即时沪深行情报价、资金流向、公告、研报;股市热点、机会情报、板块概念、涨停股揭秘、个股机会利器。【便捷开户交易】手机一键快捷开户,万2.5全网低佣金。MACD,KDJ,RSI等多种技术指标,满足股票技术分析的需要;推送即时的股价提醒消息;免费查看大单资金流向,主力动向一目了然!更有摇摇股功能,新型免费推介方式。【及时智能预警】量化集结股市大数据,24小时云端智能盯盘股市,个股异动实时提醒,个人持仓预警,重大消息公告随时想看就看。【专业在线投顾】3000+专业投顾,靠谱牛人助您稳健交易;操盘手收益综合排行榜,帮您寻找炒股牛人。个股微博功能,方便用户与专家零距离交流;微信信息同步,让您在股票圈中与微信好友畅聊股票、分享投资心得。 【轻松自选牛股】手机、PC、网站多平台一键同步;牛股组合个性化、一站式管理;行情资讯,解盘数据一步到位。用户声音:1.“和讯股票实时推送预警,让我迅速掌握股市动态行情,大盘走势早知道” ——by 涨停股2.“和讯股票的专业牛人好多,实时在线互动抓牛股,聊收益,组合推荐股票、仓位收益全公布。炒股有它不孤单” ——by 股民路人甲3.“操作简单,适合小白股民。即使不会炒,跟着投顾老师短线、中长线也能轻松玩转”——by李小毛4.“低佣金实实在在帮我省钱,赚钱更爽快。精选股海资讯,省时又省力。白领炒股赚钱APP!”——by Vivienne联系我们:官方微博:欢迎关注@和讯网 官方微信:和讯网 QQ群:241669312意见与建议:hx_mobile@staff.hexun.com感谢您下载使用我们的APP版本 4.1.5 中的新功能因相关政策规定,互联网发言需要实名认证,我们即将暂停旧版本的留言服务,为不影响您的使用,请升级至最新版本。1、模拟盘大赛全新升级为股神争霸赛。2、适配iOS 11

SpeakText for Web

SpeakText for Web


SpeakText for Web - Speak & Translate Web pages Touch web pages, copy & paste, key in, then it will speak and translate sentence by sentence. A must have app to speak & translate web pages, including newspapers and magazines. Useful Features 1. Speak aloud 100+ voices and translate 50+ languages sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph.2. Background operation support (keep reading aloud text, document and web pages in the background while using another app.3. Lock screen support (play, pause, skip a sentence, adjust playback volume and see the sentences list on the lock screen).4. Exercising and improving your language skills during a bike riding, jogging or walking.5. Funny bear and human face animations while speaking.6. Support powerful speaking repeat, pause and speed options.7. New design UI with 25 themes. Note: SpeakText for Me supports all formats, integrates SpeakText, SpeakText for Web, SpeakText for Office, SpeakText for eBook features into one app. Features ● Speak aloud 100+ voicesThe app integrates the system text-to-speech engine, speaks aloud 100+ voices sentence by sentence without internet connection● Translate 50+ languages● Optional 70+ enhanced voices (In-App Purchases)● Exercising and improving your language skills during a bike riding, jogging or walking The app could read then record (and play the recorded voice) sentence by sentence. ● Exercising one sentence Reading then recording one sentence. ● Speaking face animation The app provides funny bears and humans face animations while speaking. ● Speak & translate the copy & paste or key in text ● Speak & translate the touched words ● Speak & translate the whole page from touched words or from the beginning ● Translate the whole web page ● Support powerful speaking & translating options The app provides some powerful options, such as speaking repeat times of each sentence, speaking and translating pause seconds between sentences, speaking speed, popover text font size and paste automatically options. You could assign repeat times or pause seconds for some specified sentences. Auto repeat function for a sentence. Speaking rate quick setting while speaking. ● Mark "Starred" to record favorite words ● Support bookmarks and home page ● Support URL autocomplete and browser history ● Mail and export translated text● Copy translated text ● Highlight words while speaking & translating ● Support 10 favorite language setting selections ● New design UI with 25 themes● This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad版本 32.0 中的新功能● Optional speaking & translating pdf documents feature (in-app purchase for iOS 11)● Bug fixes




熊猫投资app是上海高巽网络科技有限公司开发的投资软件。熊猫投资app专门针对中小投资者制定相应的投资计划,让每一位来到我们平台投资的朋友都尽量获取最大化的利益,我们争取为大家提供最好的投资服务。  熊猫投资app致力于提供既专业又好用的交易、行情、资讯、策略等服务,让中小投资者轻点屏幕即可开启财富之旅。不要在等待了,有需要的朋友赶快下载体验吧! 熊猫投资app的服务专业贴心,还有资深专家每天18小时视频直播,更有专业编辑每天14小时精选资讯!还在等什么呢,赶快行动起来吧!  熊猫投资app交易所公平公正合法 资金安全有保障。国务院部际联席会议批文,政府监督管理,还有微信第三方支付+银联安全结算,绝对的安全保障,让您放心!(1)品种多,机会多  联合交易所推出澳红酒、法白酒、日清茶等“类外汇”商品,加上热门的白银、原油,给你更多赚钱机会。  (2)8元起,轻松投  注册还送10元现金红包,无压力体验投资乐趣。   (3)规则优,赚的快  资金放大50-150倍,一天翻倍机会,涨跌两头赚,T+0不被套,支持持仓过夜。  (4)消息准,下单稳  资深分析师全天指导交易、答疑解惑,勤奋小编搜罗精选最有价值资讯,助你底气十足的下单。  (5)监管严,资金安  微信支付宝第三方支付、银联安全结算,交易所指定金牌服务商。
