
大小:17M语言:中文 类别:文字游戏系统:ios




《李小白》是中华书局有限公司专为华人设计的一款中文游戏。 游戏里都是中文?对!通篇都是中文!让你轻松玩转! 家长和老师不让玩?no,no,no!这款游戏不仅能让他们心服口服地让你玩,你还能挑战他们,他们也不一定赢你哦! 游戏以中国地图为基础,掷骰子行走。内容是什么?中国最经典、最脍炙人口的诗词佳句、经典典故,不用输入文字,点点ABCD即可得分。为避免枯燥,我们还加入了蹴鞠、投壶和华容道三个小游戏。 游戏开始,大家可以给主人翁起任何名字,通关后,这个名字连同积分会被记录下来,根据连胜的数量给予相应的称号,根据总积分给予相应的勋章。如果你的总积分足够高,冲入所有玩家的前50名,你的大名就会出现在联网的排行榜上!游戏中遇到难题,大家可以向白胡子笔仙求助,求助机会有限,得省着用,不过,你可以通过自己的努力获得奖励求助的机会,怎么获得?暂时保密,需要你在游戏中仔细观察喽! 想知道自己能获得什么称号吗?想知道自己有多大的成就吗?想脱颖而出吗?那就快伸出你的手指体验吧!【更新日志】新添功能:1、 当前玩家通关后,显示前后各一名的数据。2、 游戏在进行中,随时可以返回主菜单。3、 以短信形式向好友推荐。4、 向游戏主创反馈意见和建议。修复:1、 修改游戏中个别文字错误。2、 修复积分排行功能并解决部分数据显示不全的问题。





感谢大家的热情支持,大多数朋友都给了《爱成谜》五星的评价,大大出乎我们的意料,因为我们知道我们做得远远还不够,新版本里面,我们增加了很多互动的要素,让成语猜谜不仅仅是依靠图片,而是用各种好玩的方式,光对着图片玩命猜成语这种事情,只要有网页就行了,我们这是手机游戏不是吗?==================================说实话,小学时候寒暑假作业里,看图猜谜是我最喜欢的部分,哪怕其它部分在开学前一天赶工完成也好,成语猜谜是我无论如何也不能错过的。不知道你怎么想?这么多年还没过瘾?那赶快来试试这款为你度身定制的成语猜谜游戏吧,作者我收集了互联网上流行的一些谜题,然后自己发明创造了一些,然后借鉴了海外流行的猜谜游戏的流程,希望你能够在轻松的游戏过程中又能有所得。游戏特点: 1.上百道有挑战的成语谜题,挑战你的智力和联想能力。 2. 社交网络即时分享,唿唤亲朋好友一起参与。 3. 独特的选字输入模式,不至于严重剧透又避免两岸三地输 入方式不同带来的困惑。 4. 实用道具给你少许提示,但是又不至于一下揭开谜底这么扫兴。 5. 成就系统和后续谜题不断更新,精彩的永远是下一题,让你彻底爱上成谜。【更新日志】1.增加10多道新题,更大的更新正在准备2.在主画面右下的setting里增加了重置按钮,可以让用户重新开始玩




【基本介绍】有美丽图形的经典找单词游戏游戏中心高分纪录榜简单而有趣的游戏无计时器让您可以放松和享受游戏用来练习提高你的英语能力---Word Jewels? is FUN and 100% FREE!????? "Awesome in so many ways! First of all, there is no time limit on this game, so it's more relaxing than other word games. You know how you get stressed out and watch the time on other games... none of that here. You can also close the app mid-game and go back to the same game, which helps as you get better and better. My favorite word game right now, definitely." --kenjer ????? "This is a great game. I didn't think I would ever leave Words with Friends! I like the challenge of this game!" --DaveyGN ????? "Great word game! Hours of entertainment, can't believe it's free" --Hibeam ????? "I love word games and this is one of the best I've played" --Kenjo megi YOU'LL LOVE WORD JEWELS! Check out the reviews! ????? "Can't believe this is a free app. Hours and hours of fun!" --Duanne1 ????? "Love this game...you can play solo, unlike with WWF and having to wait for your opponent to take their turn!" --Former WWF follower ????? "Word Jewels Rocks!!!!" --Renee Caldarelli ????? "The best game ever! I'm addicted." --Donnajzb ? Trace words to capture them in any direction, even crossing over your path! ? No timers, so take your time and find the best words! ? Beautiful graphics and animation! ? Relaxing sound effects ? Can listen to your own music while playing GO FOR A HIGH SCORE! ? Score summary shows you how well you did ? Compare your scores with the world using Game CenterWORD LOVE! ? Huge English dictionary included to verify words even while not connected to the internet! (Word Jewels uses the YAWL word list, which has 264,097 words! Valid words must be 3 letters long and NOT be proper nouns, as is typical for most every word game.) ? Automagic letter balancing, to help from getting trapped with a big ol' pile of consonants with no vowels, or with too many duplicates of the same letter in a group! ? Improved auto-save code - go ahead and quit the game, take a phone call, send a text - when you come back, your game will back waiting for you! Works on both old and new iThings! ? 32 Game Center Achievements to earn! Thanks for playing! Come see us at http://boyhowdytechnology.com WORD JEWELS is a registered trademark of Boy Howdy Technology LLC【更新日志】? Added iPhone X supportThanks for playing! Search for "Boy Howdy Technology" to see all our free games!
