
大小:33M语言:中文 类别:文字游戏系统:ios




国旗达人国旗达人游戏为玩家提供了一个方法,用以测试他们对不同的国旗的熟悉程度.世界上有很多个国家!但究竟有多少国家的名字和国旗是你认识的呢?挑战一下吧!近200个国旗本游戏收集了近200个国旗,供您辨认。TUTORIAL我们强烈建议你去先使用向导功能。我们准备了详细的指南,告诉你如何使用这个游戏中的所有道具和功能. 游戏方法使用键盘输入字符,然后用"Check"检查你的答案。您只需要输入字母和空格(标点符号不用输入),字母不需要区分大小写。每个国旗可能有一个以上的正确答案。 例如“USA”或“United States”等。根据你的答案的长度,得分会做出相应调整。星星和分数在得到正确答案之后, 将会得到星星和分数.所用的时间,提示,错误的答案次数和炸弹使用个数将影响星星和分数的数量。一个国旗的得分,从1000到10000不等。一个国旗的可以得到的星星数是1至5。提示和炸弹一个国旗最多可以使用3个提示。每个提示都将给出这个国家的一些有用的信息。炸弹可以用来消除不需要使用的按键。你可以持续使用炸弹,你可以显示正确答案的字母序列。键盘上的按键会依次闪烁来显示你需要的答案。试着记住它!每一次你点击炸弹,键盘闪烁的间隔时间会更长,更容易记住答案。你可以把提示换成炸弹。或在游戏里购买更多的提示。向朋友寻求帮助你可以通过Twitter的,Facebook,新浪微博,或其他SNS服务来向朋友寻求帮助。他们会帮你找出正确的答案!关卡游戏中有不同的关卡,其中包含不同的国旗。在每一关完成12个图标之后,将解锁一个新的关卡。成就和记分牌我们为您准备了多达100个成就。争取得到所有的成就!并找到隐藏的成就!我们提供了星星和分数的两个记分牌!获取更多的比分!并向你的朋友炫耀吧!!【更新日志】支持最新的 iOS 系统和设备





【基本介绍】The ultimate word extraction game. Weld words in the word machine! Create clever combos and multiply your score using gem and gold tiles. Increase your vocabulary using the in-built dictionary – discover definitions of words you never even knew existed! Earn powerful special abilities like Group, Reverse, and Jump Swaps, and complete particularly tricky terms with blank wooden pieces. Potentially unlimited gameplay!***Unparalleled content and value. Thanks for your support! W.E.L.D.E.R. has been the #1 iPad seller and Apple's iPhone Game of the Week, and Game of the Day! It's the perfect new word game for any new iPhone or iPad!***UNRIVALED FEATURES? Play against your friends! Compete against your Game Center friends or random opponents in two-player matches. ? Adds addictive word game play to classic pattern matching.? Use special reverse, group, and jump swaps to form words and clear broken tiles.? Use multiplier tiles to score more points and gain more swaps!? Brand new modes including Sandbox (infinite swaps) and Broken Challenge (tough broken tile levels).? Undo your last move and have another go!? Use "Apocalypse Swap" to wipe the board once per level and get a new set of tiles.? Combine multipliers in a single word for thousands of points and tons of swaps!? Game Center features include 47 achievements, competitive score comparison and a Palindrome Ranking.? Use iCloud saving to transfer a game in progress from your iPad to your iPhone!? Look up words you form via the built-in iOS dictionary.We are listening to all of your amazing suggestions, and working hard on more updates coming soon! Thank you to all of our happily obsessed fans!【更新日志】Fix a bug where the game would crash at the end of bonus modes.Happy welding!
